The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 380 Jiang Biehe’s role and the birth of “Yanhuang”


In the land of Jiangnan, in the living room of Jiang Biehe's mansion, waves of dull coughing could not be heard. Liu Xi, whose clothes were slightly torn, was sitting on a chair, and there was still a faint trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Father, what kind of wind has brought you here?

Jiang Liu, the mistress of the Jiang Mansion, appeared and seemed a little panicked when she saw Liu Xi.

Daughter, where did Jiang Biehe go?

Liu Xi's tone was a bit harsh, and he called his son-in-law by his first name, which seemed very disrespectful.

Mrs. Jiang Liu replied: Father, Bie He has gone out to do some business. If you want to see him, you have to wait. Otherwise, my daughter will ask a servant to serve you tea.

No need, arrange a quiet room for me to rest, cough cough...

Liu Xi coughed twice when he spoke. It was obvious that his current situation was not very good. That day, Yan Nantian suddenly appeared in Alcatraz Island and almost killed all his men. He himself was also seriously injured. Being hunted, he hurriedly escaped from Alcatraz Island.

Yes, there is a way out of Alcatraz Island, but there are many dangers, so the secret cave of the Troublemaker discovered by Xiao Yu'er is the safest way.

After Liu Xi escaped from Alcatraz Island, he found that the people on the island had also chased him out, but it was Yan Nantian and the Murong family who joined forces to kill him.

He was seriously injured and could only escape all the way. He fled from Alcatraz Island to the Jiang family, but he was prepared to use Jiang Biehe to ward off the disaster.

He had figured out the person Yan Nantian wanted these days. When he thought that almost all his elite troops were wiped out because of Jiang Biehe, Liu Xi felt angry in his heart.

But now Jiang Biehe is still somewhat useful, and he is not in a good condition right now, so he first comforts his goddaughter, waits for Jiang Biehe to come back, drains that guy's power to heal himself, and waits for Yan Nantian and others to come over When the time comes, throw it out to ward off disaster.

Okay, foster father!

Mrs. Jiang Liu nodded and arranged for her maid to send Liu Xi to a quiet room to recuperate.

After Liu Xi left, Mrs. Jiang Liu went to the inner room behind the screen, where a man wearing a bamboo hat and a black cloth covering his face was waiting for her.

The foster father has no doubts!

The man in the bamboo hat spoke first, but it was Jiang Biehe's voice.

How are you? Have you figured out what happened to you? Something is wrong this time my adoptive father came. I suspect he may have noticed something!

Jiang Liu said this, looking at Jiang Biehe with a hint of fear in her eyes.

Originally, she didn't think highly of Jiang Biehe, and had always used Liu Xi to suppress him. But a few days ago, for some unknown reason, Jiang Biehe's martial arts improved greatly. He slapped her until she was blinded, and even gave her a torture warning, which made her She was so frightened that she even cooperated to hide it from Liu Xi today.

Of course, it was Jiang Liu who saw something was wrong with Liu Xi, who seemed to be seriously injured, and was afraid that he would not be Jiang Biehe's opponent now, so she helped conceal it to avoid a direct conflict between the two.

If Liu Xi and Jiang Biehe were to fight, she, the Jiang Liu family, would definitely not end well.

I'm fine! By the way, has Yufeng come back? Where is Yan'er?

Jiang Biehe waved his hands. His exposed skin was covered with red spots, as if he had the disease. No wonder he hid his face and didn't want to see anyone.

In fact, Jiang Biehe was indeed ill, but the main reason was due to obsession.

A few days ago, with Jiang Yuyan's help, he unlocked the Liuren Divine Dice and obtained a ball of innate energy that he couldn't wait to incorporate into his body to smelt it into himself.

He had indeed improved greatly in skill, and he dared to speak loudly in front of Jiang Liu, and even slapped her directly. However, within a few days, he discovered that there was something wrong with his body.

He did go out today, but he went to Hongye Zhai to find out the cause of his physical condition and got the relevant answers.

It turns out that his forced transfer of flowers and trees resulted in the birth of evil poison in his body, and he had to pass the blood to others to save his life. Moreover, the person he pushed into the palace must be his blood relative.

He didn't have many relatives in his life. All his elder brothers and sisters were dead, leaving only two daughters, Jiang Yufeng and Jiang Yuyan.

Of course my daughter is back in her room, and of course your other daughter is also here!

The Jiang Liu family hated Jiang Yuyan, but Jiang Yuyan was not allowed to be bullied by her in this life. With the support and help of Xu Xin, the Jiang Liu family's two old maids Qingsao and Yugu met a tragic end, and Jiang Yuyan After Mrs. Liu witnessed the fate of the two maids with her own eyes, she did not dare to cause any more trouble.

Oh! You comfort your father-in-law, and I'll go do something!

Jiang Biehe nodded, then left the living room and went to the backyard, heading towards his daughter's room.

Yufeng, you and Yuyan haven't rested yet!

Liu Xi arrived quite late. When Jiang Biehe arrived outside Jiang Yufeng's room, it was already dark.

Dad, it's so late, do you have anything to do with us?

The door opened. When Jiang Yuyan saw Jiang Biehe wearing a bamboo hat, she alertly sensed something was wrong, but still let her father into the room.

Yuyan, are you the only one here?

Jiang Biehe entered the room and found that Jiang Yuyan was the only one there. He was a little disappointed but also relieved in his heart.

He actually hadn't decided which daughter to sacrifice, but since Jiang Yuyan was the only one here, it would be easy. Really speaking, his feelings for Jiang Yufeng are deeper.

Dad, it's so late, what can you do?

Jiang Yuyan said, turned around and prepared to pour tea for Jiang Biehe. But she never thought that her father's palm stretched out and pressed against her back.

Jiang Biehe pressed his palm firmly on Jiang Yuyan's back, and at the same time urged the true energy to flow into Jiang Yuyan's body, and said: Yuyan, you have suffered a lot these years, and your father is at home... Oh, there is no good way. In order for you not to suffer any more grievances, I will teach you some skills...

Dad, I feel so uncomfortable. What are you doing...No...

Jiang Yuyan screamed, but Jiang Biehe's movements became more intense, and his true energy surged towards Jiang Yuyan.

A trace of unbearability flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared, and he became more determined and fierce.

But what he didn't notice was that although Jiang Yuyan was screaming with her back turned, the expression on her face was...very calm, terrifyingly calm, and her eyes gradually turned sharp and cold, turning black without any warning.

That's enough, don't...

Jiang Yuyan's low murmur did not make Jiang Biehe stop, but instead intensified the infusion of skills.

I've said enough!

Jiang Yuyan screamed, turned around, and hit Jiang Biehe on the chest with a palm, knocking him to the ground.

Yuyan, you...poof...

Jiang Biehe covered his chest and looked at Jiang Yuyan with shock in his eyes. He couldn't believe that his daughter had such advanced skills.

You practice grafting flowers and grafting trees into the devil to produce evil poison, and you are planning to pass the poison on to me, right? Daddy!

Jiang Yuyan's expression was calm, and there seemed to be a smile on her lips. She even called Jiang Biehe daddy. But at this moment, in Jiang Biehe's eyes, this daughter was extremely terrifying.

For some people, all it takes to turn black is a look, just like Jiang Yuyan now.

She was still the innocent girl with big eyes and bangs staring into the air, just like a little white flower, but the feeling she gave Jiang Biehe was completely different. Not even Liu Xi had ever made him afraid like this. Because of Jiang Biehe's stimulation, Yanhuang was finally born.

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