The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 378 We’ve only known each other for one night and one day, and you asked me to take care of

Su Rusu in the room looked to be about forty or fifty years old, with half black and half white hair. She was lying on a recliner with her eyes closed to rest.

When she heard Su Ying's shout, she opened her eyes. When she saw Xu Xin, she said in surprise: Daughter, is this the man you are looking for?


Su Ying blushed and replied angrily.

Xu Xin was also slightly startled. This Poison Queen Su Rushi is also a wonderful person!


Su Ruzhi's originally excited expression suddenly became dull. She took another careful look at Xu Xin and said, No, then why did you bring him home? He doesn't look sick... No, It’s a little weird!”

Chinese medicine pays attention to looking, hearing, asking, and treating poisons regardless of family. Su Ru is proficient in the use of poisons and has superb medical skills. You can know Xu Xin's general physical condition just by looking at him.

She looked at it carefully again and then said: Young man, can you take off the mask from your face!

Senior has great eyesight!

Xu Xin thought that his disguise was quite good, but he didn't expect that Su Ru would see the flaw. This poison queen has a lot of experience!

Su Ru was staring at Xu Xin curiously, It can be seen from the skin color of your hands that you are full of energy and blood, and your face should not be like this!

Su Ying stepped forward and massaged Su Rushi's shoulders, Mom, there must be a reason why people wear masks, so don't ask any more questions.

Mom, do you have a magical seed in your hand?

Magic seed?

A trace of nostalgia appeared on Su Rushi's face, which was something left by her old friend, the ghost doctor Chang Baicao, in the past.

Mom, this time I went to the Poison Kings and Heroes Conference. On the way back, I was attacked by Tang Lao San of Sichuan Tang Sect and others... If you have magic seeds, why don't you give them to others!

Su Ying told Su Rushi exactly what happened before.

When Su Ru heard this, her expression condensed, and she immediately grabbed the hand that Su Ying was massaging on her shoulder, and said with concern: Daughter, don't deal with people from the poisonous sect anymore, they are all a bunch of scoundrels. If something happens to you, what will you do if your mother is alone!

Su Ying comforted her softly: Mom, am I okay? Don't worry. It was only my carelessness this time that led to their sneak attack. If I encounter someone from the poisonous sect again, I will take action first. Be strong and don’t give them the chance to hurt me.”

Well, you used to be too soft-hearted. Now that you can think like this, I can feel more at ease.

Su Ru nodded slightly, then she looked at Xu Xin again, smiled and said: Young man, thank you for saving my daughter! But, what do you want the magic seed for?

Su Ruzhi only had a daughter like Su Ying. The mother and daughter depended on each other and had a very deep relationship. Xu Xin saved Su Ying. She naturally wanted to accept this kindness and find a way to repay Xu Xin.

As a poison master, she is very interested in medicinal materials and poisons, and has a lot of elixirs and powerful poisons in her hands. Magic seeds, water lilies, poisonous epiphyllums, etc., some are highly poisonous, and some can kill people.

Miracle seeds are a very magical elixir. If you are terminally ill or poisonous, you can take this miraculous seed.

After taking it, it can extend a person's life for five days. The seeds will sprout in the body, and when it matures, a flower will grow on the top of the head.

The flower can bloom for five days and will become more and more beautiful, but after five days, the flower will wither and the magic of the magical seed will disappear.

In addition, during the five days after taking the magical seeds, the lives of people and flowers are connected. When the flowers are alive and the people are alive, the flowers die and the people die.

I also know a little bit about medicine, and I want to study it. Moreover, such a magical elixir can save lives at critical moments, so I naturally want to keep it for self-defense!

Only the first half of Xu Xin's words are true. There are many elixirs in the world, such as the Tianshan Snow Lotus that can detoxify hundreds of poisons, the magical seeds that can prolong life, and the heavenly fragrant cardamom that can bring people back to life. He wanted to get his hands on them, study them and try their effects.

As for saving his life, he felt that he basically didn't need any means of saving his life in this life. The worst he could do was to die and live another life. Once you have experienced it, you feel that it is not a big deal and death is not the end of life.

Su Ruzhi looked at Su Ying, then at Xu Xin, and finally looked at Xu Xin's eyes, and said solemnly: I can give you the magic seed. My daughter, you go out first and close the door. I have something to do. Talk to him.


Su Ying nodded, the door was closed, and the room was a little dim.

Su Rushu looked at Xu Xin: Young man, do you think I am a normal person?

I heard that senior was poisoned by water lily!

Well, in the early years when I was studying the poison of water lilies, the poison accidentally entered my body. I was going to sleep forever, but I used poison to suppress it.

However, the poison of water lilies is really difficult to completely eliminate from the body, so now among the twelve hours a day, I am only awake for one hour, and there are eleven hours left in which I have to be in a coma. If things go on like this, my body will be damaged. I'm also sick...

Su Rushi's tone was calm, and there was not much regret or regret in his words. For a person who is proficient in poison, studying poisons and poisons is their lifelong hobby. Even if there may be danger, it cannot dispel their enthusiasm.

Now that I am like this, I have nothing to complain about. I just suffered a lot from my daughter Su Ying. When she was very young, I was poisoned by the water lily. Not only did I fail to take good care of her and fulfill my responsibilities as a mother. , but let her take care of me at a young age.

My current body, well... once I'm gone, Su Ying will be all alone. Besides, she has grown up now.

She is very beautiful, but there will always be some unscrupulous people who will pester her. She is a girl. Even if she is superb in poison skills, if she gets distracted at any time and is attacked and plotted by someone, the consequences will be disastrous.

I want to find someone for Su Ying who can accompany her and protect her. Are you willing?

Su Ru wanted Xu Xin to take care of Su Ying. This was a temporary temptation, but it was also somewhat sincere. As someone who had experienced it, she could see her daughter's vague affection for the man in front of her.

Senior, Miss Su and I are just acquaintances. It's too early to talk about taking care of her!

Xu Xin raised his eyebrows slightly. It would be a lie to say that he was not interested in Su Ying. But in the end, they had only known each other for one night and one day, and now they were entrusting each other. The plot was developing too fast!

And I think it would be more appropriate for you to take care of your daughter yourself. I can help you resolve the water lily poison, but it may be... a bit offensive!

Xu Xin walked up to Su Rushi as he spoke, stretched out his hand and pressed it against Su Rushi's body.


Su Ruzhi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his consciousness disappeared.

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