The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 265: King Suining was young and frivolous, and Zhao Ji was unfortunately crippled

Outside the palace where the royal bathhouse is located, the vast team turned around and left. In the bathhouse, the current Queen Meng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The officials have left with Meiren Liu, you can come out now!

Meng's voice was soft and gentle, and she was definitely a well-educated and well-educated girl. It's a pity that she met a husband who didn't like this product.

Thank you Queen for your help. Don't worry, I will leave in the evening!

Xu Xin's voice reached Queen Meng's ears, but he was still hiding in the water.

Who are you? Did you make the loud noise in the imperial city today? What is your purpose in coming to the palace?

Meng whispered to explore Xu Xin's origin and purpose. Although she had just helped Xu Xin deal with his husband, she had done so in desperation to preserve her reputation. As the empress of the Song Dynasty, she naturally had to serve in the harem. For safety reasons.

Queen Meng didn't leave the bath when she spoke, but it didn't mean that she was happy to be naked in the same pool with a strange man. But in her mind, she is still held hostage by Xu Xin.

I'm considered a martial arts master in the drama! I came to the palace to find a fight, and I had a fight with that iron-armed Zhou Tong. It made a bit of a fuss.

Xu Xin was idle and started chatting with the intellectual beauty Queen Meng.

Martial arts master? I heard it said in the play that most martial arts masters are righteous and loyal to their country. How can there be someone like you...

I just came here to hide for a while. Who would have thought that by such a coincidence, you would come here to bathe at this time in the past?

Xu Xin's words left Queen Meng speechless. Although someone had offended her rudely, according to this theory, the two did bump into each other.

When are you going to leave?

Wait until dark!

Are there many people in the world who are as skilled in martial arts as you?

Not much, I'm probably the top two in the world!

Then who is number one!

An old monk who is dozens of years older than me will definitely die before me. Therefore, it will only be a matter of time before I become the best in the world.

Then how can you be sure that before the No. 1 in the world dies, there won't be another rising star with strong martial arts skills like you.


Xu Xin and Meng chatted for a long time that day, and many versions of the anecdotes about the emperor and the queen's fight for bathing that day were later circulated.

Some people say that Queen Meng competed with Liu Meiren for favor and occupied the bathing pool to bathe with the emperor. In the end, the emperor chose to leave with Liu Meiren in his arms.

Some people also say that in order to prevent the emperor and Liu Meiren from messing around in the bathhouse in broad daylight, Empress Meng could only fight by monopolizing the bathhouse.

There were many different theories, and in the end it was even spread that folk dramas had been made up. Anyway, when Xu Xin learned the news about this, he was shocked!

Late at night, Bianliang was still bustling and lively. Xu Xin, who said goodbye to Queen Meng, climbed out of a palace wall next to Donghua Gate.

He was not in a hurry to leave, but first went to the Fan Tower outside Donghua Gate. In the past few days after entering the city, he deliberately inquired about some information. It was said that Zhao Ji, who was named King of Suining, was already a frequent visitor to the entertainment venue at the age of twelve. For a period of time, I often stayed overnight in Fanlou.

That night in Kaifeng Fucheng, a little incident happened that shocked the court. The 12-year-old King Zhao Ji of Suining was fighting for a prostitute with the Liao envoy in Fanlou and was beaten. The person was carried back, mainly because of the injured parts. Somewhat embarrassing.

The clan of the Great Song Dynasty, the former emperor's prince, and the younger brother of the current emperor, were actually beaten and injured in such an area. This would definitely be a big event in other circumstances.

But in a place like Fanlou, things can't be explained, and the other party was more seriously injured, and he was the envoy of Daliao. In the end, the matter was decided by Empress Dowager Gao on the sick bed, and it was finally settled.

On the bank of the Bian River, when Xu Xin heard about the outcome of the Song Dynasty, he just sneered and shook his head, what about Empress Dowager Gao, Yao and Shun among women? She is just a stupid woman who thinks she is smart and has been brainwashed by Confucian ethics.

Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty before Zhao Xu was ambitious and worked hard, re-appointing Wang Anshi and other ministers who advocated reform, and vigorously implemented reforms. It was historically known as the Xifeng New Law, which to a certain extent reversed the poverty and weakness of the Song Dynasty. .

But when Song Shenzong died and Zhao Xu succeeded to the throne, because he was still young, Empress Dowager Gao listened behind the scenes.

In the imperial court during the Song Dynasty, Yin Qi was very important, and there were many empress dowagers who attended the court. Among the seven empress dowagers, the most incompetent was the female middle school Yao and Shun, that is, during the eighty-nine years of her reign , sowing the seeds of the collapse of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Gao Taotao opposed Wang Anshi's reform. Logically speaking, opposition to the reform was nothing, but it was Gao Taotao who caused the dispute between the old and the new parties, setting a precedent for vicious party strife in politics.

After Sima Guang came to power, Gao Taotao fully supported his various brainless behaviors and abolished all new laws. Regardless of national interests, only whether the route is correct or not. Indiscriminately, the new law was completely beaten to death with one stick.

Later, Sima Guang proposed to cede the territory he had conquered to Xixia. Even the conservative party had many objections, and the court was full of rebellion.

But Gao Taotao, a stupid woman, agreed. Although I, the Qing Dynasty Cixi also ceded land, it was a land ceding compensation after a defeat. Although it was humiliating, she could still talk about it.

During the Yuanyou period, Sima Guang proposed and Gao Taotao decided to take the initiative to cede the territory of Xixia.

The imperial court of the Song Dynasty has many problems. If it is free then, we can have some fun! We won't talk about bringing order to the chaos, but there is still no problem in killing some damned people. Can't you punish the officials? The Song Dynasty was too tolerant to the literati. One shameless scum has emerged one after another. If God doesn’t take it away, I will take it...

Xu Xin's voice slowly echoed along the banks of the Bian River, and his figure gradually disappeared, heading towards Songshan Mountain outside Bianjing.

These days, he listens to music in various places in Bianliang, and his life is quite comfortable. But today I received news that a former retainer of the Murong family in Gusu was killed. Feng Bo evil and the others were dead after all, and it was probably Murong Fu who was in hiding.

This person who dares to reappear in the world has probably practiced Beiming's magical skill that never fails.

Murong Fu was very ambitious. After practicing the Beiming Divine Art backwards, he would definitely think about absorbing people to increase his strength.

His own martial arts is not weak, he is one of the best in the world. There are not many masters that he can like, and there are several in Shaolin.

Xu Xin speculated that even if this person didn't come to Shaolin now, he would go to Shaolin sooner or later, so he was going to wait and see.

After all, these are the seeds you planted, and when they bloom and bear fruit, you will naturally pay more attention to them.

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