The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 294 In this life, it turned out to be Wang Shouren

Wang Yun, Wang Yun, don't wait in Ruiyun Tower, come down and play with us!

In the courtyard of the Royal Palace in Yuyao, Zhejiang, a group of children under the age of ten were playing in the mud in the garden. In a nearby attic, a five- or six-year-old baby was looking up at the sky in a daze.

Wang Yun, why doesn't he come down?

How nice it is to play together!

You think Wang Yun can't speak? I seem to have never heard him speak.

No, Wang Yun can speak, but rarely speaks.

It's boring to stay here, let's go somewhere else to play!

A group of little kids chatted and left. The little boy upstairs heard their discussion, but just glanced down, and then continued to be in a daze.

This five-year-old child is the slightly grown-up Xu Xin. And Wang Yun is his name in this life. Speaking of which, his birth in this life is quite legendary. His mother, Zheng, was pregnant with him for fourteen months before he was born.

In my memory, Emperor Yao and Emperor Zhao of Han, Liu Fuling, were both born in fourteen months, which seemed to destined him to be extraordinary in this life.

And when he was born, grandma Cen had a dream. In the dream, a god dressed in red and with colorful auspicious clouds at his feet sent a fat and white baby over.

Because the immortal was born from a dream in the clouds, his grandfather Wang Lun named him Wang Yun to commemorate this dream.

The matter of giving a child away in the clouds is not only considered magical by the Wang family, it is also widely circulated in the local area, and the building where he lives now is also called Ruiyun Building.

When Xu Xin heard this story, he was thoughtful. But he was not too clear about what happened during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty. In his first life, he was just an ordinary person. He didn't have many historical books in his memory. Instead, he was quite familiar with novels, Internet articles and the like.

In the second life, people from the Yuan Dynasty!

The third life, from the Song Dynasty!

The combined memory of the three generations is vast, and the historical figures of the past are well known, but the history after the end of the Yuan Dynasty is completely blank! All I can say is that I remember some well-known stories.

Young master, young master, come down quickly. The old master wants you to go to the ancestral hall!

Xu Xin was alone in Ruiyun Tower until almost noon when he suddenly heard a servant calling him. He looked down and saw his long follower Ah Fu, waiting for him in the small courtyard downstairs of Ruiyun.

Xu Xin waved to him to indicate that he understood, then went down to Ruiyun Tower and followed Ah Fu to the Wang Family Ancestral Hall.

At this time, the ancestral hall was already full of people, all members of the Yuyao Wang family. Xu Xin entered the ancestral hall, while Ah Fu, a servant, stayed outside.

Xu Xin entered the ancestral hall and found that every room and family of the Wang family stood solemnly and orderly in accordance with the positions used during the New Year Festival.

His grandfather Wang Lun and father Wang Hua in this life were standing at the front, and he also walked over and stood behind them.

In front of the ancestral hall, there was a steaming copper basin. Xu Xin's grandfather Wang Hua first walked over and washed his hands with hot water in the copper basin. After drying them with a white cloth, a member of the Wang clan immediately handed three sticks of incense to the clan leader. .

Burn incense!

Wang Lun held three sticks of incense and drank loudly. Immediately, some tribesmen came over with candles and lit the three sticks of incense.

I saw Wang Lun holding three high-quality incense sticks and striding towards the large copper incense burner. Behind him were three rows of people, mainly Xu Xin's father Wang Hua, holding cooked pigs, cows, and sheep. Three animal sacrifices.

Wang Lun stepped forward with a solemn face and inserted three sticks of incense into the copper furnace. Wang Hua and others also placed the three animal sacrifices on the steps in front of the copper furnace.

Play music and worship ancestors!

Wang Lun turned to look at the Wang clan members. As he gave the order, there was the sound of clanging gongs and the banging of drums.


Wang Lun gave a long shout, and all the clan members in the Wang clan's ancestral hall immediately knelt down.

The ancestors of the Wang family are above...the descendant Wang Lun, whose name is Tianxu, and the family tree is reset...

Wang Lun also knelt down towards the ancestral hall, followed by a series of words of praise and praise, which made Xu Xin's ears tingle when he heard the long words.

The same words are used when worshiping ancestors every year, and when grandpa Wang Lun recited, he didn't need to hold paper, he just opened his mouth and said it in one breath. Shouldn't it be said that this old man is really getting stronger with age!

From the last words of Mr. Wang Lun, Xu Xin finally understood the purpose of today's matter. It turned out that it was to redefine the genealogy of the family tree. This was indeed a major event, and ancestors must be worshiped.

The Yuyao Wang family is also a very well-established branch, and they are the descendants of the Langya Wang family.

In the old days, the king's swallow flew into the homes of ordinary people!

The Wang family in this poem are the ancestors of the current Wang family in Yuyao.


When Wang Lun finished reporting today's important events, he shouted loudly again and took the lead in bowing down. The kneeling Wang clan members also knelt down and worshiped.


Three obeisances!

Wang Lun said three times in succession, and the Wang clan members also bowed three times and kowtowed to the ground.


Wang Lun said loudly, and everyone stood up one after another.

It's done!

With Wang Lun's last salute, Xu Xin also stood up.

Have a feast!

After the important event of ancestor worship, there is the flowing water feast that is the favorite of children.

Following Wang Lun's order, tables were quickly placed inside and outside the ancestral hall, and various foods were served one after another. The Wang clan members exchanged cups and enjoyed themselves happily.

There are many branches of the Wang family in Yuyao, and not all members of the family are living well. If you want to bring so many clansmen together to worship their ancestors, the lineage of the direct descendants of the family will naturally have to make sacrifices, and organizing a banquet is a must.

My dear grandson, come to grandpa!

Xu Xingang wanted to follow the crowd and go to the children's table, but unexpectedly, his grandfather Wang Lun grabbed him and took him to the oldest table.

This table is filled with the highest-status people in the Wang family, including his grandfather, the head of the family, his father, a scholar, and other senior elders.

As we all know, adults like to drink when they have dinner, and they only occasionally use their chopsticks to eat the food on the table. Xu Xin looked young, but he was a practitioner after all. Unknowingly, most of the food on the table went into his stomach, but no one else noticed the problem.

My dear grandson, grandpa has rebuilt the family tree for our Wang family this time. We will uphold the righteousness of our ancestors and make a fortune for future generations. Loyalty and filial piety will spread far and wide, and poems and books will spread... You will change your name in the future. Grandpa will pay for it personally. His name is Wang Shouren!

Xu Xin was originally dealing with a large piece of pig's trotters. When Mr. Wang said the last name, he felt his body shake and his head was confused.

Wang Shouren, this name is really... so impressive. In his current life, he turned out to be Wang Shouren, the ancestor of Xinxue who was famous in history and known as a sage, the founder of the sect Wang Shouren and Wang Yangming.

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