The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 386 The big day and the uninvited guest Yan Nantian who forcibly breaks into the palace

In the 23rd year of Chenghua, February 28th was the day when the results of the examination were announced. It was also the day when the Crown Prince Zhu Youtang and the Crown Princess Zhang got married.

After a year of talent selection, the Crown Princess Zhang was finally selected. Her background was not very good, and her parents did not even have official status. However, the Crown Prince Zhu Youtang had a soft spot for Princess Zhang.

After the selection of the crown princess was determined, the royal family began to prepare for the wedding. First, the chief civil servants and military generals were appointed as envoys and deputies, and they went to the Zhang Mansion to accept the princess and ask for her name...

The last step was to welcome him in person. On February 28, a large team of officials personally led the guard of honor to the Zhang Mansion to issue certificates and receive the welcome ceremony.

When ordinary people get married, the groom goes to pick up the bride in person, but when a prince marries a concubine, it is different. A team is arranged to pick up the bride. Among them, the prince chooses Xu Xin, a confidant, as the candidate for riding on the streets.

On this day, Xu Xin once again rode on a tall horse to greet the bride, but he was greeting someone else's bride, and he acted as the best man.

Crown Princess Zhang had been waiting in the embroidery building of Zhang Mansion for a long time. She was wearing a phoenix crown and a concubine's dress, which was second only to the queen's dress. She was welcomed into the Forbidden City under the spotlight.

Miss, the man who came to pick you up is a child prodigy, a handsome man like a fairy. He's here, he's here, he's really good-looking...

In Zhang's embroidery building, she was sitting on the bedside covered with a red cloth, while her maid kept reporting to him the situation outside.

Princess Zhang couldn't help but be curious when she heard what the maids said.

He had also heard of the reputation of the prodigy in the capital, who passed the exam at a young age. You must know that her father, Zhang Luan, had been a scholar for many years and had always failed in the examination. She has always been curious and admired about such scholars.

Princess please!

The huge wedding reception team arrived at the Zhang Mansion. Xu Xin and other wedding reception personnel successfully received the Crown Princess and then headed towards the Forbidden City.

The prince's wedding brought joy to the whole city. At the same time, this day was also a feast for the literati. On February 28th, the day when the imperial list is announced, the results of this year's Jinshi program will finally come to fruition.

Good news for Wang Tao Shouren, the master of Yuyao County, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. He ranked first in Huiyuan in the high school Ding Wei exam, and the foreman of the Jinluan Hall met with him!!!

On the long street outside the palace, all the news announcing the good news were shouted together. The news spread throughout the capital, causing an uproar immediately.

The prince's prodigy has become a top scholar in high school, and he is still number one. Is the Wang family going to have another top pick?

If this thing comes to pass, then the father and the son will be the top two champions, and they will be the same throughout the ages!

This is impossible! How old is the prodigy in the palace, and he can be a Jinshi?

I heard that this prince is still the Prince's Attendant, the most valued person by His Highness the Prince, and he is also marrying the Prince today!

Such a person is destined to shine in Kyushu!

Countless people all over the capital were talking about it when they heard the news, especially along the long street leading to the Forbidden City. Countless people were clamoring to see the grandeur of Master Huiyuan.

There was joy all over the capital, and the palace was also in a state of joy. In several courtyards in the back house, the female relatives of Xu Xin who was married and those who were not yet married were also discussing.

In this joyful atmosphere, an uninvited guest broke into the backyard of the palace.

Yao Yue! I know you are here, come out!

A sharp and deep voice spread throughout the long street where the palace is located. Yaoyue and Lianxing, who were drinking tea and talking in the backyard of the palace, looked at each other at the same time, and then quickly disappeared into the backyard.

Yao Yue, you witch, get out of here Yan Nantian!

On the streets of the capital, Yan Nantian held a long sword and held the unlucky egg he had captured, Hua Wuque, with a ferocious expression on his face, and shouted: Yao Yue, if you don't come out, Yan will make this disciple of yours look good!

Xiao Yu'er saw Hua Wuque's face turned red from being strangled, and hurriedly walked over to try to get Hua Wuque off, saying, Uncle Yan, let go quickly, Lao Hua can hardly breathe.

