The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 358 Madam, do you want to learn? I will teach you how to identify acupuncture points tonight

On August 30, the day when the yellow bulletin was posted, the royal palace in the capital was a busy scene with lights and colorful decorations, and the excitement was no less than that of the Chinese New Year.

Xu Xin's wedding even alarmed the palace. His Royal Highness sent his confidant eunuch Cao Zhengchun over. It is said that even the emperor had some concerns.

There were many people who came to the Wang family to congratulate them. The official ones were mainly officials from the Hanlin Academy and the capital from Jiangxi. Most of them were entertained by Wang Hua.

Please come out, Mr. Wang. Congratulations on graduating from high school!

Just when Xu Xin was preparing to go out to welcome his bride, another big happy event came to his door. The results of the provincial examination were obtained. Xu Xin went to high school without any accident. Next, the Wang family arranged to report the news and give him a reward. Then Xu Xin People ride on big horses to welcome the bride.

The wedding ceremony is scheduled to take place near dusk. The correct term for 'wedding' should be - 'evening ceremony'. Because dusk is the time when yin and yang intersect, the union of men and women at this time conforms to God's will and brings good fortune, so it is called the evening ceremony.

Xu Xin here is wearing a bright red court dress, leading the team to welcome the bride, and setting off in a hurry. Over there, in the house where the families have temporarily settled, the ladies of the Zhu family, who have dressed up and put on phoenix crowns and harems, are also waiting in the embroidery building. .

The female relatives of various families held colorful yarns, twisted them left and right, and rolled them back and forth on her forehead repeatedly with the help of the twists and turns of the yarns to remove the hair on her face. They also helped to cut her forehead hair and sideburns, trim her eyebrows and add makeup. This is called opening the face.

Normally, in ancient times, women only met once in their lives, which was on their wedding day.

After the ladies from all the families finished packing, they heard the crackling sound of firecrackers in the front yard, and the women said in unison: The sedan chair is coming!

It was indeed the man's wedding sedan that had arrived, but after the woman's family set off firecrackers to welcome the sedan, they immediately left the door ajar and blocked the sedan door. This was a sign that the woman was trying to gain advantage. Although she could certainly break through by force, since ancient times, it has basically never happened. People have done such disgraceful things.

After the man paid a considerable price and satisfied the people inside, the door was reopened and the eight-carrying sedan finally touched the ground.

When the large sedan chair passed through the street, it attracted the envy of countless onlookers. The time was calculated very accurately. When the sedan chair entered the gate of Wang's house, it happened to be the moment when the sun was setting and the sky was filled with red clouds.

He got married, but not to me. Wang Lang, you won't let me down, right?

In an attic in the palace, Lianxing looked at the lively scene in the front yard with extremely complicated eyes. After a long while, he sighed and turned around and entered the attic again, getting rid of distracting thoughts and cultivating his luck.

Worship heaven and earth!

After hearing the sound, the bridegroom and the bride knelt down in front of the ancestors' tablets and kowtowed according to Tongzan's command. They kowtowed again and three times to worship the ancestors of heaven and earth.

Two thanks to Gaotang!

The newlyweds kowtowed to Mr. and Mrs. Wang who were sitting at the top.

Couple greetings!

The groom and the bride kowtow to each other three times.

After the ceremony, we will send you to the bridal chamber!

Accompanied by this fairy sound, the complicated worship ceremony was finally completed. The two maids led the procession holding dragon and phoenix candles, and the groom led the bride into the bridal chamber holding colorful balls and silk ribbons. On the red carpet on the ground, there were five sacks, and the feet of the bride and groom had to walk on the sacks.

After stepping on one, several bridesmaids of the man passed it on to the front and spread it out on the road. This is the legendary 'carrying on the family line'.

After Xu Xin sent the bride into the bridal chamber, he was kicked out again. He had to toast to his close relatives and friends outside.

Xu Xin, the groom's official, wore a black gauze hat with big red flowers, followed by Wang Hua, who was dressed in a sixth-grade dress, starting from the main table and toasting from table to table. Although they didn't need to drink, after many tables, the two of them had already shown that their legs and feet were tired. Soft, dizzy.

Of course Xu Xin is fine, but he must show that he is fine, otherwise you are not normal!

After Xu Xin finished the toast, he finally came to the wedding room in the backyard again. The original large room had been decorated with many bright red colors.

There was a red carpet on the floor, big red words Happy were hung on the walls, and even the gauze hanging on the ground was changed to a festive red.

Six dragon and phoenix candles as thick as a child's arms were burning with candlelight, and the copper-colored warm cage was filled with red charcoal. The bright red firelight reflected the red lanterns hanging from the roof beams, making the bridal chamber warm and red.

Sandalwood was lingering on the bedside, and the candlelight and incense mist made the room hazy. The bride in a bright red wedding dress was looming, making her look even more alluring.

Under the moonlight, above the willow branches, all the maids and women in the room have dispersed, leaving only the groom and the bride in the bridal chamber.

This can be considered pure.

Xu Xin breathed a sigh of relief. He had been married several times, but even when he was the emperor and his consort, he had never experienced so much... red tape, but this form was necessary.

And according to his personality...I'm afraid the next few scenes will not be easy. Although keeping a concubine is not as good as marrying a wife, Lianxing's status makes it unreasonable not to have a grand wedding. So tonight I have to sleep on my little daughter-in-law, and Xu Xin is still very confident about this.

Although he doesn't really need to do anything, with his methods, it's not easy to control a little chick.


When Xu Xin lifted up the red hijab, he saw his young wife Zhu Cui's beautiful face, peach cheeks, cherry lips, nose and eyebrows, and delicate forehead and temples. She was very beautiful and festive.

Wang Lang!

Miss Cui'er called out in a low voice. Faced with his fussy hands and feet, she still seemed to be a little resistant, and whispered: I haven't drank the Heyi wine yet!

Girl Cui'er's pretty little face was red and bleeding. Xu Xin waved and picked up a gourd.

Ah! Wang Lang, what is this?

Miss Cui'er looked at Xu Xin in surprise.

Madam, do you want to learn? I will teach you how to recognize acupuncture points tonight!

Xu Xin smiled brightly. He naturally wanted to teach Miss Cui'er to practice kung fu. After all, she was his wife. She didn't need to learn boxing, but she must practice Qi and internal kung fu.

Well, Prince Duyi!

Girl Cui'er responded with a blushing face, took the gourd from Xu Xin's hand, and split it gently. The originally integrated gourd was divided into two gourds, connected by a red silk thread in the middle.

Nuer Hong filled two gourds, and Cui'er snuggled gently into Teacher Xu's arms. Today's hug was particularly solid and devoted, because they were husband and wife, and they fit each other just like the two gourds. Same, exactly the same.

Nuerhong was drank down in one gulp, and two gourds were thrown under the bed. Girl Cui'er let out a soft cry, covered her face and got under the quilt without even exposing her head.

Xu Xin originally thought that Miss Cui'er was giving up her resistance, but unexpectedly the young bride grabbed the corners of the quilt tightly and wrapped herself into a rice dumpling.

But this was not a problem for Teacher Xu, who was good at understanding people's clothes. Looking at the exquisite curves under the brocade quilt, he pounced on it with a whimper.

With the red candle shining brightly, I could see clearly. Mr. Xu unhurriedly peeled off the cocoon bit by bit, finally removing all the defenses of the young bride. The moon-white lake silk bellyband that the mandarin ducks were playing in the water was shaking in the hazy halo. Everyone is dizzy.

That night, I was naturally turned upside down... But Mr. Xu admitted that he only taught his young wife Cui'er to identify the acupuncture points.

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