The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 336 Yao Yue, this domineering woman just needs training and conquest


A sharp sword light lit up deep in the stone hall of Yihua Palace. Along with the sound of the sharp blade being unsheathed, the bright sword light cut away Yao Yue's palm, and Diao Buyu's figure also fell beside Xu Xin.

This sword surprised me. Who are you? If you can take my Yao Yue palm, you must not be an unknown person. Please tell me your name!

Yaoyue stood up from the throne and looked down at Xu Xin and Diao Buyu. She did not continue to take action, but solemnly asked Diao Buyu's name.

Although she is moody and would suddenly attack Xu Xin, she also has the pride and dignity of a strong person. If her attack fails once, and if she continues to target a weak scholar who is not proficient in martial arts, it is inevitable that others will gossip, and it will also be against her. Diao Buyu's disrespect.

After all, Yihua Palace is a Jianghu sect, and Yaoyue also has the pride of a martial artist. It is necessary to respect a unique opponent like Diao Buyu.

Diao Buyu was originally a helper at the Longmen Inn, but their shopkeeper became my unmarried concubine, and he came to work as my bodyguard.

Xu Xin introduces Diao Buyu’s origins to Yao Yue.

Excessive talent, underutilized, self-destruction...

Yao Yue commented like this, and looking at Diao Buyu's eyes, there was already a bit of contempt.

Master Yuyue Palace, can you lend me a moment to speak!

Xu Xin suddenly took a step forward and said.

You want to talk to me alone? You are very brave!

Yao Yue glanced at him sideways, and then looked away pretending to be calm.

Don't you dare, Palace Master!

Xu Xin raised his head and looked at Yao Yue. His provoking method was not clever, but he was indeed courageous. What does that sentence say, as long as you are brave, the palace owner will take maternity leave?

When Xu Xin spoke, he glanced in Hua Wuque's direction again, and his meaning was obvious.

Yao Yue raised her sleeves, walked down from the top, stared at Xu Xin's face, her eyes seemed calm, but her murderous intent was gone, and her cold voice sounded again, saying: You come with me!

As she spoke, she walked towards the other direction of the stone palace. Xu Xin clasped his fists slightly towards everyone as if to say goodbye. The last glance he took was in the direction of Lian Xing, with a meaningful smile on his lips.

The breeze is like water, and the shadows of flowers are dazzling. Countless delicate flowers are blooming in Yihua Palace, and the fragrance of flowers lingers in your nose all year round. Xu Xin and Yaoyue were walking in the garden, neither of them spoke first.

Master Yueyue Palace, can I pick a flower?

In the end, it was Xu Xin who spoke first.

You love flowers!

Yao Yue turned her head, her cold and beautiful face was still cold, and there was no sign of joy.

The flowers are so beautiful and colorful. I don't think there are many people who don't like flowers!

While Xu Xin was speaking, he had already bent down to pick among the flowers. After turning around, he picked a delicate pale pink flower in his hand.

He held the flower in his hand and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He turned around and walked to Yao Yue, then stretched out his hand to Yao Yue's temples. Yao Yue also cooperated and did not move, letting him insert the flower between her black hair. .

I took the liberty of borrowing flowers to offer to the Buddha. Master Yaoyue Palace shouldn't blame me!

Xu Xin smiled as he spoke, and when his hand fell, he seemed to want to touch her pretty face frivolously, but he saw a faint fragrance lingering, his sleeves were raised, and Xu Xin's hand was caught by Yao Yue.

Yaoyue looked at Xu Xin and said coldly: All men are the same. The most beautiful man in the world is not a bitch, but a stinky man.

As she spoke, she directly picked off the flowers Xu Xin was wearing with her other hand and threw them to the ground.

Xu Xin said calmly: Yao Yue, I never claimed to be the most beautiful man in the world! Do you think I am Jiang Feng? Can he compare with me?

You are even more annoying than Jiang Feng. With your pretty face, you probably do a lot of deceiving women!

Yao Yue's eyes became sharp, and a pink halo quickly spread along her palms to Xu Xin's body, which was the supreme skill of Yihua Palace's wedding dress magic.

How can it be?

Yao Yue had murderous intentions towards Xu Xin, but she soon realized something was wrong, because even if Xu Xin was an ordinary person who didn't know martial arts, and the true energy of the wedding dress magical skill entered his body, he would definitely not be able to bear the physical trauma. Maybe he is as expressionless as he is now.

What kind of martial arts are you doing?

Yaoyue held Xu Xin's wrist with even more force, a large amount of true energy surged out, and the strong wind caused petals in all directions to fly with an astonishing momentum.

The Wedding Clothes Divine Art of Yihua Palace has the ninth level of mental power. You should know this, right?

Modify what's happened? Impossible, that's just a legend!

Nothing is impossible. I unlocked the Liuren Divine Dice and obtained Yihua Suimu. Otherwise, how could I dare to come to Yihua Palace...

Xu Xin grabbed Yao Yue's wrist pulse with his backhand, and easily took away the Qi that Yao Yue had injected into his body. Naturally, he did not use grafting techniques, but the gong-absorbing method that had already penetrated deeply into the soul.

The method of grafting flowers and grafting trees is very mysterious. He is still comprehending it and has not fully analyzed and understood the mysterious principles and used it for his own purposes.

You...are brave...

Yao Yue's eyebrows slightly raised, and she moved her held wrist, wanting to shake Xu Xin's hand away and escape. However, she didn't expect that someone not only refused to let go, but started kneading and rubbing her more and more wantonly.

Naturally, she would not coddle Xu Xin, and slapped Xu Xin directly on the forehead with another palm. If the power of the powerful and domineering heart-breaking palm was applied properly, even if it was a graft, it would end in a bloody head.

You still don't believe it, do you? Your energy is of no use to me.

Xu Xin's hand was faster than hers, and he grabbed Yao Yue's other hand.

As long as the power of the heart-breaking palm spills out of Yao Yue's body, it will be taken away by the method of absorbing energy from the air. This feeling of loss of true energy makes Yao Yue very uncomfortable. She has always been the only one to use the magical power of wedding clothes to steal other people's true energy. Angry, I didn’t expect to be treated like this one day.

It seems that the master of the Palace of the Moon is only capable of this!

Xu Xin continued to provoke Yao Yue. This domineering woman simply needed training and conquest.

The reason why Jiang Feng fled from Yihua Palace in the first place was because he knew exactly what kind of woman Yao Yue was, having been in love for a long time.

Even if such a woman fell in love with a man, she would still take the initiative, and Jiang Feng was not a passive person, and he couldn't bear to play the same role in person. Of course, he didn't want to accept Yao Yue's feelings.

Of course, if Jiang Feng could have Yan Nantian's strength, he might be able to try to conquer Yao Yue. But now, Xu Xin has this force.

Do you think you can beat me, Yaoyue, just by absorbing energy from afar?

Yao Yue's beautiful eyebrows raised, her true energy quickly converged and returned to the palms of her hands to exert force, she used excellent skill to escape Xu Xin's control, turned around and took two steps back.

Xu Xin raised the hand that held Yao Yue just now, but he didn't know when the brocade handkerchief that Yao Yue carried was taken into his hand. He put the brocade handkerchief on the tip of his nose and smelled it. Although he didn't say anything, this action It’s all done, what more words do you need to say?

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