Yao Yue, come out! Come out!

Yan Nantian drew out his long sword, and the sword energy left his body. He could vaguely sense the general directions of Yao Yue and Lian Xing, and now he was eager to take revenge.

That day after Jiang Biehe died, he took Xiao Yu'er to Yihua Palace, but only missed. Later, after getting information about Hua Wuque from elsewhere, Xiao Yuer went to talk to him and found out that Yao Yue and Lian Xing might be in the capital.

Later, Hua Wuque learned about Yan Nantian's news and wanted to stop Xiao Yu'er and Yan Nantian, but was defeated by Yan Nantian and brought to the capital together.

Yan Nantian, come here!

A voice came closer from far away. Yan Nantian immediately stared in a certain direction and chased after it with Hua Wuque and Xiao Yu'er.

In a remote place in the capital, Yao Yue stopped and turned to look at Yan Nantian and said, Yan Nantian is indeed Yan Nantian. After all these years, you are still the most powerful sword in the world.

Yao Yue, stop talking nonsense. Yan came here today to ask you something clearly and to kill you.

Yan Nantian pointed his sword at Yao Yue and spoke in a cold tone.

Yan Nantian, your tone is quite serious.

Yan Nantian asked: Yao Yue, back then you said that Brother Feng seduced the maid of Yihua Palace and died under the palace rules, but I received a letter from Brother Feng saying that he was hiding in Jintan Town...

Yao Yue said calmly: Master Yan, you remembered it wrong. It was not Jintan Town, but Tiantan Town, not an intersection, but by the river. It was not me who handed Jiang Feng's orphan to you that day, but my sister Lian. star.

Lian Xing has also arrived at Yao Yue's side.

It's you?

Yan Nantian looked at Lian Xing doubtfully.

Lian Xing nodded.

She saw that Yao Yue had used the magic of enchantment, so she naturally chose to cooperate. While Yan Nantian was still a little out of control and emotionally unstable, she used the most effortless means to deal with him.

No. It's her.

Yan Nantian looked at Yao Yue again. He clearly remembered that it was Yao Yue who handed the child over to him, but after so many years, he was not entirely sure.

Lian Xing said: It seems that Master Yan has not fully recovered yet, so he remembered it wrong.

Yao Yue said: The person who came to see Master Yan that day was indeed Lian Xing.

Yan Nantian was already a little confused by the two of them and spoke incoherently: No, no, it's the one named Lian Xing just now.

Yes, my name is Lian Xing.

Yaoyue said.

Yan Nantian said: No, you are inviting the moon.

No, I am Yaoyue.

Lian Xing said.

Yao Yue said: I am Yao Yue, I am Yao Yue...

Lian Xing said: It's not her, it's me.

Their voices were magical and entered Yan Nantian's mind, echoing over and over again. Yan Nantian's eyes kept shifting between the two of them, and his head seemed to explode. He could no longer tell which of their words was true and which. One sentence is false.

Xiao Yu'er next to him wanted to remind Yan Nantian, but now he felt dizzy and speechless. If Hua Wuque hadn't covered his ears with his true energy, he would have been tortured to death by the spell of obsession.

Am I remembering it wrong?

Yan Nantian was completely fooled and muttered to himself in a daze.


Yao Yue's shot was like lightning, and she hit Yan Nantian's chest with a flying palm, sending Yan Nantian flying and hitting the stone wall behind. With a thud, he fell heavily to the ground and spat out blood.

Yan Nantian's martial arts skills were not as good as Yao Yue's now, not to mention that he was unconscious and defenseless at the moment, but this palm actually caused him serious injuries.

Yan Nantian spat out a mouthful of blood, and his emotions gradually calmed down, and his mind returned to consciousness.

Yan remembers that at the intersection of Jintan Town, it was not her, but you, Yao Yue.

Yan Nantian said with difficulty: Despicable! You actually disrupted Yan's thoughts first, and then... made a sneak attack.

Yan Nantian, you are old.

You shouldn't be looking for trouble today, it's his good day.

Both Lian Xing and I will be unhappy if you do this.

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