The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 322 Hidden clumsiness or really useless? Leaders of various factions who look like a joke?

Everyone, we are gathering today to nominate the leader of the martial arts alliance... I thought about it for a long time yesterday. To be the leader of the martial arts alliance, you must meet three major conditions!

As he spoke, he walked down from the competition stage, walked to the middle of the crowd, held out three fingers, and then said: First, martial arts here can defeat all heroes; second, eliminate harm to the martial arts world; third, find the whereabouts of the Iron Alliance Leader, The token is handed over by the leader of the Iron Alliance, which is justifiable!

What he said was so high-sounding that a monk from the Shaolin Temple came out, his Zen staff hitting the ground and making a sound, and he echoed: Yes, what he said makes perfect sense.

Xu Xin said nothing at the side, observing secretly, thinking in his heart: It seems that they have some martial arts foundation, and their internal strength is not weak. Are they hiding their clumsiness, or are they really useless? One or two, it's just like a joke, like this The heads of the eight major sects?”

Xu Xin's eyes narrowed slightly, and what he was mainly observing was not Lao Jiang, who was likely to become a cheap father-in-law, but the heads of the eight sects.

These people all have some martial arts, but their appearance and character are terrible. They seem to be deliberately selected to be crooked. The key is the disciples under their command, but many of them look normal.

If this situation occurs in a sect, it may be a special case. Almost all major sects are like this. Let's look at their flattery towards Jiang Biehe and their ignorance and indifference towards Tie Ruyun. Combined with Xu Xin's knowledge information, these sects have been performing.

The reason why they acted was because of the suppression by the imperial court.

In the early days of Emperor Chenghua's accession to the throne, there was a very fierce conflict between Jianghu and Jianghu, and even the capital was in chaos for a long time. This made the emperor determined to rectify and suppress Jianghu. .

After several major events like this, the demon sect, the leader of the evil ways, went dormant. Among the eight major sects of the righteous path, the older generations have retired one after another, and the original young talents have gradually disappeared. A group of disciples who are neither good nor inferior among the disciples of the same age and whose image and character are not very good have taken over.

For more than ten years after this, the world was peaceful and peaceful, with rare harmony. Even the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance was given to the master from the eight major sects, the mad lion Tie Ruyun.

The martial arts tournament was in full swing, but Xu Xin had been observing the disciples of the eight major sects and discovered some details. At the same time, he also remembered some disciples with outstanding cultivation skills and prepared to investigate in private.

As for the leaders of each faction, these are really crooked melons and cracked jujubes. They were selected as jokes to hide their clumsiness. Although their martial arts are not bad, in other aspects, they are really terrible.

However, among the various factions, those who are in power now are not the leaders who were deliberately moved away, but some elders and elders with higher martial arts skills. After all, everyone is a figure in the world. If you want to make the decision, your martial arts will do the talking in the end.

Jiang Biehe's various hypocritical and polite words made Hua Wuque lose his temper and interrupted him directly, saying: Please don't waste our time.

Okay, in this case, there are twelve representatives from the eight sects and four major gangs, plus Mr. Mung Bean, Hua Shaoxia and niece Xin Lanxian, plus me, there are sixteen representatives in total. According to comparison... If you beat four people in a row, you have won the first one...

Who comes first!

As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Wuque put away the folding fan, tiptoed, and landed on the martial arts stage. His flat tone, proud attitude, and completely indifferent eyes made him a arrogant junior, which naturally made many people unhappy.

I'll teach you!

A member of the Beggar Clan took advantage of the elasticity of the dog-beating stick to fly onto the stage. He used two moves to make the dog's head on the stick face Hua Wuque.

Here comes the dog-beating stick!

What he said was very ambiguous, but Hua Wuque was not annoyed. She just closed her folding fan expressionlessly and faced him. After a few moves, the man was knocked to the ground. There were noisy cheers all around, and the Beggar Clan disciples couldn't help but feel worried.

Finally, Hua Wuque stepped on his dog-beating stick and said leisurely: Your dog-beating stick technique is only 30% good, how can you be a gang leader?

The leader of the Beggar Clan only has this level. It's really embarrassing!

Xu Xin, who was in the audience, was extremely speechless when he saw this scene. After being the leader of a beggar gang for two lives, when he saw the beggar gang in this world again... he just lamented that it was embarrassing. The beggar gang in this world had nothing to do with him!

The only thing worthy of praise for a force like the Beggar Gang is its large intelligence and manpower. When the dynasty is in trouble, it is an excellent help, but in the middle of this relatively strong dynasty, the effect will not be so great, and even they They are still the subject of intense surveillance.

After all, there are a large number of beggars, and many of them are at the bottom of the society who are not doing well and living an unsatisfactory life. Once they are provoked by someone with intentions, whether it is civil unrest or rebellion, they will naturally be focused on.

After Hua Wuque eliminated the master of the Beggar Clan, he stood on the stage and waved his folding fan quite leisurely. Dressed in white, he has an extraordinary temperament and is handsome. Standing like this on the stage, he looks extremely dazzling.

The whole hall cheered for him, especially some of the female disciples of the Emei sect. They were all screaming. The fat head of the Emei sect, Master Rusu, was very dissatisfied. She was going to be the next one. The performance of the disciples was really disappointing. It's too bad.

Hua Wuque came out victorious, and Tie Xinlan came on stage. Her opponent was Master Rusu. The former held his sword and made a polite gesture, and the two exchanged hands.

Tie Xinlan's skills were weak, and after a few moves, she was gradually forced to the edge of the stage by Master Rusu. She put her feet on the edge of the steps, trying not to fall, but her moves gradually fell into a disadvantage...

After Tie Xinlan's competition ended, Xu Xin took the initiative to ask her to leave Huangshan. After Mr. Xu’s analysis, it was obvious that the various factions on Huangshan Mountain had no intention of helping to find Tie Ruyun. If they continued to delay here, they might as well go down the mountain to pry open Mr. Hongye’s mouth.

Tie Xinlan made the final choice and took her maids Xiaoxiao and Xu Xin down the mountain with her. As for Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque, they are still competing.

Xiao Yuer loves to play, but Hua Wuque shoulders the orders of his master and must win the position of leader of the martial arts alliance.

Xu Xin and Tie Xinlan came down from Huangshan Mountain, and a carriage had been arranged to take them to a certain place.

The three of them walked a long way before they found a hidden bamboo building. A bearded man who looked nothing like Mr. Hongye had been restrained by Heizi and Diao Buyu.

This bearded man is old Mr. Hongye, and he seems to have an uncle-nephew relationship with the current Mr. Hongye. But I don’t know what is going on with Hongye’s father and old Hongye’s brother? Is it another restricted plot involving Ouyang Feng and Ouyang Ke?

Young Master, they have confessed and are willing to be loyal!

Heizi handed over a booklet to Xu Xin, which recorded key information on the operation of Hongye Zhai, an intelligence organization, and was also the root of the organization.

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