The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 639 Did I come at the wrong time? No, you came just in time.

The early morning sun shines brightly on the earth. In the palace of Luoyang Imperial City, Xu Xin, who has woken up, is helping the little princess Dongming hide her jade arm back on the quilt.

When the little princess and Sister Wu first came to Luoyang, Master Xu, who had been a holy monk for a long time, was thinking about sleeping together. Unfortunately, he was a little busy due to a series of things, until everything settled last night. He got what he wanted.


Perhaps Xu Xin's movements were a little too big and disturbed the little princess's rest. The beauty who had just woken up in a hazy state naturally made the most instinctive response when she saw Ai Lang in front of her.

Xu Lang!

Shan Wanjing's cheeks with blurred starry eyes were slightly filled with intoxicating spring color. She moved her small hands gently, held Xu Xin's cheek, and slowly came closer, exhaling like a blue breath. The beauty's charming attitude is fully displayed, and she takes the initiative to ask for it from the lover in her heart, letting him be frivolous at will.

The early morning time was already full of yang energy, so Xu Xin responded immediately. His lips and teeth were quite busy, while the bad hands on the other side were already moving around the little princess.

The little princess has been missing him for a long time. She slept happily last night but still couldn't comfort her thoughts. This morning after she got some rest, she felt passionate and lingering again.

When Xu Xin pressed his lips to hers, her little red carp could not wait to get into his white jade house and play mischievously, bringing her the fairy spring of spiritual liquid that contained deep affection.

She dedicated her beauty to him, letting him be enchanted by her towering snow and blooming flowers, and never wanted to leave.

When he set foot on her ten-mile peach blossom source, she showed the greatest enthusiasm of a hostess and made him fascinated by her peach garden. She took the initiative to take him to play in Lingxi and play together in the fairyland. Taolin Fairy Valley...

She offered her most abundant and sweet peaches, asking him to taste them carefully, letting him feel her motherhood and tenderness, bringing him a special kind of happiness, and using love instead of family affection to comfort him.

In order to repay the little princess's enthusiasm, Xu Xin naturally responded to her boldness with the utmost sincerity. And the two of them's unscrupulous behavior also made the other delicate body hidden in the quilt tremble, and it became more and more afraid to show its face.

The little princess, who had been fighting countless times, finally fell asleep from exhaustion. She grunted, like a fish spitting out a bubble. She no longer cared about the unsatisfied Xu Ziling's bad hands, and just took back her light and fluttered into the sky without coming back. With his mind, he hugged the quilt and fell asleep.

She fell into a dream in a blink of an eye, a sweet and fragrant dream, with a satisfied and soothing smile on her little face, and even her big eyes were bent into a sliver of moon buds.

Xu Xin patted her little butt lightly, but she just used her soft and boneless waist to twist it slightly and ignored it.

He took the initiative to lean over and lingered gently on the proud snow hill, but the little princess was still sleeping soundly.

In the end, maybe because she felt that Aoxue Hongmei was being bullied hard by someone in her sleep, which disturbed her sweet dream, she lazily and a little bit irritatedly hit that person on the head with her little hand, and then she felt happy again. Go to sleep.

Seeing this situation, Master Xu, who was never satisfied, turned around and opened up the second battlefield.

Sister Wu!

The other end of the dragon bed was also lightly covered with brocade quilts. The Rakshasa female eldest sister had her head covered, and she refused to respond even to his active calls, but her trembling body had already revealed the true situation.

Xu Xin gently put his head under the quilt to search for secrets. From the darkness, he quickly found her face and lips. He pressed his lips gently on them, and then turned to the second warmth in a swish. And the trembling quilt.

The eldest sister is still pretending to be asleep, but the bad boy is rude.

After another spring breeze and drizzle.

Xu Lang, I'm tired.

Fu Junzhuo lazily hugged Xu Xin, stretched out his head, and whispered in his ear: There is another one, Luo Yan has been helping you handle the general affairs, don't you feel sorry for her!

I'll hold Sister Wu in my arms first and you can sleep for a while!

While Xu Xin kissed Fu Junzhuo's warm and round little ears, he exhaled a stream of hot air, which almost melted the beauty in his arms again.

However, the eldest sister is indeed the first woman in Master Xu's life. She has the demeanor of being an eldest sister. The passionate love between lips and teeth almost made her confused and infatuated again, but on the way, she remembered the Luoyan girl who stayed alone in the konggui to help with the general affairs. The little hand patted his back anxiously, and wanted to take back the little red carp that he was trying to capture.


Fu Junzhuo used her small hands to hold up Xu Xin's face, and when she poked her little head out of the bed, she saw a slender beauty walking closer to her. It was the good girl she had longed for.

It seems like I came at the wrong time?

Shen Luoyan looked at the two people busy on the bed, talking and smiling happily, without showing any sign of anger.

No, you came just in time.

Xu Xin turned around and smiled, lifted the quilt, and a warm jade body silently fell into his arms. The fiery lips were searching for his lover's lips with burning sparks. The urgent and hot flame of love instantly ignited the two of them. The openness between individuals...

Soon the battlefield expanded again. The beautiful military advisor who was originally here to report important matters had already forgotten his mission and could only be immersed in it.

It was not until a long time later that Master Xu learned about Meiren'er's military advisor's business. Rong Fengxiang, the richest man in Luoyang, sent an invitation asking Master Xu to attend his birthday party.

Rong Fengxiang is the president of the Luoyang Chamber of Commerce. To be able to achieve this position in the capital of the country, he is certainly not an ordinary person. He is very connected with both black and white. He is also the Laojun of the true evangelist branch of one of the six paths of the Demon Sect. The observer of the observation.

But this is not the reason why he is qualified to invite Xu Xin to the birthday banquet.

This birthday banquet in Rong Mansion was nominally led by Rong Fengxiang, but it was actually a goodwill signal sent by the local forces in Luoyang to Xu Xin and the others.

Xu Xin's Yangzhou rebel army took advantage of the situation and captured Luoyang that day without any bloodshed and did not cause too many sacrifices, but at the same time it also left many local forces undealt with.

Wang Shichong, Dugu Clan, Rong Fengxiang and some other local forces left behind in Luoyang were intertwined. Before the arrival of Xu Xin and others, each had conflicts of interest. Dugu Clan and Wang Shichong almost came to blows.

However, the situation is different now. Yanshi, the gateway to Luoyang, has not been captured yet, and Xu Xin's rebel army has occupied Luoyang first.

Although the situation for these people is over, they still have some capital on hand. Under the trend of interests, these people have begun to gather together for warmth and cooperate sincerely.

So this time it was not Rong Fengxiang who invited Xu Xin and the others, but Wang Shichong, Dugu Pa, Rong Fengxiang and other local forces in Luoyang. They wanted to take this opportunity to have a good chat about the future construction and development of Luoyang. .

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