The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 341 Lianxing: Let’s elope! Leave the Yihua Palace to cook the cooked rice

Chapter 341 Lianxing: Let’s elope! Leaving Yihua rice before cooking...

Xiuyu Valley, Yihua Palace, deep in the deep palace, mist is thick, two figures are lingering together, endless bliss, indulgent joy, who knows when day and night alternate, and what time it is in the world.

Sister, she doesn't know when she will be released from seclusion!

The wind and rain stopped, and the two people embraced each other sweetly in the hot spring. Lianxing leaned against Xu Xin's chest. Suddenly, there was a throbbing in her heart. She counted the days secretly. It seemed that it had been a long time since her sister invited her to retreat. It's been a while.

She hasn't come out of seclusion yet, isn't that a good thing!

Xu Xin's palms caressed Lianxing's pink back. Compared to Yaoyue who still needed to conquer the strategy again and again, Lianxing was already in his arms and he could enjoy it at any time. Xu Xin naturally cared more about the person in front of him.

That's not what you said when you did something bad to your sister that day.

Lian Xing rolled her eyes at Xu Xin. The more she became familiar with him, the more she revealed her girlish nature, as if she was getting younger and younger.

In fact, not only his personality, Lian Xing's body has also become younger during this period. To be precise, it is more perfect. After experiencing Xu Xin's warmth and care, although he is not really happy yet, every time he is so happy and lingering, Lian Xing's complexion is getting better and better.

The scientific explanation is that after a girl has a boyfriend, even if she does not have that kind of life, her hormones can be properly coordinated and she will not be prone to acne.

Lianxing, you know, I only have you in my heart right now.

Xu Xin's love words and vows come right out of his mouth. Don't be too skilled at this kind of thing!

You bad boy, people don't know you yet. You only have me in your heart now. When you go to find Tie Xinlan later, it will only be her again. When my sister comes out of confinement, you will only have my sister again!

Lian Xing's slender jade fingers touched Xu Xin's body gently without leaving even a red mark. She was extremely gentle to him.

Although I want to have you alone, I already know your prodigal temperament. I might as well stay with you for the rest of my life!

Lian Xing's side face was leaning on Xu Xin's chest, her beautiful eyes were slightly closed and she rested for a long time. She suddenly raised her head, with a trace of determination on her beautiful face, and said: Let's elope! Leave Yihua Palace!


Xu Xin was extremely shocked after hearing this. He lowered his head to look at Lian Xing, only to see that she looked serious.

He quickly said: No, there's no need for this. Yao Yue is no match for me.

So you still miss my sister and want sisters...

I'm not! I didn't! Don't talk nonsense... Ahem, don't think nonsense!

Xu Xin denied it three times in a row. After finishing it, he felt that Don't talk nonsense was a bit of a cover-up, so he changed it to Don't talk nonsense. However, no matter how much he thought about it and felt guilty, he didn't dare to look at Lianxing.

It's not that I don't want to share the same husband with my sister, but you also know my sister's character. Once she finds out about you and me, she will definitely make a big fuss and turn against me again.

I never competed with my sister when I was young. I will definitely beat her this time. Let's leave Yihua Palace first. Wait until...

Lian Xing's little face blushed slightly, and she lowered her head to look at Teacher Xu's pubic area, and said again: Whenever you think about it, you can cook the rice before you come back...

When Xu Xin heard that the raw rice was cooked, he lowered his head and smiled meaningfully, and kissed Lian Xing's forehead softly.

Most women in this era are reserved, even if they are casual women, but such things are made clear, which also shows that Lianxing's heart is full of him now, and she has gradually stepped out of the shadow caused by Yaoyue in the past, and knows how to compete for men. , this is progress and should be rewarded.

Wang Lang, don't you have something to do when you go to Jiangnan this time?

Didn't you say a few days ago that you were going to visit Murong's house in a while?

Lian Xing continued, Xu Xin was thoughtful.

There is indeed some news. In a few days, Concubine Murong Shu will go to Jiangnan to visit her relatives, and Liu Xi will also leave the capital. Calculating the time, if we leave now, we can arrive earlier.

Shall we leave now?

What's the rush? I haven't had enough of this happy life yet, so enjoy it first...

The hot springs were shaking, and Teacher Xu started teaching a new course again, and the smart older beauty student Lian Xing cooperated quite a lot and became more and more sensible.

Outside the Xiuyu Valley, the sound of horse hooves sounded, and the birds in the forest on both sides of the road started to frighten.

A carriage with a simple style was driving slowly on the avenue. It looked a little old, but it was very stable. The interior was gorgeously decorated, and there were no bumps when traveling. It was obviously made by a skilled craftsman.

What is quite surprising is that the carriage is unmanned, but it can accurately identify the direction and move slowly. If someone sees it, there will be rumors of ghosts and gods.

In the antique, spacious and warm carriage, Lianxing leaned on the soft couch, lowering his head and gently caring for his lover, his eyes slightly blurred.

Xu Xin rested on Lian Xing's lap and breathed out calmly and peacefully.

Lian Xing's jade fingers gently caressed Xu Xin's cheek, and her fingertips slid over the skin, just watching and watching quietly. After a long time, a sigh came out.

Sister! I'm sorry...

Lianxing apologized to Yaoyue in her heart. Before meeting Xu Xin, she never thought that she would do such a thing and leave Yihua Palace for a man. Although she left a letter saying that she was going to monitor Hua Wuque and Xiao Yu'er, but in fact she is almost eloping.

The last woman who eloped out of Yihua Palace was Hua Yuenu. She stole the first man that Yao Yue fell in love with, Yulang Jiang Feng.

Twenty years later, she Lianxing did something similar, but this time it was not Yao Yue who fell in love with him, but him who fell in love with Yao Yue. But in the end, she was one step ahead. This feeling of being better than my sister was so good.


Lianxing eloped with Xu Xin and left Yihua Palace to go to Murong's house. But deep in Yihua Palace, Yao Yue, who was wearing a palace skirt, suddenly opened her eyes, with a trace of doubt in her eyes.

She didn't know why, but she suddenly thought of her sister Lianxing.

But she didn't think much about it. She just recalled what happened recently and continued to close her eyes.

The last time she lost to Xu Xin made her feel deeply humiliated. This incident greatly stimulated her. Now she was only thinking about making a breakthrough in her cultivation and seeking revenge against that guy who was several years younger than Hua Wuque.

The peace and tranquility of the past has returned to the Yihua Palace, but elsewhere, the villa of the Murong family in the Jiangnan martial arts world is bustling with rare lanterns and colorful decorations.

The eldest daughter of the Murong family is about to return to Jiangnan from the capital to visit relatives. In order to handle this matter, the Murong family specially hired some more cooks and maids, and it was during this process that a certain guy with evil thoughts... He also sneaked into Murong Villa.

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