The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 354 The plot of Flying Swords of Dragon Gate is about to reach the life and death of Concubi

Chapter 354 The plot of Dragon Gate Flying Swords is coming soon...the life and death of Concubine Wan Gui...

In a certain inn in the capital, a large number of Dongchang fans surrounded the place.

The surroundings are heavily guarded, and all the key points are guarded closely by factory guards wearing round hats, iron armor, and brown clothes. Not even a fly can get in.


There was a sound of clothes rubbing against each other and swords clashing. Many Dongchang fans surrounded a small courtyard of the inn, and then one person led the crowd.

The person who came was wearing a gorgeous cloak and an official hat of Dongchang on his head. Although his face was old and his hair was white, his health was better than 99% of the common people.

This person is none other than Wan Yulou, the current chief governor of Dongchang. The only eunuch under Liu Xi, the governor of Dongchang, is also the devil in the hearts of countless people.

He has very senior qualifications, and it is said that he can have some relationship with Concubine Wan Gui. As the admiral of Dongchang, it goes without saying that he is ruthless and ruthless, and his cruelty is even more outrageous.

Cao Shaoqin and Liu Xi both just killed people, but this guy went even further. He often beheaded the people he killed and used the body parts, such as tongues, to make wine and drink them. If this guy didn't have the identity of Dongchang, he would have been killed long ago.

You are the rebel He Hu!

Wan Yulou led people into the small courtyard. They could see a burly man with a knife covered in blood and injured in many places. There were corpses lying around him. This man was the one who had followed Zhou Huaian in Longmen. He Hu in the inn battle with Cao Shaoqin.

Bah! You eunuch, you will die sooner or later...

He Hu became emotional when he saw Wan Yulou, who was obviously an eunuch. He and Zhou Huaian had attacked and killed the leaders of the Dongchang many times in the past few years, and had eliminated many eunuch masters. They had also been ambushed and attacked by them many times.

Needless to say, what happened today was definitely arranged by the dead eunuch in front of me.

Hmph! You can only be stubborn. It seems that Zhou Huai'an will not come to save you that time. It's just like that... It seems that you were just lucky to kill Cao Shaoqin in the first place. You are a bunch of cowards...

Wan Yulou shook his black cloak as he spoke, pointed at He Hu and said coldly: Get him for us, I will use his tongue to make wine!

Many guards rushed forward. He Hu had been besieged and injured by Dongchang masters before, and now he was even more scarred. His weapon was knocked away in just a few moves, and he was held down by many Dongchang fans.

Bah! Castrated dog!

Wan Yulou walked up to He Hu, but was spat on with blood on his face, and immediately slapped him in the face.


Wan Yu was not gentle downstairs. Half of He Hu's face was swollen and he was whimpering when he spoke.

Tell me, who is the main messenger behind you? Who instructed you to assassinate the imperial official.

Wan Yulou grabbed He Hu's collar and questioned him, but all he got was a curse. The men around him tortured him one after another, but it had no effect. The burly man just refused to say anything.

You bastard, do you think you'll be fine if you don't tell me about this?

Wan Yulou was completely angry. Seeing that He Hu was so tough, he didn't bother to interrogate him and kicked him to the ground.

Cough cough cough...

He Hu was kicked by Wan Yulou again. He fell to the ground and struggled. He was already covered in scars, and now he was coughing up blood.

Eunuch, there are so many chivalrous people in the world, you will die a good death sooner or later...

He Hu's words made Wan Yulou's eyes turn cold, and his chest heaved with anger.

He has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. Come here, cut off his tongue and make a jar of good wine. We will use it to replenish our body.

Wan Yulou gave an order, and several fans came forward. One of them grabbed He Hu's chin with five fingers.

You... must not... die...

Men like He Hu were even more excited after hearing this. He struggled desperately to turn his head away, his eyes were red, he was extremely angry, and he couldn't help cursing.

Fanzi grabbed his jaw and squeezed it hard, and his mouth immediately opened. Fanzi took out an iron pliers and clamped the tongue in his mouth, and then someone brought a knife and liquor.

This is a kind of torture commonly used by Wanyulou. Cutting off tongues in front of people and throwing them into wine is called making wine. In fact, after drinking, he drinks with the guy whose tongue was cut out.

If a person's tongue is cut off, it only affects his ability to eat and speak. He will not die immediately. Even as long as his vocal cords are intact, he can still speak reluctantly.

For a crazy guy like Wan Yulou to cut off people's tongues and then drink them, it would be a double blow, both physical and psychological. Many people would go crazy because of this, and some of them would actually be tricked out of things by this method. , which made him even more serious and often did this kind of thing.

The dead eunuch is hated by others for no reason. What kind of things did he do?

From a high place outside the inn, the figures of Xu Xin and Lian Xing appeared in the dark and observed everything.

After Wan Yulou surrounded He Hu, he deliberately released the news, obviously to lure the rebellious party into being fooled. Xu Xin naturally would not miss such an obvious plot of the incident. After getting the news, he ran over to watch the excitement.

With his and Lianxing's martial arts skills, among the people in Dongchang, only Cao Zhengchun, who was still dormant, could barely see enough. The others were not a concern, so they were naturally not afraid of the so-called ambush.

Are you going to save people? What do you need from me?

Seeing that Xu Xin seemed to be planning to take action, Lianxing took the initiative to ask Ying to help her lover.

Although Xu Xin got his fiancée during this period, most of the time he was still inseparable from his unmarried concubine.

This is not because Mr. Xu dotes on his concubine and destroys his wife or something, but that he and Miss Zhu's family are not officially married yet, so it is not easy to have too much contact with them.

Lianxing was quite familiar with Miss Zhu's family, and with her ability, she was able to handle the relationship well. She even coaxed the principal to call her sister.

Look around for me. I suspect that Zhou Huaian is nearby, but it's hard to take action! This guy originally followed the Minister of the Ministry of War. He has been making frequent moves in the past two years. He may have other relationships. I'm very curious about his current situation. Whose person is he?

Xu Xin said that he was indeed planning to save He Hu. After all, he was an acquaintance. He couldn't just watch the other person die in front of his eyes without doing anything. He also hated some of the methods of the dead eunuchs of Dongchang.

The Imperial Factory Guard was supposed to be an institution that supervises all officials and the world, but it was made into a mess by these guys. Many of the chaos in the world are caused by eunuchs.

In addition, Xu Xin estimates that if you calculate the time, the plot of Flying Swords of Dragon Gate will be completed soon.

This plot involves the life and death of the ministers and Concubine Wan Gui, and involves huge interests. He has to sort out some things, make arrangements in advance, and promote his own people to ascend to power.


A roof of the inn suddenly exploded, and a large amount of broken wood, earth and rocks fell towards the small courtyard.

There's an assassin!

Dongchang's fans reacted quickly, but one or two of them couldn't stop Xu Xin's.

You are, ah...

Wan Yulou just opened his mouth to ask, but in the middle of his words, his mouth was slapped until it was deformed, and half of his tongue flew out.

After the disguised Xu Xin landed, he stretched out his hand and grabbed He Hu directly. Taking advantage of the chaos in the field, he flew up to the wall, jumped a few more times, and disappeared from the sight of many Dongchang fans.

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