The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 267 Go and invite the Master of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion

Devil, this is a devil!

Arhat Formation, King Kong Conquers Demons!

Hurry and ask for the master of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion!

Shaoshi Mountain, Shaolin Temple, a blood-red enveloped this centuries-old temple. Murong Fu became mad and went on a killing spree in the Shaolin Temple.

The once glorious Shaolin Temple didn't suffer many casualties even in the last battle at Shaoshi Mountain. But today, dozens of monks lost their lives just for a cup of tea.

In a pool of blood, corpses litter the field.

Murong Fu was knocked down into the lake by Wu Xingyun and Li Qiushui at Mantuo Villa, but he survived the disaster and felt that he would fail because he had absorbed too little gong and his skill was not high enough. He just needed to absorb more.

So these days, he went north to Zhongzhou, killing people along the way, and absorbed the skills of many famous masters. As his skills expanded rapidly, he became more and more crazy and unable to control himself. He killed cruelly for fun every day.

Today, he went to Shaoshi Mountain. He had planned well at the bottom of the mountain. He first went up the mountain to trick his father Murong Bo out, and after saying father is kind and son is filial, he secretly attacked and stole his skills.

He felt resentful towards his father who abandoned him to become a monk, but Murong Fu still had some family affection and had no intention of killing him.

The original idea was to seize Murong Bo's skill first, wait for a period of time to completely refine it, and then find a way to sneak attack Xiao Yuanshan and the sweeping monk. But after going up the mountain, facing all the young and old monks who are full of yang energy and have pure skills... I can't hold it back!

Protect the temple, protect the temple...

As Murong Fu went up the mountain, the Shaolin monks tried to form a Arhat formation to intercept him. Unfortunately, the number of people they could not react to was too small to suppress Murong Fu, so he forced his way out of the formation with his quick movements.

Amitabha, Donor Murong, what grudge do I, Shaolin Temple, have against you? You want to commit such evil deeds!

The real masters of Shaolin Temple arrived. Under Abbot Xuanji, several eminent monks including Xuandu, Xuansheng, and Xuanyin arrived. They saw that Murong Fu was not in the right state at this time and practiced evil skills similar to the Huigong Dafa. He stopped the disciple who continued to attack recklessly, and while probing him, he had other plans.

They had already sent disciples to the Sutra Pavilion to notify the sweeping monk. They also secretly arranged elite disciples to suppress Murong Fu with Shaolin stick formations and prevent the disciples from having direct contact with him.

Master, I went up the mountain to offer incense and worship Buddha, and asked to see my father, but I was humiliated and blocked by your monks. Do you think this is my fault?

Murong Fu's face was covered with blood, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He looked at the Shaolin disciples walking around and setting up, some of them just looking at prey.

Just now he went on a killing spree, and the pent-up anger in his heart was slightly released, and he also absorbed a lot of skill. It was exactly what he needed to guide the Qi back to the void for refining and transform it into his own true Qi.

Murong Fu soon frowned again. He found that those ordinary Shaolin disciples made little progress for him. Although his skills seemed to have become more refined, overall there was not much progress, which was one of the reasons why he focused on Murong Bo.

He felt that at this stage, perhaps only the skills of a top master could make him advance by leaps and bounds.

After all, reverse training Beiming is not Xu Xin's method of absorbing energy. The only thing that can be absorbed is skills. There is an upper limit to absorbing other people's skills and transforming one's own energy.

The human body is limited, as long as the eight extraordinary meridians and the Dantian Qi sea are fully filled. Without a breakthrough, if you continue to absorb the skills of others, you may still be able to refine your true energy, but you cannot go any further.

Murong Fu is now in this situation. He has killed so many people and his body is full of Qi, but he still feels that there is still room for further improvement, so he keeps killing people and absorbing Qi, hoping to continue to fill it up.

It cannot be said that his idea is wrong. After all, relying on continuous absorption of energy to break through and win through quantity is also a way, but this way is very dangerous and is by no means the optimal solution.

It can only be said... that he has gone crazy and cannot calm down to fully understand the path of martial arts.

We naturally welcome fasting and worshiping Buddha, but you killed so many of us...

A Shaolin monk couldn't help shouting angrily. Among the people who died, there were his brothers and fellow disciples, elders from the same sect, and people who had known each other day and night. They suffered unreasonable disasters in the blink of an eye. The perpetrators were still talking nonsense. How could anyone bear this? .

Ha ha ha ha……

Murong Fu raised his fingers at the monk and said with an evil smile: Monk, if you are not convinced, then come here and take revenge!

Huigen, don't be impulsive!

The monk couldn't stand the excitement and wanted to rush out, but was quickly stopped by the fellow monk next to him.

You are waiting for the Sutra Pavilion. No need, I will go find it myself!

Murong Fu said with a smile, and then he jumped up and flew over the heads of many monks, and went to the Sutra Pavilion to find someone.

Stop him!

Some monks shouted subconsciously. They were still immersed in the glory of the past and felt that Shaolin could not lose its face. How could they let such a murderous maniac go up the mountain to the Sutra Pavilion?

At that moment, someone jumped over and tried to intercept Murong Fu, but they never thought that this would play into his hands.

Although the reverse training Bei Ming can also cooperate with the Kung Fu of Controlling Cranes and Capturing Dragons to attract people to you from a distance, it is not as magical as the Absorption Technique and can be used to prevent and target. Once the Shaolin sticks come out to lock him up, Murong Fu can still be killed by using the human sea tactic to pile him up.

So he played a trick, obviously he was preparing to rush to the Sutra Pavilion, but in fact he was practicing reversely according to his luck and holding Beiming in hand. When a senior monk flew to stop him, he would reach out to grab them and absorb the energy.

Most martial arts practitioners simply don't know how to deal with methods that absorb skills. When faced with the loss of skills, their first reaction is to struggle with fear. This makes it easy for loopholes to be revealed, and the person who is absorbing the skills can take the opportunity to kill them.


Two clouds of blood mist exploded in the air, and two eminent monks were headshot by Murong Fu. This time it seemed like a hornet's nest had been stabbed. Even if they knew that waiting for the people from the Sutra Pavilion to come over was the best solution, Xuanji and others still He chose to take action now and wanted to kill Murong Fu on his own.

One shot and two breaks up!

Prajna Palm!

Pick your fingers!

Xuanji, Xuansheng, Xuandu and other eminent monks took action at the same time. They had powerful skills and were used to fighting enemies with their bare hands. When they encountered ordinary people, even Qiao Feng, a natural god of war, they had to avoid the alliance of eminent monks.

But the crazy Murong Fu relied on his ability to absorb people's martial arts. He just avoided the vital points of the body and forcibly grabbed people to absorb the martial arts.


Murong Fu's body exploded with blood, but he managed to grab Xuan Sheng's palm. However, when practicing the Beiming Suction Kung Fu backwards, he found that it was a little... laggy and difficult.

He, he can't absorb the Qi of Yi Jin Jing Shen Gong all of a sudden...

Xuansheng found that although his red-level pagoda energy was being lost, his meditation skills could resist it, so he quickly reminded him and then used his mental skills to reunite his energy.

The zhenqi produced by the Yi Jin Jing magic skill and some advanced Shaolin magic skills can naturally resist the suction skills. However, there are not many eminent monks who have practiced these martial arts in the contemporary era, and more of them have gone to study various martial arts. , not many people have truly achieved success in internal skills.

Why are you still bothering Murong Fu? Go directly to the Sutra Pavilion...

Xu Xin watched everything secretly, and he was a little speechless. This guy became more and more brainless after he exploded. Should he be said to be a Hong Kong comic villain...

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