The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 416 What kind of Cleopatra-like Mrs. Mandu Haichechen

On the Hetao Plain, accompanied by bursts of golden sounds, the Ming Dynasty cavalry that was chasing them stopped. On the other side, the originally defeated Mongolian tribes miraculously reorganized their formation. If they continued to charge past, the Ming Dynasty's forwards would May be eaten in reverse.

This Mrs. Manduhai Chechen has some skills! In this situation, she was able to withdraw from the Chinese army and cut off her tail to survive. Compared with her, Dayan Khan is indeed just a little prince...

Xu Xin and Eunuch Cao, who was carrying the dragon flag, personally took the arrows and placed them behind the vanguard camp. They watched with their own eyes how the Mongolian tribes fell from defeat and regrouped.


Zhu Wuwu, who was covered in blood, brought the captured Dayan Khan to Xu Xin to return to his life. Dayan Khan had several arrows nailed to his body, which was why he could not run away, and these arrows were all Xu Xin greeted him.

Your archery skills are great, but you can only hurt people with hidden arrows. You are not a hero. If you have the ability, take a knife and fight me head-on.

The little prince was still very dissatisfied even after being captured. After all, he was just a young man who had just succeeded to the throne for less than two years.

I am a civil servant and a scholar, not a brainless fool like you. I have already captured you, so why risk a fight with you? It doesn't matter whether you accept it or not. You will accept it after two hungry meals.

Xu Xin's words made the little prince angry, but Cao Zhengchun, Zhu Wuwu and other generals next to him laughed loudly, which made him even more angry!

What Xu Xin said was recognized by everyone present.

In their impression, scholars are not said to be incompetent, but most of them are not good at riding and shooting, so they only serve as staff officers in the army.

Someone like Xu Xin, who was on the front line of the battlefield, calmly commanded, accurately grasped the opportunity to fight, and completely defeated the Mongols, who were famous for their mounted archery, in one battle. This kind of ability is really dreamy.

Commander, although the remaining defeated generals of the Mongolian tribes are still in good positions, they are no longer a cause for concern. Why don't we pursue them?

Zhu Wuwu cleaned up the blood on his face a little, and at the same time rode his horse to Xu Xin's side. The Mongolian camp opposite them was in chaos, which was a good opportunity to attack.

You all said that they were defeated soldiers. Don't you know that the sad soldiers will win. If you fail to kill them all at once, if you rush to jump again, the losses will be huge. We can defeat them by sending troops now, but the cost will be high. It’s not necessary, let’s wait for work and trap them to death.”

Xu Xin made a plan. He had made many arrangements and preparations before today's battle. The little prince was forced to accept the challenge and was forced to come to this place to fight him step by step. Now that the Mongolian tribes have been defeated, he just wants to escape from the capital. No ability.

There is no shortage of cavalry in Xu Xin's army, and the road ahead has been arranged. If he really wants to chase them and praise them, there are many ways. After all, this is a martial arts world, not a magic-free world. No matter how powerful you are on four legs, you can't outrun the martial arts masters who also ride horses.

The Mongolian tribes gathered the remaining defeated soldiers and stood firm in the camp. The Ming battalions on Xu Xin's side pushed forward the camp, very close to the Mongolian tribes' camps, and sent cavalry to patrol. Once the opponent showed signs of trying to escape, they would definitely will be discovered.

In the Ming army camp, all the generals gathered for a banquet. Although it was a little simple, it was still enough to have tea and meat. Drinking too much alcohol can easily cause trouble. The enemy's remnants of troops are at the front. Xu Xin ordered the troops not to drink alcohol. Naturally, no one dared to disobey.

Commander, what should I do with this little prince?

Zhu Wuwu asked about Xu Xin's treatment of the little prince. As the vanguard of this battle, he was second only to the coach Xu Xin. Although the little prince was shot to the ground by Xu Xin and could not escape, he was still considered a hero by him. Captured alive, he was naturally very concerned about the fate of this important prisoner.

He will be imprisoned for a period of time, and when the imperial envoy arrives, he will be sent to the capital to learn from Jieli Khan of the Tang Dynasty and let him perform dances for His Majesty.

The little prince Dayan Khan is the only remaining male member of the Mongolian Golden Family. Naturally, he cannot be simply killed, but it is not easy to deal with it now, so Xu Xin is going to send him to the capital and wait for him to return with his army. Deal with this guy again.


All the generals of the Ming Dynasty in the camp laughed and admired Xu Xin even more. No wonder they said that scholars have many ideas. This approach is really...relieving and decent.

Commander, the Mongolian tribes have sent envoys again.

Xu Xin and the generals in the camp ate meat and drank tea. Even Eunuch Cao, the supervisor, sat on Xu Xin's right seat and ate and drank. His face was red and there was a joyful atmosphere. At this time, another official came to report that the Mongolians The messenger from the ministry came again.


Xu Xin glanced outside the camp. In his perception, the Mongolian envoy seemed to have brought something interesting.

Meet Marshal Ming!

The envoy from Mongolia was still the young master Tuo Guo Qi. At this time, he had many wounds bandaged on his body, and he bowed to Xu Xin very respectfully.

Your Madam Manduhai sent you here? What's the matter?

Xu Xin sat in the first place and looked down at the young master Tuo Guo Qi. He could be said to be brave during the daytime battle, but unfortunately his force value was not enough. If he had the force of Eunuch Cao, he could have tried to turn the tide at the critical moment.

Mrs. Manduhai was afraid that Marshal Ming could not bear the wind, frost, rain and dew on the grassland, so she sent me some things to keep out the cold, and asked the Marshal to accept them.

Togoqi bowed and waved to the back. Under the protection of several Tatar guards, several maids carried up three rolls of wool blankets.

Marshal Wang, you are blessed tonight...

Eunuch Cao's voice reached Xu Xin's ears. Transmitting sounds into secrets was not an advanced skill for him. With his skill, he could tell that there was someone in the woolen blanket after just a few glances, and she was a woman.

Xu Xin's expression became strange. In fact, he could sense it himself without Eunuch Cao telling him, and he could even sense it more clearly.

The three women rolled up in the wool blanket are all naked, and... what kind of Cleopatra plot is this?

This is a gift from Madam Manduhai specially given to the Generalissimo. Please do not give it to others.

Tuo Guoqi emphasized again.

Send them to my camp!

Xu Xin nodded and accepted the gift.

Under the guidance of the Ming Dynasty soldiers, the maids behind Tuo Guoqi carried three rolls of wool blankets and sent them to Xu Xin's tent.

Mrs. Manduhai, I don't know what you mean? To assassinate me?

In Xu Xin's tent, he entered alone and looked at the three rolls of wool blankets on the ground. While pouring tea, he spoke calmly.

The three rolls of wool blankets on the ground opened automatically, and three naked women appeared in the camp. One of them was Mrs. Mandu Haichechen, who had looked at Xu Xin several times on the battlefield today.

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