The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 305: The world is big and I am the biggest (the previous chapter was reviewed and may not be

In the early morning of this morning, the sky was full of wind and sand, and the sound of countless horse hooves could be heard outside. The ground was shaking. It was Cao Shaoqin who led a large army to the Longmen Inn.

Today's sandstorm was huge and the visibility was not high. For everyone in the Longmen Inn who did not have an advantage in numbers, it was actually an advantage. This combination of good time and place also made them determined to fight to the death with Cao Shaoqin.

The strong wind blows, stirring up waves of sand, and the sky and the earth are dim and lightless, as if the end is approaching. Only the rumble of horse hooves seems to remind everyone that this is still a border desert and not a land of the underworld.

This group of knights in black cloaks are all elites who are skilled in martial arts. They are also good at battle formations. If you encounter them in the rivers and lakes, you will die or not.

Bang bang bang...

Before the Black Feather Arrow Team could approach, a dense rain of arrows struck them, regardless of whether there were any of their own people inside the Longmen Inn.


A series of special signals sounded, and Zhou Huaian, Qiu Moyan, He Hu and others quickly came out from hiding, and a big battle began.

Ah! Ah...


Zhou Huai'an and others used the sandstorm to cover their movements and raided, and they soon made gains. However, their general traces were also exposed in front of Cao Shaoqin. The Governor of Dongchang was not in a hurry and watched from a distance, with a posture of watching from the sidelines. .

Drive! Drive! Drive...

Accompanied by the sound of several horses neighing, a group of people suddenly rushed out from another direction, braved the wind and sand, and headed straight for Cao Shaoqin who was watching the show.

A bunch of rats dare to plot against this governor. They are just looking for death!

Cao Shaoqin, who was extremely proud, did not take these people seriously at all. He believed that as long as he took action, the enemy would be destroyed. Counter-attack or anything like that was completely out of his mind.

He flicked the riding whip fiercely, sat down and the horse raised its head and neighed, approaching a few people at a very fast speed. Seeing this, several personal guards around him also rushed over.

Whoosh whoosh...

A few wind whistles were so inconspicuous in the strong wind and sandstorm. During the flash of cold light, there was a constant sound of falling horses. The sharp willow darts were like the sickle of the god of death, one after another taking away the lives of Dongchang's elites. In the end, only Cao Shaoqin was left alone to face everyone.


Cao Shaoqin snorted coldly, raised his slightly glowing palm without dodging, and blocked the extremely sharp willow leaf dart with just his protective energy.

Rat, suffer death!

All the men around him were killed, which made Cao Shaoqin angry. He had been in a high position for a long time and couldn't stand this kind of provocation. If he dared to do something in front of him, he would have to pay the price with his life.

Cao Shaoqin slapped the saddle with one hand, stood up in an instant, and kicked hard on the horse's back. With the horse's painful neighing, he flew across the sky like an eagle spreading its wings, volleying towards the incoming attackers. Hit down.

Everyone, be careful and retreat!

Jin Xiangyu's voice sounded, and she reacted the fastest. She stood up and raised her sword, trying to force Cao Shaoqin in the air to change his moves and retreat.

But who is Cao Shaoqin? He is so arrogant that he doesn't take Jin Xiangyu seriously at all. Facing a sword filled with inner strength, Cao Shaoqin doesn't panic at all. He just raises his hand to hold the sword edge and spins it, and the Jin Xiangyu sword is gone. It turned into a twist. He shook it hard again, and the sword immediately turned into fragments all over the sky.


Jin Xiangyu avoided the flying broken sword at the critical moment and fell to the ground in a panic. Just when Cao Shaoqin was about to pursue him, Zhou Huaian and Qiu Moyan came to kill him with swords.

Zhou Huai'an's cultivation level is not as good as Cao Shaoqin's, but his sword is very sharp, and the blade of the sword is as light as a catkin. It looks light and breezy, but it actually hides murderous intent. Cao Shaoqin dared to block Jin Xiangyu's attack with his hands, but facing Zhou Huai'an's sword, he could only avoid the edge.

Cao Shaoqin gave up attacking Jin Xiangyu and moved three inches sideways out of thin air to Qiu Moyan's side, using her body to block the sharp sword coming from the other side.


Qiu Moyan's reaction was not slow and he immediately attacked Cao Shaoqin with his sword. As if the sound of metal clashing sounded again, Cao Shaoqin also blocked it with his palm. This time there was a blood mark on his palm, but his palm also hit Qiu Moyan hard on the chest.

Qiu Moyan's Zimu Sword has some origins. It is a sharp weapon. Even if he is as strong as Cao Shaoqin, he will be injured when he picks it up with his hand. This situation is beyond the expectation of the eunuch. He also drew the sword in his hand and used three moves and two moves. Fight away all the people who besieged him.

A bunch of rats, why don't they be captured quickly!

Cao Shaoqin drew his sword in his hand, feeling invincible and very arrogant.


Among Zhou Huai'an's group, He Hu, who was strong and impulsive, saw Cao Shaoqin being so arrogant. He raised his large ring sword and charged directly towards him, which disrupted his own formation.

Brother He, be careful!

Zhou Huaian just climbed up from the sand, his ribs were still raw, but when he saw He Hu rushing forward, he could only keep up and stabbed with his sword.

Hahahaha, you don't overestimate your capabilities...

Cao Shaoqin let out a long laugh. Among these people, Zhou Huai'an, who was the only one who seemed to be about to break through the innate talent, was a threat to him. However, the opponent had more people, so he had to be careful. However, he did not expect that the enemy would mess up their position. This gave him one step at a time. Opportunity to defeat.

With a wave of his true energy, Cao Shaoqin stirred up a large amount of sand, creating a sandstorm that disturbed the sight of several people. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he turned around and avoided the big ring knife that fell in front of him. With one step of his foot, he jumped to the height of congratulations. On top of the tiger's head, he stretched out his hand to press his head.


At the critical moment, Qiu Moyan's mother-in-law sword saved the person again, but she also vomited blood due to two head-on collisions with Cao Shaoqin, her face was pale, and her breath was unstable.

Bang bang bang...

A group of people including Jin Xiangyu, Zhou Huaian and others surrounded them, but Cao Shaoqin struck them all with one sword and injured them all. The sword energy caused everyone to fly out.

This eunuch's cultivation level is very high. He has reached the innate state of this world. He can break gold and gravel with his bare hands and release his true energy unexpectedly.

I am the greatest in the world. Even a few stinky rats dare to be enemies of this governor. Today I will kill you without a place to bury you.

Cao Shaoqin was naturally very proud after defeating a group of people. His long hair was flying wildly, and he raised his head and smiled wildly.

Governor Cao is still arrogant, so... annoying!

Suddenly a voice sounded in the field, and a figure came from the direction of Longmen Inn. Wherever he passed, the wind and sand stopped, and everything seemed to have been pressed on the stop sign.

Who are you? How dare you meddle in this governor's affairs and go against the imperial court!

The moment Cao Shaoqin saw Xu Xin, he instinctively sensed danger. At the same time, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He always felt that the person in front of him... seemed familiar?

Who am I? Governor Cao will know later. Come here!

Xu Xin stretched out his hand towards Cao Shaoqin, and the terrifying suction force immediately caused the latter's figure to fly towards Xu Xin involuntarily.

Although Xu Xin has not yet broken through the innate in this life, he has the foundation of two lifetimes, as well as the art of absorbing energy, and knows Cao Shaoqin's martial arts methods. It is natural that he can easily defeat a parallel imported innate.

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