The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 391 The thing in the palm of your hand, try to make Concubine Shu conceive the dragon seed b

Late at night in a separate courtyard of the palace, Xu Xin came to see Murong Shu again, and Murong Shu had been waiting for him here early.

During this period of time, Murong Shu left her younger sister Murong Xian to rest alone every night, and Xu Xin also came over almost every night.

The tent was warmed by red candles, and the lingering night was long. As the return of Empress Shu was approaching, the two cherished every day and night very much.

Xu Xin finished drinking tea, and Concubine Shu knelt down to take off his boots and socks. First, she washed his feet, and then she waited on him to bathe and cleanse himself.

Xu Xin told her about what he had seen in the palace, and also talked about the emperor's dream of dancing in his palms.

Wang Lang, how about I give you a show? You close your eyes first, and then they ask you to open your eyes and then open them again...

Murong Shu covered Xu Xin's eyes with her small hands and acted coquettishly with a sweet and frightened voice. Xu Xin couldn't stand the beauty being like this, so he nodded and closed his eyes obediently.

Murong Shu's figure flew away, and judging by her position, she seemed to have gone behind the screen, and then there was a rustling sound, as if she was changing clothes.

Wang Lang, please extend your hand!

Xu Xinxin was curious, and when he heard Murong Shu's soft call again, he had some guesses in his heart, and slowly stretched out his right hand.

Wang Lang, open your eyes!

The sound of fluttering clothes reached his ears, and he thought it was Murong Shu who was coming lightly. Then Xu Xin felt his palms sink slightly as Murong Shu's voice came. He opened his eyes and saw the beauty's slender jade feet touching his own. In the palm of his hand, the peerless concubine Shu was in his palm at the moment.

After dancing in the palm of my hand, the sound of the flute is endless, and the autumn night in the thirty-sixth palace is long.

These are two poems from Han Palace Song written by Xu Ning in the Tang Dynasty. They describe the allusion of dancing in the palm of Zhao Feiyan in the Han Dynasty.

In the past, Xu Xin could not appreciate Zhao Feiyan's dancing posture, but today, Concubine Shu dances wonderfully in the palm of her lover's hand for pleasure.

The moonlight shines brightly in the crystal-like water bead curtain, swaying the beauty's figure.

No matter how light the body of an ordinary beauty is, as long as she is still a human being, it is basically impossible to dance in the palms of others because she cannot bear the weight.

However, women with strong martial arts skills can use their true energy to lighten their bodies. If they can borrow some strength, they can even stay in the air for a long time. Therefore, they can also dance with their palms, but basically no female warriors will practice specifically. This wonderful dance to please a man.

Dancing on the palms of your hands requires extremely high levels of lightness and proficiency, and consumes a lot of energy. If you don't do it right, you may even get into trouble. Who would have the time to do such a thing!

Murong Shu did it because he heard Xu Xin talk about this matter. She understood the thoughts of men and naturally understood that Xu Xin also thought about this kind of thing. Since her lover wanted to do it, she did it.

After being lightened, Murong Shu's body was like a feather, flying gracefully in Xu Xin's palm. From time to time she jumped into the air, showing graceful dancing postures, and sometimes she fell down, spinning gracefully in Xu Xin's palm.

Murong Shu softly hummed a tune in her mouth and beat the time to herself. Every move seemed to be able to enchant people's soul.

She danced with great joy, and her palm dance showed lightness and elegance. Coupled with her stunning face, this dance made people feel even more enchanting.

Murong Shu would look down at Xu Xin from time to time, and Xu Xin was also looking up at her. The moment their eyes met, she smiled even more wantonly. At this time, everything in the world seemed to have lost its color.

In the end, Murong Shu gently rotated in his palm, her face was slightly red, and her lips were slightly parted, as if she was begging for her lover's love.

Xu Xin turned his palm and took the beauty in his hand, and gently lifted her into his arms. Murong Shu's body was very weak, and her hands and feet were also a little weak, which made it easier for Xu to do whatever she wanted.

Palm dancing requires a high level of balance and graceful movements, which naturally consumes a lot of energy. After the dance ended, there was another joyful song, which made both of them immersed in it.

The warm spring night was spent in the hibiscus tent... From now on, the king will not go to court early... Xu Xin unlocked the new posture of the concubine Shu from the dance in the palm. Those who get the novelty always like more, so he has been staying in the house since that day.

Ahem, let’s study more wonderful dances in the palms with Empress Shu, who is about to return to the palace.

He Xu can swear by his own name, he just studies dancing... Anyway, his surname is not Xu in this life, so he can swear casually.

Xu Xin and Murong Shu were immersed in such a happy day, and they both cherished this beautiful time outside the palace.

Because after Murong Shu returns to the palace, Xu Xin will have some trouble if he wants to find her every day.

In addition, there were many girls around Xu Xin, and they were always affected by the rain and dew. Therefore, Murong Shu worked very hard during this period, and Xu Xin also worked very hard, trying to make Concubine Shu pregnant with the dragon seed before returning to the palace.

On the third day after the imperial examination, Xu Xin was woken up by a fragrance that tickled his nose. When he opened his eyes, he saw Concubine Shu wearing a gauze palace skirt at the bedside, twisting a strand of her black hair and tapping it on the tip of his nose. .

Xu Xin stretched out his hand to grab it, but Concubine Shu turned around and avoided it. Her black hair was extremely smooth and slipped from his fingers, leaving only a lingering fragrance on her hand.

Today is the day for the imperial examination.

When Xu Xin sat up, Concubine Shu moved into his arms like a swallow returning to the forest, leaning against his chest gently, with a touch of reluctance in her voice.

Shu'er, I will never let you down!

Xu Trusty picked up Murong Shu's wife and solemnly promised that Murong Shu chose to return to the palace because she wanted to rehabilitate the Murong family, but there was also his factor in it.

Xu Xin didn't know what Murong Shu was thinking, but women would probably like to hear such a promise.

It's good if you have this heart, my champion!

Murong Shu smiled sweetly at Xu Xin, and took the initiative to give her a kiss to encourage him. When Xu Xin left, she fell into a dazed silence, and finally let out a long sigh.

Once upon a time, she had fantasized about winning someone's heart, but when she met the man in front of her, it was too late after all!

elder sister!

A voice came into the room. The little fairy Murong Xian didn't know when she came, and she hugged her sister gently.


Murong Shu hugged her sister with her backhand. Compared to herself, her sister was either lucky or unlucky to be able to stay with her lover forever, but... she didn't have a good status. After all, he was already married! Are the two sisters lucky or unlucky to encounter this magic star?

In the courtyard of the palace, the two sisters Murong Shu and Murong Xian hugged each other without saying anything. Xu Xin, after leaving the palace, went straight to the Forbidden City.

This day is March 18th, the 23rd year of Chenghua.

At dawn, the east is getting redder and the sky is getting whiter. The crimson palace walls and golden glazed tiles are shining under the sky. Accompanied by the solemn Jingyang bell, the three main doors and two east-west doors of the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City are visible. Close the door and slowly open it at the same time.

Two teams of Han generals, wearing golden flying fish uniforms and holding halberds measuring one foot in hand, walked out of the four doorways except the middle gate in neat steps, facing each other, and stood beside the five avenues paved with white marble.

At this time, outside the palace gate, there were already standing crowds of royal ministers, civil and military officials in bright red court uniforms, and hundreds of new scholars in dark blue robes.

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