The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 406 Yagyu Shininryu has seen clearly, this is the magic method to confuse the mind!

Chapter 406 Yagyu's new Yinliu...see clearly, this is the magic of the mind!

In a small town with black smoke billowing and fires everywhere, a beautiful woman who looked like a little white flower walked in like no one else. Many pirates were burning, killing and looting here. A roebuck-headed pirate saw her first, with a lewd and wanton expression on his face and disgusting saliva at the corner of his mouth.

The pirate threw away the woman he had just caught and was about to commit violence. He screamed strangely and rushed towards the new girl.

Jiang Yuyan's eyes were cold, looking at the pirates who were rapidly approaching, with murderous intent evident in them. At this time, other pirates from all over the town also quickly gathered around as if they had seen a fishy cat.

Do you think I'm beautiful?

Jiang Yuyan looked around, with a hazy pink light flashing in her eyes. The pirates around her were smiling lustfully, and they were obviously thinking of something good.

Very beautiful……

There are many fake Japanese among this group of pirates, but their accents are not from Ningbo. There were a few real Japanese among them, their faces were full of lewd smiles, they were pointing at her and saying something, their eyes glowing with evil light.

I'm so beautiful, can you die for me?

Jiang Yuyan's voice was very charming. Among the pirates around him, there were some who were not determined. The hands holding the swords had already changed directions, and they were going to chop each other in the next moment.


Jiang Yuyan's mind-obsessing technique was not sophisticated enough. After cutting each other, these people woke up from the pain and attacked Jiang Yuyan one by one with their swords.

Puff puff puff puff puff...

Balls of blood splashed and exploded, and the group of pirates surrounding Jiang Yuyan were all scattered. Each of them had several fatal wounds on their bodies and were bleeding continuously. The sad blood flowers were flying. After landing, Jiang Yuyan looked as graceful as a fairy. He looked back in Xu Xin's direction and smiled.

Master Zhang, Master Zhang, your legs are shaking. As an uncle of the Ming Dynasty, how can I be afraid of some pirates...

Beside the carriage, Xu Xin patted the shoulder of his younger brother Zhang Heling. The uncle of the Ming Dynasty had his legs shaking so badly!

Xu Xin just kept telling him not to be afraid, but looking at such a beautiful woman like a flower, he slaughtered dozens of people in a row, with blood on his face and a smile on his face.

Our uncle-in-law felt really grateful, his calves were trembling!

Master Zhang, let's go there!

Xu Xin walked towards the town over there as he spoke, and Jiang Yuyan came to greet him with a smile on his face.

And there are rats!

Xu Xin also had a smile on his face, but suddenly murmured a few words to himself. At this moment, several figures suddenly rushed out from both sides of the dilapidated street, raising their swords and swinging at Xu Xinji.

Swish swish... swish swish...

Almost at the same time, cold light bloomed all over the sky, and hundreds of Qianben and Ninja darts rained down like a sudden rain, suddenly covering Xu Xin and the others.


Zhang Heling was so frightened that he fell to the ground, protecting his head with his hands, and waited for death as soon as he closed his eyes.

At this time, the sound of ding rang, ding rang was heard again, and a graceful figure flew in front of Xu Xin. With just a wave of his sleeves, he crushed all the incoming Qianben and Ninja.


The moment this beautiful figure appeared, pink begonia petals were flying all over the sky. Amidst the sharp and piercing whistles, the attackers all screamed and fell to the ground almost at the same time, dripping with blood all over their bodies, mixed with the wounds of the begonia petals. It's shocking.

Who are you!

In front of Xu Xin, Queen Fan Yueyue condescendingly questioned these assassins who had been spared their lives, but what they got was a bunch of bird noises, and then they saw them taking out their daggers one by one and preparing to understand. Taking his own life is what is called seppuku.

Did I let you die!

Yaoyue's face was slightly cold, and all their weapons were shattered with just one palm.

Ms. sir, are you okay?

Jiang Yuyan quickly came to Xu Xin's side and asked with concern.

See clearly, this is the magic method to confuse the mind!

Yao Yue turned her head and spoke to Jiang Yuyan, and then her eyes seemed to blur for a while, while the few screaming guys on the ground covered their heads and rolled around on the ground, as if they still wanted to struggle.

Yagyu, Yagyu...

One of them actually spoke the language of the Central Plains, and after explaining some things, they were allowed to commit suicide.

Yagyu Shininryu, got the assassination order!

Kill the emperor's brother-in-law. These people are cruel and have great powers!

Xu Xin's eyes turned cold, and after asking his men to take away the iconic items of several assassins, all the pirates who invaded Daming were thrown into the sea to feed the fish. As for the ordinary residents of this small town, Xu Xin didn't care about too many things.

If he is not in his position, he does not plan for his government. It can be said that rescuing people is the job of the local government when the road is rough. Things like resettling the people are the job of the local government.

After a while, Ningbo's local guardsmen and government officials arrived belatedly. They were all spiritless losers, and it was obvious from the look at them that they could only bully the common people.

The Ming Dynasty's military household system began to rot after three generations of development. Before the Tumu Fort, you could still see a little bit of it. After the Tumu Fort, not only the military honors were abolished, but most of the guard army system was also basically abolished. The remaining combat power was basically in the north. .

There are basically few decent ones in the south, especially along the southeastern coast. The pirate invasion here was left to the Yamen to deal with the aftermath, and Xu Xin and the others came to the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang.

The river flows beyond the sky and the earth, and the mountains are beautiful.

When the river enters the sea, the waves hit the shore and roll up thousands of waves. Standing on a high place and looking at the mouth of the sea, you can hear the thunder and thunder cracking in the sky. The magnificent scenery is so majestic that it makes people dizzy.

The headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang is a fortress built on the seaside. The dark cannon is mounted on the top of Wubao, which invisibly shows its power and is more intimidating than some of the Ming Dynasty government guards.

The gates of this fortress are open, and business is constantly coming and going. You can see that it is very prosperous. There are soldiers guarding every place. They are all wearing armor and well-armed. Teams are patrolling back and forth. It is orderly, lawful, and a bit... He looks like an elite warrior.

Master Wang, are you sure we are at the Jianghu sect and not some health center?

Behind Xu Xin, Zhang Heling felt frightened when he saw those cannons and armor. Such a heavily-armed fortress was a martial arts sect with heavy armor and firearms. The imperial court didn't have many such elites!

This is indeed a guard station. Leader Li of the Giant Whale Gang is the commander of the guard station here. But it is uncertain whether he is still loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

Xu Xin's smile was meaningful. Under the guidance of the soldiers, they quickly arrived at the reception hall. They saw that the hall was brightly lit and the light shone in every corner.

A large sandalwood table was placed in the middle, and a man wearing military attache uniforms sat on a large carved chair. In front of him was a large stack of unprocessed official documents.

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