The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 281 Li Canghai finally failed to reject Xu Xin (please vote)

In Bianliang Imperial City, in the Queen's palace, Xu Xin was lying on the dragon bed that should have belonged to the emperor, and the person in his arms was the most noble woman in the world.

Chan'er, stop making trouble!

Xu Xin used his hand to brush away the hair that the queen deliberately used to poke his nose. As the saying goes, the fastest way to a woman's heart is naturally... Anyway, ever since she got along with Xu Xinhuan, the gentle and virtuous Meng opened her heart to him. She will look more like a little daughter when she is around him.

Answer me again, do I really have a child?

Queen Meng, whose maiden name is Meng Chan, still can't believe it after hearing the news that Xu Xin had previously told her that she was pregnant and could not have sex today.

Not only do I have the best martial arts skills in the world, but my medical skills are also unparalleled. I can even know whether the child in your belly is a boy or a girl after a while!

Xu Xin said as he carefully placed his hand on Meng Chan's belly. This was his first child in this life, but he was born with a different purpose.

It can only be said that he has really changed a lot compared to when he first traveled through time in his previous life.

Tell me, what should I do if this is a girl! It's not that I don't like girls. I like children as long as they are harmonious. It's just that Zhao Xu... I don't know what he will do to me in the future...

Meng was a little worried. She was now very happy with Xu Xinhuan, but her nominal husband was the emperor. If the emperor wanted her to sleep with him after giving birth to a child, she would not be willing to do so.

Don't worry, the emperor will leave Bianliang in a while.

Xu Xin hugged Meng and told the secret situation that even the ministers of the DPRK and China didn't know.

There is trouble in the north, and Lord Yelu Hongji of the Liao Dynasty has prepared his troops and horses, as if he is preparing for a southern expedition. And our emperor is also a high-spirited master. He is preparing to conquer Yanyun in the north, and has already ordered his ministries to prepare food, fodder, and horses.

The emperor is preparing to lead the Northern Expedition to Yanyun in person. This is too risky. you want to go too?

Queen Meng's first reaction was that she thought this was unreliable. Later generations would boast that the Song Dynasty had a high external winning rate, but that was to regard all defensive successes as victories.

In fact, purely in terms of field capabilities, the Northern Song Dynasty's chances of winning against the Liao Kingdom during this period were not very high.

During the time of Zhao Xu's father Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty took advantage of the internal chaos in Xixia to fight. However, they still failed to completely win the war. They only occupied part of the land, and these lands were later returned by two idiots, Sima Guang and Gao Taotao. Gave it to Xixia.

During the Song Shenzong era, after Wang Anshi's reforms, the Northern Song Dynasty's army had a certain fighting capacity, but it still failed to completely defeat Xixia. Compared with the Liao Kingdom, the gap between Xixia and Liao is quite obvious.

Zhao Xu succeeded to the throne at a young age, and has only been in charge for less than two months. He has not been able to fully gather the power under his command. He hastily led the army to conquer the country himself, which is another Ming Dynasty God of War.

But Xu Xin was very supportive of his move. Even Zhao Xu's decision to go on a personal expedition was driven by him, Xu. This is not because Xu Xin has any bad intentions towards Zhao Xu, but this is indeed a great opportunity to take back the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun.

Xu Xin knew the situation of the northern Liao Kingdom better than anyone else. Yelu Hongji was well prepared and indeed prepared to launch the Liao-Song War, but it was not entirely his own intention. More importantly, it was Murong Fu's intention.

Today's situation in the Liao Kingdom is not much better than that in the Song Kingdom.

During the civil strife in Liao a few years ago, Emperor Taishu Yelu Chongyuan rebelled and almost succeeded in usurping the throne.

After Yelu Hongji eliminated Yelu Chongyuan, he eliminated a large number of the latter's supporters. The Liao Kingdom was severely damaged, and it was time to lick the wounds. Even if Yelu Hongji wanted to pursue a career again, he knew that now was not the most suitable time for a southern expedition.

But now he was no longer the one who made the decision. After Murong Fu was overthrown by Xu Xin, he left the Central Plains and went north to the Liao Kingdom.

When Qiao Feng and Yelu Hongji were separated, he secretly broke into the Liao palace and captured Yelu Hongji alive, forcing the Lord of Liao to listen to him. Then he summoned Qiao Feng and asked him to go to the palace. After a battle, he Qiao Feng, who was so horny, was beaten to the ground.

If Murong Fu had directly killed Qiao Feng at that time, nothing would have happened later. But at this time, he made the mistake that all villains make. He just imprisoned Qiao Feng and sent someone to send a message to Duan Yu in Dali, telling him that your eldest brother is in my hands. If you want to save people, come to Liao Feng. country……

Then he asked Yeluhong Ji to prepare for the southern expedition. Yeluhong basically had the intention to go south, so he naturally agreed at this time.

Murong Fu was also stunned, or he never had a correct plan for restoring the country. Even though he possessed unparalleled military power, he still followed the same sand-money operations as Murong Bo did in the past. He first provoked the Liao-Song War and caused chaos in the world, and then waited for an opportunity to revive the Yan Kingdom.

There's nothing wrong with his idea, it can only be said that it's... too rough.

If Xu Xin wanted to have his kind of martial arts, after controlling Yelu Hongji, he must first find a way to penetrate the high-level foundation of the Liao Kingdom bit by bit, and control the power and army bit by bit. At that time, the Lord of Liao's Zen position will still be Not an easy thing.

However, Murong Fu didn't seem to have this brain, and he still followed Murong Bo's old ways. Xu Xin even doubted whether his mind had been corrected by the power of destiny correction.

The Emperor is personally on the march, and the Queen Mother and you will be responsible for matters in the palace. During this period, you must cultivate your own confidants and completely control the harem.

More than two months after the emperor leaves the palace, you can ask the imperial doctor to ask for your pulse. With the daily records of the emperor's stay that day, no one will doubt the origin of the child... The Queen Mother is just the emperor's aunt. After she knows that you have a child, I will never fight with you again...

I will meet someone later and arrange for her to be with you. With her help, you will be able to better control the harem.

Xu Xin told Meng Chan a lot of things, and in the end the two of them had a tender and affectionate relationship. Although they were passionate but not polite, it made the queen devote herself to him even more.

Xu Xin walked out of the queen's palace and went all the way to the inner garden of the palace. He once again saw the familiar snow-white figure waiting for me, it was Li Canghai.

Time seems to have never left any trace on her body, and she is still very beautiful.

What are you doing here again?

When Li Canghai met Xu Xin again, his attitude was very bad.

What Xu Xin was doing in the palace these days could be hidden from others, but not from Li Canghai, who was also a congenital.

In a few days, I will go to the north with the emperor. The queen has no one to help her in the palace. I hope you can help her!

As Xu Xin said this, he walked up to Li Canghai, pulled her over, and just... moved his mouth.

Li Canghai's eyes widened, her pretty face was full of horror, and he put her down. Immediately afterwards, a feeling that he had never felt before swept through his body.

The snow-white dress fell to the ground and was pulled off slightly roughly by someone. The delicate and slender arch of the foot was held in his hand. Li Canghai was unable to refuse Xu Xin in the end. This most delicate little white flower was finally picked by Xu.

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