The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 363 Yao Yue: I will kill you two bitches today!

Lianxing, do you know what you are talking about! This man is not a good person. The rules of the Yihua Palace are to kill all the unfaithful people in the world. This man first married a wife, and a few days later he welcomed you into the house and accepted her. One room of concubines, such a heartless thing...

I know all this, so I won't bother you, sister.

Yao Yue was angry at Lian Xing's words. Although the expression on her face did not change much, her cold jade hands had already been clenched into fists.

Lianxing, do you know why I agreed to them staying that day and why I had to retreat? It was because of him...

Yaoyue pointed at Xu Xin and wanted to tell someone about how he was scornful of her that day.

Yao Yue was not a talkative person at first. She was kissed and touched by Xu Xin that day, which was considered a huge shame in her life. She had never mentioned it to anyone. To say it now like this is really a betrayal from Lian Xing. ”, which was hard for her to accept.

I know, that day I watched you, sister, being bullied by him... Giggles, watching you, sister, being bullied, I felt very happy at the time!

Lian Xing's words made Yao Yue's expression lose control. But then, she watched Lian Xing raise her left hand, shining brightly in the candlelight.

Look, sister, he bullied you, but he helped me heal my hands and feet, which proves that in his heart, I am more worthy of pity than you... Sister, do you know why you lost, because you are too strong , men don’t like women like this, back then Jiang Feng…”

shut up!

Palace Master Yao Yue suddenly said seriously that Jiang Feng's matter was a taboo for her, especially now that Lian Xing had done something similar to Hua Yue Nu and eloped with a handsome and stinky man, which inevitably reminded her of that time.

Why should I shut up?

Lian Xing sneered: Sister, my Hunyuan Qi has made another breakthrough, and now I don't have to be afraid of you anymore.

Yao Yue's eyes narrowed when she heard this, and her rare mood swings instantly subsided.

Lian Xing looked at her, and their beautiful eyes reflected each other's cold face.

Xu Xin watched from the side, and he found that Yao Yue and Lian Xing were really amazing. They had similar looks. They were biological sisters. It was normal for them to have similar looks. It was not something that should be surprising.

But no matter who it is, they can easily tell them apart when they appear at the same time, because their temperaments are so different.

Both Yao Yue and Lian Xing were stunningly beautiful, but their temperaments were completely different. They both looked cold, but Yao Yue was so cold that it froze her bones. Lian Xing's coldness is more like Gao Leng, which is obviously different.

Lianxing, you know my character. Now that you are back with me, I can forget about it!

Yao Yue's eyes gradually turned cold, and her sister Lian Xing's behavior made her unhappy.

She is a very competitive woman. In order to fight for a peach, she pushed her sister off a fruit tree when she got mad. Later, she even fought for everything. Jiang Feng didn't love her, as if she had lost to Hua Yuenu, so she killed the two betrayers, Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu.

Sister, I told you, I'm not afraid of you anymore!

Lian Xing shook his head, and Yao Yue's eyes turned cold.

I failed to stop you from killing Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu back then. Now that Wuque has grown up, sister, you'd better stop!

Lian Xing's next words made Yao Yue's expression even colder.

The next moment, a ray of silver light cut through the air, almost grazing Lianxing's body, and silently sank into the floor of the roof, creating a bottomless black pit.

Lianxing, I said, don't disobey me!

Yaoyue's voice was cold, and her eyes were even colder.


Xu Xin finally stood up and said in a cold voice: Yao Yue, I think you are really crazy. Lian Xing is your sister. That bullshit plan is really that important to you. Jiang Feng is already dead. In ten years, Hua Wuque was raised by you...

Shut up, no one can destroy that plan. Moreover, Lian Xing proposed that plan.

Yao Yue glared at Lian Xing and Xu Xin with extremely cold eyes.

Are you obsessed?

Xu Xin saw that something was wrong with Yaoyue's state, or that something had always been wrong with her. Ever since Jiang Feng's death more than 20 years ago, she had fallen into a demonic barrier.

Yao Yue saved Jiang Feng back then. She took good care of his injuries and even spent more than ten years of effort to heal him personally. It was the first time she had fallen in love with a man. Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng eloped with a maid from Yihua Palace. This incident was a huge blow to Yao Yue. of.

She was not passionately in love with Jiang Feng at that time. She might have had some feelings of liking for him, but later on, she was more angry and angry, feeling that her dignity had been offended.

She saved Jiang Feng, but this guy ignored the real palace master and ran away with a maid. Doesn't this mean that she is not as good as a maid?

This kind of thing is intolerable to anyone, just like a famous saying among mermaids: I spent 30 billion to play with you, but you actually went to pick up a fish?

It probably means something similar. This is the situation that Yao Yue cannot accept.

She has a strong competitive spirit and is not a magnanimous character. Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu's betrayal caused her to have mental problems.

During these years of raising Hua Wuque, time not only did not dilute everything, but instead caused the hatred in her heart to accumulate until it turned into a crazy obsession. She was almost on the verge of madness.

This is a woman who is going crazy.

No one can ruin that plan!

Yao Yue kept mumbling, and then directly attacked Xu Xin and Lian Xing.

With a divine light flashing in her eyes, she turned her hand and printed it with a palm, which was imprinted in the air, instantly triggering an explosion of air currents and a sharp whistling sound.

Are you challenging me for the second time?

Xu Xin raised his hand to block Yao Yue's blow. Yao Yue, who was in a bad state, seemed even more terrifying, but in fact, for experts, such a state was not good. Many villains ended up overturning because of He was not calm enough and exposed his flaws and was killed.

I will kill you two bitches today!

Yao Yue shouted angrily, a pair of jade hands flew out quickly, and her right hand grabbed Xu Xin's forehead. The grab was fast and fast, and the claws were even more sharp and changeable. Looking at the world, anyone who could avoid such a slight I'm afraid there won't be many people if I catch him lightly.

You forgot how you lost to me!

Xu Xin easily found the flaw in Yaoyue's tricks and grabbed her wrist. She was so excited that she could even be said to be full of mistakes.

Do you think grafting flowers and grafting trees on top of others will still work for me?

Yao Yue's left palm slammed towards Xu Xin, and her body suddenly floated up, like a cloud on the horizon, flying lightly. The movement was agile and light, and the changes were so fast that it was unexpected. She seemed to have really learned something during this retreat.

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