The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 433 Planting a demon, how to destroy Zhu’s ignorant mentality

Su Xin, who do you love? Gu Santong? Zhu Wuwu? It's possible that you don't love anyone?

Xu Xin looked at Su Xin's back from a distance, and all the plots of The Best in the World in his memory echoed through his mind like a quick glance at the scene.

In The Best in the World, many people are pure. Even the loyal and treacherous Zhu Wuwu has a pure side. His feelings for Su Xin are such that he is willing to leave everything behind just for her.

The subsequent plot development of The Best in the World can actually be regarded as a plot arranged by Zhu Wuwu, and Su Xin is the trigger of everything.

Zhu ignored the love for this woman, but when he happily took her back to Beijing and wanted to make Su Xin his official wife and give her a title, he aroused the emperor's opposition, and finally issued a will not to allow it. Zhu ignored and married Su Xin.

The emperor's rejection and the subsequent decree made Zhu Yili feel inexplicably angry, and for the first time he felt the powerlessness of his will in the face of imperial power. He realized that only if he became emperor could he have his way, so he had a plan.

Conspiracy to rebel and become emperor himself.

Zhu Wuwu's layout and development is the main line of The World's No. 1, and the source of everything is Su Xin.

In the original plot, Su Xin was only related to two men, Gu Santong and Zhu Wuli. Gu Santong was her childhood sweetheart and cousin and her engaged fiancé. Perhaps her parents instilled a will in her when she was very young. The man is her future husband.

So Suxin has always regarded Gu Santong as her husband, so is this love? It's hard to say yes, and it's hard to say no. Anyway, according to the normal development of the plot, the two of them had a child, and Su Xin committed suicide in the end, also with the intention of avenging Gu Santong.

But to say that Su Xin is absolutely devoted to Gu San Tong, it seems... not true. During this period, Xu Xin had been watching the developments with a cold eye, and occasionally went out to contact them in person, gaining a deeper understanding of Su Xin, Gu Santong, and Zhu Yingyi.

Gu Santong is a martial arts fanatic. Although Su Xin has a place in his heart, he ranks behind martial arts.

He didn't care enough about Su Xin, it could even be said to be a state of neglect.

Zhu Wuwu was very caring, gentle and considerate towards Su Xin.

But Su Xin did not reject this consideration.

This is... very interesting.

If Xu Xin does nothing, the subsequent plot development will be that Gu Santong is running around in order to challenge various martial arts masters, so he entrusts his heart to Zhu Wuwu. But Su Xin did not refuse this entrustment, and followed Zhu Wuwu back to the capital, waiting to become the princess.

But later the emperor rejected the marriage between Zhu Wuwu and Su Xin. Zhu Wuwu chose to do meritorious service and then ask for grace, while Su Xin somehow got involved with Gu Santong again. This time, the two really became husband and wife. Having a child.

Su Xin's series of operations does not seem to be very infatuated. Because Gu Santong left, she agreed to marry Zhu Wuwu, and because the royal family did not accept her, she was with Gu Santong again.

Her emotions seemed to be floating in the wind, with no will of her own at all. So who is she in love with? Xu Xin felt that she might not love anyone. Everything she does is more like finding someone to rely on.

She is an ordinary woman without advanced martial arts. She can only rely on men to live like most women in this era. Therefore, everything she did seems to be understandable.

Zhu Wuling loves her, and Gu Santong loves her. She accepts the love of two people at the same time. She does not take the initiative to choose, but just goes with the flow. After being abandoned by one party, she automatically chooses the other.

She just believes in the principle that a woman needs someone to rely on, and her goal is just to find the destination a woman deserves.

Whoever can give her a stable life that she can rely on, she can accept him. Regardless of whether that man is Zhu Wuli or Gu Santong.

This kind of woman seems a bit tea in modern times, but considering the current background and the fact that she is just an ordinary woman. Therefore, she is not the active tea in modern times, but a weak woman who passively behaves like tea in tea.

So! Love is really a troublesome thing. For people like me, I'd better forget it!

After Xu Xin roughly analyzed Su Xin's situation, he had some insights into the subsequent layout.

Xu Xin cannot accept Pang Ban's behavior of controlling love with emotion and cuckolding himself. He is just a selfish guy. He will keep all the women who have had some relationship with him for his own enjoyment. How could this be possible? Go with another man...

But, he is not really practicing Tao Heart Demon Planting. His Jade Demon Planting Technique is completely created by himself. He only needs to use Su Xin to cause Zhu Wuli's mental turmoil. To be precise, no matter what, If Zhu's disregardful mentality is broken, many aspects can be manipulated in a roundabout way.

Xu Xin is secretly arranging various packages for his younger brother Zhu Wuli, and the development of things over Zhu Wuli's side is also very interesting.

After the Temple Street Lantern Festival, as time passed day by day, Zhu Wuying spent less and less time actively practicing martial arts, while he spent more and more time staying with Su Xin and watching Gu Santong practice martial arts with her.

Your cousin is really a martial arts fanatic. He can practice martial arts here day and night.

A month ago, my internal strength was much higher than his. In a real fight, he was no match for me.

Now, he can equal me. And he is already considered a real master.

On this day, Zhu Wuwu and Su Xin stood in the courtyard as usual and watched Gu Santong practice his sword.

After hearing Zhu Wuwu's words, Su Xin was not happy for Gu Santong, and sighed: Whether my cousin's martial arts is good or not, whether he can be the best in the world, I don't care at all. Every time he practices martial arts, I feel very bored.”

Am I not here to accompany you?

Zhu ignored the words and spoke softly. He didn't even realize how oily he was at this moment.

Xu Xin, who was a little further away, heard it and felt it, and took a breath of cold air.

Su Xin casually joked: If you don't concentrate on practicing martial arts, in another month, his martial arts will be stronger than yours. Don't regret it then!

Zhu Wulan looked at Su Xin affectionately and said, If I could be with you for a month, I would rather my martial arts never be as good as your cousin's.

Zhu ignored these words and expressed his feelings directly. Su Xin was caught off guard and stayed in place for a while, unable to react.

I, I'm going to prepare some sweet soup. My cousin will eat it after he finishes his martial arts practice.

After Su Xin came to her senses, her first reaction was to escape.

Zhu Wuli subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop Su Xin. He hesitated to speak. He looked at Su Xin for a long time and finally said, Do you want me to help you?


Su Xin shook her head and went to the kitchen to make soup alone.

Su Xin left, and Zhu Wuli stood there in a daze for a long time. He didn't even know when the ancient three links ended.

Gu Santong was so focused on practicing his sword that he didn't notice Zhu Wuwu's bold confession to his fiancée. After he put away his sword, he saw Zhu Wuwu standing there in a daze, so he joked: Hey, you've been standing there looking at me for a long time. !”

You're very attentive!

Zhu Wulan smiled after regaining his composure. In fact, he was a little envious of Gu Santong. Why could he practice martial arts so focused on it? Didn't he have seven emotions and six desires?

Martial arts training is the most important thing to me, and I don't need to do anything else.

Including Su Xin?

Zhu Wuyi blurted out.

She is my fiancée, I can't take her away even if I want to.

Gu Santong smiled and walked back to the house.

When Zhu Yingli heard this, he felt bad.

Tie Dan, some things cannot be forced.

Xu Xin came over at this time, patted Zhu Wuwu's shoulder and sighed. This sound sounded like he was feeling sorry for Zhu Wuwu, but Xu Xin knew that he, who was already arrogant, felt afraid when he heard this sigh. It will collapse even more.

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