The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 642 Tonight, Shuni will definitely make Master Xu happy

Master Xu, you are so awesome.

In the back house of Rong Mansion, among Rong Jiaojiao's fragrant boudoir, Rong Jiaojiao was placed beside the bed with her clothes intact, but Xu Xin, Master Xu, was praised by Dong Shuni, who was listed as a Luoyang double beauty with Rong Jiaojiao.

A red plum blooms on the bed, which means that another girl has become a woman. Dong Shuni is indeed a very interesting woman.

Luoyang is famous for its double beauty.

In fact, if it weren't for Xu Xin's higher requirements for women, experienced women like Yun Yuzhen, Rong Jiaojiao, and Wen Caiting might be better than these virgin or chaste young women in terms of love affairs between men and women. interesting.

But, Mr. Xu’s sleeping with women has never been just for sleeping. At his level, it’s more for cultivation. Of course, choosing a beautiful woman is also very important.

Xu Xin gently held up the baby's head. Dong Shuni on the bed was very obedient to Xu Xin. In such a scene, it is natural that Xu has completely cleared Dong Shuni's spiritual channel and subdued her body and mind.

Dong Shuni is just a stunning woman with some talents. Among the beauties Xu Xin has slept with, she can be considered top-notch in terms of appearance, but her spiritual attainments are average. Even Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan was conquered after she had sex with Master Xu. How could a mere Dong Shuni escape?

After experiencing the real love between boys and girls before, she suddenly realized that her previous good impression of Yang Xuyan was just a good impression. After all, a woman must rely on the man who really slept with her, so that period of time naturally disappeared in her heart. .

I'm awesome, you don't need to tell me.

Xu Xin was quite satisfied with the service tonight. Wang Shichong and the others sent Luoyang Shuangyan everything, which was considered very sincere.

It's just that he has always been a very particular person. Rong Jiaojiao, who had a mixed aura, just used her zhenqi to control her and then slept with Dong Shuni.

Although Dong Shuni is naturally charming, she is the first to inherit the rain and dew. For Mr. Xu, she was killed in just a few rounds. Now that she has not had enough fun, she can only wait for the beauty to recover her health first.

Dong Shuni leaned on Xu Xin's arms, spit out her tongue, and said, Master Xu, haven't you had enough fun yet? In addition to the slave family and Jiaojiao, there are also the Dugu clan's little Phoenix and the fifth lady of the Sha family. Will the slave family remember you? I said the four beauties of Luoyang...

When Dong Shuni was talking, her delicate body leaked out of the brocade quilt. She was only wearing a small pink bellyband. The white snow jade petite and exquisite body were all covered with traces of being enjoyed by Master Xu before.

As she spoke, she walked around in front of Xu Xin with a bit of boastfulness.

Her broad mind stretched her little belly to the point of bursting, while her delicate and petite shoulders gave people a lovable feeling. A large area of ​​her snow-white back was exposed, except for a small red string. Tie it sideways.

The contrast between bright red, pink and snow-white is even more eye-catching and swaying the soul.

There was originally a small red string on her snow-white gooseneck, but just now, Mr. Xu, who was kind-hearted, took off the bellyband and put it over her head to play with as a red scarf. Her bellyband had just been tied on, half-covered. Half exposed, even more touching.

The entire bellyband is only supported by the chest and tied with the little red string on the back. When she moved, the little bellyband almost fell off, which made Xu Xin couldn't help but feel his throat go dry.

Dong Shuni turned around her delicate waist, which was barely a grasp, and exposed her two unobstructed full moons in front of Xu Xin. Master Xu once again aroused the fire in her heart.

He wanted to look away, but the two full moons were so perfect, so graceful, so attractive.

The perfect full moon and the towering snow-white chest complement each other, and they echo the perfect curves of the human world. It makes people unable to control themselves and have wild imagination.

Mr. Xu was just pity for her body and wanted to stop fighting temporarily. Seeing this situation, he was naturally a little ready to take action.

This little girl's Yuan Yin was still pure, so he felt that he could continue to practice and guide her in the harmony of Yin and Yang to avoid wasting the pure Yuan Yin and Yuan Yang.

Master Xu, do you really don't need to call Little Phoenix and Little Jing'er?

Dong Shuni also deliberately mentioned Dugu Feng and Sha Zhijing. When Xu Xin first met her, she had shown the Dugu Clan's token. At that time, she realized that there might be some abnormal relationship between Xu Xin and Dugu Feng. Later, I also secretly investigated this matter.

Now she mentioned it again and was still testing it.

When Wang Shichong asked her to come and have something to do with Xu Xin tonight, she had already made mental preparations and homework. There were many women who had investigated Xu Xin. In order to be competitive in the future, she must find some allies. Originally the best choice was Rong Jiaojiao.

But seeing that Xu Xin seemed to have no interest in touching Rong Jiaojiao, he naturally had no choice but to change his mind. Although the two girls Dugufeng and Sha Zhijing were just plastic sisters to her, now they could be considered an opportunity.

You don't have to worry about them, I want one of you tonight.

Dugu Feng and Sha Zhijing and Xu Xin have other plans, and Dong Shuni is a virgin after all. This kind of high-quality furnace cauldron is just right for one night, and it can also cultivate some feelings.

People are so happy.

Dong Shuni suddenly beamed. Of course a woman wants a man to sleep with her for the first time. If there was no choice, how many women would be willing to share their men with other women?

Dong Shuni took the initiative to stick to Xu Xin, wrapped her jade arms around his head and neck, and pressed her warm jade body tightly against him. She raised her slender and plump calves slightly, and her little tan mouth came up, blowing like orchids, and said: Tonight, Shu Ni will definitely make Master Xu happy.

Dong Shuni is indeed very talented in the relationship between men and women. From being clumsy at the beginning to gradually becoming familiar with it, from being guided to taking the initiative, it later even surprised Mr. Xu, who is a teacher.

He was naturally relatively happy that night, but his act of only asking for Dong Shuni made several local big shots in Luoyang except Wang Shichong worried, thinking that a disaster was about to happen.

However, in the next few days, Xu dealt with these matters one by one and did not miss any one.

Of course, Rong Jiaojiao had been subdued and became his subordinate, but she still needed to prove her loyalty, so she was sent to Chang'an to prepare to stay and deal with the Ming Zunjiao.

After several local forces in Luoyang were smoothly taken over, the situation in Guandong was basically settled.

Luoyang and Yangzhou are connected together, plus the Wagang Army and some cities that have been recovered in recent times, the situation in the world is gradually becoming clearer.

After a period of time passed like this, Xu Xin left everything in Luoyang and prepared to go to an appointment, which was related to the Dao Heart Demon Cultivation Technique.

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