The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 636: Yang pole produces yin, tai yin is true water


In the city of Luoyang, slogans calling for the Sui Dynasty to die were heard one after another, and by the Tianjin Bridge, Xu Xin's figure fell from the sky and landed at the head of the Tianjin Bridge with bursts of energy.

The next moment, the aura on his body changed rapidly, and as the rich yellow light gradually dissipated, his entire state became weaker at a speed visible to the naked eye, which also made some people think.

Whoosh whoosh...

Several roars and winds covered Xu Xin. Someone was secretly attacking, but they used hidden weapons and arrows very cleverly, and quickly moved their positions after releasing the attack. In this chaotic time, it was difficult to catch a few sneak attackers. .

Xiao Ling...

Kou Zhong was naturally concerned about Xu Xin's safety and rushed over with a shout. The ones who were faster than him were Shi Fei and Huan Huan, whose Qinggong skills were better.

Ba Fenghan turned around to block the hidden weapons and arrows that came later, followed the traces and chased after them, hoping to get rid of those guys who were moving their positions and hurting people with hidden arrows.

Mother of Thunder and Lightning, listen to my orders!

At this time, Xu Xin's angry voice suddenly sounded from Tianjin Bridge, and then several thunderbolts fell from the sky.

Rumble, rumble...

The few guys who stabbed people in the back completely bid farewell to this world without screaming, leaving only a few charred corpses lying on the roadside. This scene made other people who were ready to move suddenly feel shocked, and they immediately did not dare to do anything anymore. There are other little thoughts and actions.

The yellow light on Xu Xin's body quietly dissipated, and the scenery on the Tianjin Bridge became clear.

Xu Xin was seen standing alone at the head of the bridge. The imperial seal was wrapped in a strange water light. Hanhan, his concubine, and Kou Zhong finally stopped outside the bridge.

The anode produces yin? Taiyin is true water?

Next to the people in Dugu clan, Wei Shanjun murmured to himself when he saw this scene, his eyes full of longing. Today he witnessed the scenery he has been pursuing in his life. Maybe he will never be able to reach that state in his life, but he can see such a shocking sight. The wonders of the world were worth his while.

This is the most yin power.

The master concubine is also looking at the ball of water wrapped in the jade seal of the country. The practitioners of Cihang Jingzhai have been pursuing the shattering of the immortal gate all their lives. Unfortunately, after their skills reached the Sword Heart Transparent, they were basically useless. It cannot be confirmed by speculation.

Ultimate Yin is the unipolar state that can be achieved through Cihang Sword Code. The power that countless generations of Cihang Jingzhai's descendants have pursued throughout their lives is right in front of them. Naturally, she longs to obtain it, but she knows better that this does not belong to her. the power of.

However, this can be her creation and her destiny.

The concubine lowered her gaze slightly and looked at Xu Xin who opened his hands to welcome the arrival of the Imperial Jade Seal and Taiyin True Water. A look of determination flashed across her eyes, and she had already made a decision in her heart.

Re-cultivation of San Gong, the creation of heaven and earth, supernatural powers entering the body, developing potential...

Xu Xin stared at the He's Bi that was slowly falling. The remaining energy flew out and came into contact with the He's Bi. His right foot stood as hot as a flame.

The fallen He's jade was instantly bright and shining, with colorful light overflowing.

Xu Xin was shocked as if he was electrocuted. It was an indescribable strong feeling.

He Shibi seemed to come to life at this moment, emitting unparalleled spiritual power to invade his head and body.

Strange and unfamiliar scenes appeared one after another, making people so irritated that they almost screamed like crazy, as if they were trapped in a nightmare that they couldn't extricate themselves from.

Xu Xin's energy stimulated Bao Bi's violent side, but this was also the way to maximize the explosion of He's Bi's superpowers.

He concentrated his mind and endured this change silently. Fortunately, he had completed the dispersal of his energy at this moment, so he had no fear of fluctuations in his true energy. He only needed to hold on to a little bit of clarity at the Lingtai Ancestral Acupoint, persevere, and transform his body.


Xu Xin felt as if something exploded in his body. He couldn't understand what exactly happened. He only felt that all his meridians seemed to expand, and then immediately contract. Swelling and shrinking, his nerves felt like they had been hit hard by an invisible sledgehammer.

Countless strange scenes kept flashing in my mind between expansion and contraction.

The stars in the sky, the vast void, a realm so strange that it cannot be described.

Time and space extend infinitely.


Xu Xin suddenly coughed violently. If anyone else had experienced the wave of supernatural powers that had just entered his body, he would have coughed up blood and been seriously injured even if he had not died. However, he only coughed, which is enough to prove that his physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people.

This wave of supernatural power entered the body. After the meridians in his body expanded and contracted countless times, he only felt that the superpower that invaded the body disappeared, and was replaced by an extremely weird feeling. The meridians throughout his body seemed to be completely intact. Bathing in the warm sunshine is indescribably comfortable.

Xu Xin felt that the spiritual platform was clear and clear, and indescribable ecstasy surged in his heart.

However, the next superpower came again, and the force that was more ferocious and multiplied than before continued to surge, pouring into his body like a wild horse out of bounds, and then broke into his body along every major and small meridians.

Xu Xin realized in an instant that he could realize in his heart that this special power strengthened his meridians and Qi. Then all the Qi and blood in his whole body seemed to solidify, but the cold Qi in He's Bi continued to increase unabated. Absolutely.

The cold current rushed into Xu Xin's body like a torrent after a heavy rain.

It was bone-chilling at first, but it suddenly turned into a winding air current of cold and heat, scurrying around in his body like thousands of naughty and hateful burrowing rats, and no meridians were spared.

He only felt that the energy and blood in his whole body were swelling, and his meridians seemed to be exploding. The pain was beyond the limit that anyone could bear.

The power of the Heshi Bi changes violently in Xu Xin's body. It is not extremely cold or hot, but changes with the weather. Perhaps the power of this jade alone can deduce the world of heaven and earth two hundred years ago. The three-piece Immortal Sect was shattered.

With the alternation of cold and heat, the changes in the He's Bi's superpower that invaded Xu Xin's body became more and more intense. The two extreme superpowers naturally triggered in a spiral manner, multiplying the destructive power of radioactivity.

The fierce Heshi Bi's superpowers changed drastically. It was extremely cold at first, then alternated with cold and heat, and now it turned to extremely hot. It was so hot that it seemed to melt Xu Xin's meridians. The superpowers immediately flowed through the whole body. .

In an instant, Xu Xinxin's heart was filled with clarity. There was no fierce confrontation or passive acceptance. Instead, the very essence of his body began to change. He began to adapt to He Shibi's superpowers, and tried to tame the superpowers that invaded his body for his own use. .


With a thought, Xu Xin released his true energy with both hands at the same time, inhaling and exhaling, hitting He's Bi at the same time. He was trying to build a back-and-forth cycle between his body and He's Bi.

As soon as Xu Xin had this thought, He's Bi over there changed again, and the final test came.

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