The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 646 An unexpected accident, inspiration from the Black Sky Book and slave robbery

call out!

call out!

call out!

call out!

Four rays of true energy suddenly entered the bodies of the four terrified Xieji Sect members. They suddenly felt the true energy in their bodies bursting out, with expressions of horror on their faces.

Xu Lang, what is this?

Shi Qingxuan looked at the four people who fell to the ground, their faces were ferocious and twisted, their skin colors were constantly changing, and the colors of green and red were changing, and she was also a little frightened.

Although these four people have done many evil things, they can just be killed. There is no need to torture them!

If you have any evil thoughts in the next few days, you will be punished by my life and death talisman. Go and find all Xiang Yutian's relics, Xieji Sect's Heavenly Demon Strategy and Demonic Thoughts, and I will give you a chance to survive... …”

Xu Xin's voice echoed inside and outside the Evil Emperor Temple, but his and Shi Qingxuan's figures had disappeared between heaven and earth, leaving only You Niaojuan and the four of them still in place undergoing intense changes.

The four of them were determined to practice Tao Heart Demon Seed, and Xu Xin helped. He used his own true energy to leave a restriction using a method similar to the Life and Death Talisman, and absorbed their true energy to form a devil seed. Something inspired by the Black Sky Book.

If this level is achieved, their skills will be greatly improved. It's just that he will turn into Xu Xin's slave-robbing existence in the future, and he will have no resistance to him.

In addition, this special devil seed will absorb the emotions and distracting thoughts of these people to grow, helping them to not be distracted. Those negative emotions such as evil thoughts will all disappear, and these people will naturally not take the initiative to do evil. , this can also be regarded as the merit of duohua.

Calculating it this way, Xu Xin has done a good thing. Ignoring the extreme pain in the transformation process is of course a great thing.

Xu Xin himself didn't want to think about this painful process for me. He was also worried that Shi Qingxuan would feel uncomfortable after seeing it, so he didn't let her continue to watch and swept him away.

As for whether the four members of the Xieji Sect can complete the transformation alive, it depends on their luck. If they fail, it means they have no chance. If they don't have a chance, they will just die. Everything will return to dust, and dust will return to dust. There is nothing wrong with that.

Xu Xin took Shi Qingxuan away from the Evil Emperor Temple and lived a two-person world traveling around the mountains and rivers. It was like he and Qingxuan were on their honeymoon.

Xu also gained a lot from sleeping in the same bed every day along the way, helping Qingxuan and everyone sort out their true energy. I won't discuss various postures. The key is Qingxuan and everyone's Xiao Yi, which is called exquisite.

When they returned to Luoyang, there was an old sword-carrying servant driving the carriage, which was regarded as another rob slave of Xu Xin.

Regardless of other things, this old slave's appearance is quite good. Although his head is almost bald, he still has two bunches of long hair hanging down from the temples to his broad shoulders, giving him a unique appearance.

The man is sixty or seventy years old, but his skin is as white and tender as a baby. He has a pair of goat-like eyes, a long and sparse beard, and a curved nose. He is wearing a brown-gray Taoist robe and carries a Taoist weapon on his shoulder. The sword is a branch of the true Taoism, and the Taoist ancestor's true Ziwu Sword Zuo Youxian.

Zhen Chuan Tao is a very special sect among the two sects of the Demon Sect and the Six Paths. It belongs to the original Tao sect and can be traced back to the Taoists in the pre-Qin period and the ancient Qi practitioners even earlier.

Taoism has been branching out since ancient times. For example, today's Xuanmen still has various branches such as Louguan Tao and Tianshi Tao.

The original Taoist sect is considered to be an older branch. It was later suppressed as the true Taoist sect. The founder of the sect is said to be Zhenren Changmei. The true Taoist sect later split into the Taoist True Chuan and Laojun Guan.

Laojun Guan Xu Xin visited last time, and Xu Xin benefited a lot from their classics. This time when he came back, he accidentally bumped into Zuo Youxian who accidentally offended them. Even if this guy was unlucky.

As for whether it was an accident or an accident, or whether it was an accidental accident or an accidental accident, perhaps only the person involved knows.

Anyway, Xu Xin was quite satisfied with the result. He gathered together the magic strategies and secret books that the true preacher had, which was somewhat beneficial to him.

He finally understood why the Empress of Sun and Moon wanted to collect the complete Heavenly Demon Strategy, because this thing was indeed useful for Shattered Void. The ten volumes of Heavenly Demon Strategy were the integration of some of the best ideas of hundreds of schools of thought in the pre-Qin Dynasty, and contained countless magical techniques.

Some of these methods may conflict, but every piece of magic strategy contains the wisdom of the past. For a strong man at his level, reading more and thinking more is regarded as completing the accumulation of knowledge, which is conducive to his own transformation.

After Xu Xin returned to Luoyang, he reintegrated and studied the mental methods of the demon sect branches such as Xieji Sect, Zhenzhuandao, and Yingui Sect, and gained some results.

And in the process of his three-point-one-line life of studying, picking up girls, and sleeping every day, the general trend of the world is also changing rapidly.

First, the Yangzhou faction's forces were integrated, and the cities of Yangzhou, Pengcheng, Jiujiang, Xiangyang, Jingling, Xingyang, and Luoyang were connected together.

Most of the forces in the south were eliminated by the shuffle. Xiao Xian, the Baling Gang, Shen Faxing, Li Zitong and other forces were successively eliminated. Xiangyang Qian Duguan decisively surrendered. Although Lin Shihong was still resisting, he was defeated by the Yangzhou and Lingnan Song clans. Attacked from both sides, destruction is only a matter of time.

The Lingnan Song clan announced its support for Yangzhou, and Kou Zhong had already gone to Lingnan to discuss with Song Que, the Tiandao, about his marriage to Song Yuzhi.

Lin Shihong's side has not yet been wiped out, which is the intention of the Song clan in Lingnan. Song Que is planning to use Lin Shihong to train a group of elite soldiers to go north. When these elite soldiers are trained, the key battle to unify the north from the south will break out.

Of course, it is also possible that Xu Xin and others have already solved the problem in the north without waiting for Song Que to personally raise his troops to the north.

The problem in the north is a little more complicated. It is not only the struggle between the internal forces of the Central Plains, but also the influence of grassland forces, Buddhism, Taoism and other forces.

The two main forces in the north, namely the Li Clan who occupies most of Guanzhong and Dou Jiande who occupies Hebei Province, have attracted a group of people to support them. The Li Clan also has investments from many forces such as Buddhism and Taoism.

Li Yuan seems to be a fool, but in fact he is very capable. The Li clan was able to conquer the world in history. The first hero was never Li Shimin, but Li Yuan, the founding emperor.

In addition to Li Clan and Dou Jiande, there are also some separatist forces such as Liu Wuzhou and Liang Shidu, each occupying some territory.

More importantly, many of these separatist forces in the north are related to the Turks and other grassland forces. The fact that Yang Guang was trapped in Yanmen Pass in the past was the result of the joint efforts of these forces, but it is not clear who is taking the lead.

The Turkic tribes are gathering together and seem to be intending to go south. Undercurrents are surging in Li Clan and Guanzhong... Yang Gong's treasure trove must be found ways to open it...

In Luoyang Imperial City, Xu Xin looked at the many pieces of information in his hands and already made a decision in his heart.

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