The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 410 Master and apprentice buff, girl Yuyan who learns the characteristics of small life

In the starry night in the bamboo forest, with the howling wind, Yagyu Sogan, the future Yagyu Ichiken, kowtowed to Xu Xin and left.

A faint floral fragrance comes, accompanied by the dancing cherry blossoms, which is the invitation to the moon.

After she came to Japan, she fell in love with the cherry blossoms here.

Yao Yue came to Xu Xin's side. The faint fragrance was intoxicating. Xu Xin, who had just fought and had damaged his energy and planted a demon seed, hugged the beauty into his arms and leaned his head on her shoulder to smell the fragrance of flowers. .

He is the second Liu Xi, but why do we need to change his name? Yagyu Ituken? Does this name mean anything?

Yao Yue gently covered Xu Xin's hands on her belly with a pair of jade hands, casually picking up the topic and enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

After Emperor Chenghua died, some people in the martial arts world were ready to take action.

I'm going to let him challenge the Central Plains martial arts.

Xu Xin expressed his general thoughts, and Emperor Chenghua died. But after his death, all parties in the court, beyond the Great Wall, and in the Central Plains showed signs of instability.

Just like what happened at the end of Qin Dynasty, the ancestor dragon died and the land was divided. If the ancestor dragon does not die, who dares to rebel.

Although Emperor Chenghua did not have the power of Zulong, he was indeed the master of the Ming Dynasty's resurgence. During his more than 20 years in office, he excelled in both civil and military affairs. The barbarians did not dare to cause trouble, and the martial arts did not dare to cause trouble. Generally speaking, the world is peaceful and stable.

As soon as he died, there seemed to be signs of chaos in the northwest and southwest. In the northeast... Chenghua Liting found out that for now, the group of Jurchens were quite honest, and the Japanese pirates in the southeast had not yet caused chaos.

In terms of martial arts, the eight major sects have begun to take over. The original leaders who were crooked and crooked have stepped down one by one to make way for others. There are also voices in the world to re-elect the leader of the martial arts alliance.

In addition, the demon sect, which has been hidden for many years, seems to be resurrecting. In other words, the Demon Cult has always been there, but it was dormant before, and now it is trying to come to the surface.

Such a rather complicated situation, which seems to be about to cause chaos in the world, is both a good thing and a challenge for Xu Xin. He is aware of some signs and must make preparations in advance.

His martial arts skills, Xu's, are basically invincible in the world. Only if he can find the peak Ancient Three Tong and the peak Shenhou decades later in advance can he be qualified to be his opponent.

In this case, what's the point of letting him go in person to stir up trouble in the martial arts world?

It would be better to add more fire to the martial arts world and promote the birth of masters, or in other words, to train his own opponents, while he himself acts as a mastermind behind the scenes.

Challenging the martial arts in the Central Plains? Although I look down on the old guys from the eight major sects and the Demon Sect who are like shrunken turtles, I have to admit that these sects have a lot of background. The Emei sect is not only the old man of Nanhai Shenni...

Yao Yue's voice came, and she briefly introduced to him the situation of the various martial arts sects. For example, the former head of the Emei sect was the crooked Master Rusu, but there were still Nanhai Shenni. Such a semi-hidden innate master is in charge.

The situation of the eight major sects is similar, among which Shaolin and Wudang have the deepest foundation.


While Xu Xin was listening to Yao Yue's story, he felt his hands were a little cold, so he couldn't help but reach out to help Yao Yue warm them up.

Don't be like this, Yuyan is waiting for you tonight!

Yao Yue moaned softly. Although she couldn't help it, she still spoke up for her good disciple.

That's right, Jiang Yuyan became a disciple of Yao Yue and Lian Xing and became the successor of Yihua Palace.

She was able to learn how to replace flowers and trees, which was because she was destined to Yihua Palace. Coupled with her decisive character, Yao Yue admired her very much.

Lianxing only taught Jiang Yuyan some of the methods of Hunyuan Zhenqi, while Yaoyue taught Jiang Yuyan everything he could, including all the secrets such as the Heart-breaking Palm and the Mind-Bewitching Technique.

Jiang Yuyan is indeed extremely talented and has learned all these martial arts. When Xu Xinmei and Yaoyue Lianxing... she calls her master from time to time, the buff stack is almost full.

Xu Xin smiled playfully in Yao Yue's ear and said, It's okay. Let the little girl wait for a while. I'll deal with her master first. It won't cost much anyway...

Under the stars and the moon, people are more delicate than flowers. In the end, the Lord of Yaoyue Palace could not resist the temptation of the handsome man and chose to indulge in indulgence.

Although the competitive Grand Palace Master was very dissatisfied with Xu's words that it won't take much time, she was quickly defeated in the end and could only be taken to the room of her good disciple and sister in a limp body. , master and apprentice serve your husband together.

The original guests who were entertained by the Yagyu family tonight were very sincere. The lights in Zhang Heling's room are still on. It is said that this new uncle, Jingui Shenqi Pills and Liuwei Dihuang Pills, etc., these days, Almost used it as a meal.

In Xu Xin's room, the maids and maids from the Yagyu family who were coming to borrow seeds had been sent away long ago. Although he also wanted to try the characteristics of his childhood, it seems that there are no stunning beauties in the Yagyu family at the moment.

However, Miss Yuyan is indeed a very sensible and smart girl. After guessing Xu's thoughts, she has been learning the Japanese characteristics of her childhood. She has learned carefully in all aspects such as clothing and etiquette. There will be more tonight I told you in advance that I wanted to give him a surprise or something.

When Xu Xin walked into the house, Jiang Yuyan, who was sitting on the tatami, bowed slightly, her beautiful eyes slightly raised, and her watery eyes exuded a lustrous luster.

When he saw Palace Master Yao Yue being held in Xu's arms and unable to move, her beautiful face was even more touching. This was completely due to the stack of master and apprentice buffs.

My lord husband!

Miss Yu Yan was wearing a kimono, which looked like a Yamato Nadeshiko. She came to Xu Xin and knelt down to salute. You could feel the bulging waves from the skirt of her clothes. Needless to say, she didn’t wear any small clothes inside this kimono. , it’s really great!

Xu Xin stretched out his hand and gently hooked the beauty's smooth chin. Girl Yuyan straightened her body slightly. With a slight twist of her delicate body, her thin and white shoulders slipped out. Although she is not old, these shoulders are extremely slippery!

But seeing her twisting her slender waist and tapping her toes on the ground, her whole body began to rotate as lightly as a butterfly. Her face was still full of smiles and her eyes were bright. A glance was enough to make people dazzled, especially It was the blush on her charming face that made it even more difficult to restrain her impulse.

Even if a woman sees such a beauty, she will inevitably feel overwhelmed and unable to control herself, let alone a man?

Xu Xin is a normal man. What's more, I have the intention to indulge at this time, and I have no intention of suppressing myself. It is naturally a spontaneous impulse to reach out.

A gust of wind swept across the desk in the room, and all the debris on it was cleared away. With a sneer, the kimono was torn.

It seems that I need to prepare more for this kimono in the future. With the blessing of the anti-Japanese buff, Xu is too impulsive.

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