The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 327 Either send your daughter to the palace, or give your daughter to me

Young Master Yu, what do you mean?

In front of Jiang Mansion, Jiang Biehe politely asked Xiao Yu'er for advice.

Xiao Yu'er pointed at Jiang Yuyan and said, This girl also has the surname Jiang and is closely related to Daxia Jiang.

Jiang Biehe turned his head and took a closer look at Jiang Yuyan, and found that she did look familiar, as if he had seen her before somewhere, giving him an indescribable sense of familiarity.

I wonder what business this girl has with me?

Jiang Yuyan was already extremely excited when she saw her father. He lowered his head, took out a purse, and said: Little girl, there is a token. An old friend asked me to hand it to Daxia Jiang. I wonder if Daxia Jiang still recognizes it?

When Jiang Biehe saw the purse in Jiang Yuyan's hand, he was immediately shocked. Probably because he did have some affection for Jiang Yuyan's mother, with a look of pity on his face, he quickly took Jiang Yuyan alone into the side room. Asked about the current situation.

Jiang Yuyan then told everything about her life experience and her experiences over the years. Only when it comes to the part where he was rescued, the protagonist was changed to Tie Xinlan according to Xu Xin's instructions.

My mother's biggest wish in her life is that I can become a member of the Jiang family.

Jiang Yuyan's eyes were filled with tears, and she looked at Jiang Bie Hedao pitifully.

Jiang Biehe still had some feelings for his daughter, but he thought about the tigress Jiang Liu in the family. The most important thing is that he relied on Jiang Liu to get into Liu Xi, which he would never dare to offend.

Therefore, there was a look of hesitation on his face.

It's okay. It doesn't matter if dad doesn't take Yuyan in. As long as she can hear dad call her daughter, Yuyan will be satisfied...

Jiang Yuyan looked like pear blossoms and rain, and I felt pity for her. A pair of big and smart eyes, but they are turning around.

Although she was not evil, she was still smart and scheming. She immediately softened her attitude and said that she would not force herself, which immediately made Jiang Biehe feel affection for her.

Xu Xin was able to monitor everything from the outside to the inside. He personally arranged this father-daughter recognition. Of course, he would not use Jiang Yuyan as Tie Xinlan thought, but to use Jiang Biehe.

Compared to the uncontrollable Jiang Yuyan, Xu Xin clearly knows Jiang Biehe's thoughts and methods. If he wants to deal with him, he can easily figure it out without using too much brainpower.

Yan'er, my Yan'er!...

Xu Xin is planning to tease Jiang Biehe, his cheap father-in-law. Over there, in the room, the scene of father and daughter recognizing each other is quite touching. Seeing Jiang Yuyan who was crying silently and feeling how sensible and considerate this daughter was, Jiang Biehe was so moved that he finally recognized his daughter.



Just when the two father and daughter recognized each other, there was a squeak sound, the door opened, and Jiang Liu, the mother of the Jiang family, strode in.

What a great show of 'father and daughter recognizing each other'! Jiang Biehe, do you think I don't exist?

Her sharp shout instantly knocked down Jiang Biehe's affection, and reason and desire for power once again occupied his heart.

Daughter Yuyan, I have met my aunt!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuyan hurriedly knelt down and saluted respectfully.

Don't dare take it!

Mrs. Jiang Liu sneered, with disdain on her face, and said, I only have one daughter, named 'Yu Feng'. Where did Yu Yan come from?

Hmph! I, Mrs. Jiang Liu, am not a ruthless person!... Since we are already here, let her be a servant!

This this……

Jiang Biehe had no choice in facing the Jiang Liu family. In the end, Jiang Yuyan stayed temporarily, but... not as a concubine, but as a maid.

The movement in the side room could not be hidden from the people who were still in the living room. When Jiang Biehe came to the living room again, he naturally noticed the change in the eyes of Xiao Yu'er and the others when they looked at him.

He smiled awkwardly and said, Young heroes, do you have anything else to do today?

We are all fine. We met this prince from the capital on the road. He has other things to do with you!

Xiao Yu'er pointed at Xu Xin who was sitting on the other side. Jiang Biehe then noticed that Xu Xin, Heizi and Diao Buyu seemed to be not in the same group as Xiao Yu'er, and there were some princes from the capital. Yes, he seems to have no impression at all? do you know it?

Who is this young master?

Jiang Biehe greeted Xu Xin politely.

Your Majesty Wang Shouren, a little person who accompanies the prince to study in the palace, has left the capital on the emperor's order to select beauties for the prince!

When Xu Xin said this, he paused for a moment, looked at Xiao Yu'er and the others, and said again: Mr. Jiang, I don't know if I can lend a step to speak!

Young heroes, we didn't treat you well today, please forgive me!

Jiang Biehe first apologized to Xiao Yu'er and the others, then stood up and made a gesture of invitation, and took Xu Xin to another room next to them.

Master Wang, please sit down!

Jiang Biehe sat in the first place, and Xu Xin followed suit. After the door was closed, only Xu Xin, Jiang Biehe, and Heizi and Diao Buyu, who were guarding Xu Xin's back, were left inside.

Master Wang, I wonder why you are looking for Mr. Jiang?

Jiang Biehe had heard of Xu Xin's name. When we were in Huangshan a few days ago, two stall owners in Dongchang were killed while chatting and chatting. Liu Xi personally wrote a letter asking him to investigate the whereabouts and news of Wang Shouren, the prince's attendant in the palace.

Today, Xu Xin came to the door in person, which made him a little uneasy.

Master Jiang, I've heard that your daughter, Miss Jiang Yufeng, is so beautiful that she is the most beautiful woman in the country. She is one of the four beauties in the world together with the martial arts leader's daughter Tie Xinlan and the two ladies from the Murong family. I'm sorry. By the emperor's order, of course I want to... meet him.

Young Master, do you mean to let the little girl enter the palace?

When Jiang Biehe heard Xu Xin's words, he had some doubts on his face. If he was just an ordinary figure in the world, he would naturally be extremely grateful for this good thing. Just like the Murong family, the eldest daughter Murong Shu entered the palace as a concubine, how majestic she is now.

But after all, he also had a eunuch father-in-law, and he knew that the relationship between the prince and his god-father-in-law Liu Xi was quite bad. Xu Xin came here like this and wanted his daughter Yufeng to enter the palace. He was afraid that... the person who came here was evil.

Master Jiang, are you unwilling?

Bie He definitely didn't mean this!

It doesn't matter if you don't want to. There is another way to avoid this. You can make an engagement for your daughter and marry her casually.


When Jiang Biehe heard what Xu Xin said, he felt even more uneasy.

I am somewhat interested in your daughter, so I can force her to take her as a concubine for fun!

Xu Xin's words made Jiang Biehe change his face instantly.

Young Master Wang, you have gone too far. My wife is...

Of course I know Liu Xi's goddaughter, I'm just looking for trouble for Liu Xi!

Jiang Biehe, you have only two choices, either send your daughter to the palace, or give your daughter to me.

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