The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 261 Is the sweeping monk a golden platform? The legendary golden platform that is as famous

I, I remember, it seems to be Concubine Zhou. The former Emperor Renzong's Concubine Zhou, there is a woman in white clothes and mask next to her...

In the Buddhist hall, Jiumozhi shouted in panic. Under Xu Xin's questioning, he recalled some details of the day. At that time, his inner breath did change, but he was used to going crazy these days, so he couldn't. Just didn't care.

Song Renzong's Concubine Zhou? In terms of seniority, she can be regarded as the great-grandmother of the current emperor?

Xu Xin was greatly confused when he heard what Jiumozhi said. But now that he had learned the news, he naturally wanted to help Jiumozhi alleviate the problem. At that moment, he reached out and pressed the heavenly cap on Jiumozhi's head.


Jiumozhi only felt a pain in his forehead, and the surging internal energy in his body suddenly collapsed. Originally, his inner breath was swelling and his whole body was about to explode, but suddenly there was a place to vent, and he felt comfortable.

When he practices, his foundation is extremely stable and his strength is concentrated. Normally, it is difficult to be shaken by the Beiming Divine Technique.

Xu Xin did not use the Dharma Absorbing Technique on Jiumozhi. This Dalun Mingwang had mixed knowledge, and it was meaningless to ask for his martial arts experience. It's better to keep him alive so that things can be done more easily.

Great monk, you have realized it!

I don't know how long it took, Xu Xin slowly stopped his hand. At this time, Jiumozhibao looked solemn. Although all his skills were lost, his whole body seemed to have lost all its energy, and he had a good demeanor.

Amitabha, I mistakenly learned the seventy-two Shaolin stunts and went crazy. It was very dangerous. If Gang Leader Xu hadn't sucked away my inner strength, I would have gone crazy and died. Although I have lost my martial arts skills at this moment, I still have my life. I must thank Gang Leader Xu for his help. A life-saving grace.”

Jiumozhi bowed respectfully to Xu Xin, and then said: Although I am in Buddhism, I am still more competitive than ordinary people. The results of today's results were actually planted thirty years ago.

Alas... none of the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance are immune, but yet he considers himself an eminent monk, is high-ranking and arrogant, and has no shame. Alas, after death, he will enter the endless hell, and he will not be able to be reborn for ten thousand kalpas.

Gang Leader Xu, I will record the classics you want, the Flame Knife, silently later. As for the other two classics, when I return to Tubo, I will try my best to get them for you...

Jiumozhi seemed to have truly realized something at this moment, with a calm expression. After speaking, he took the pen and paper from the palace and recorded the secret manual of the Flame Knife.

Bianliang Imperial City, the cold harem garden, a small courtyard with few people coming and going, is full of flowers, pink and green willows, and the trees and flowers are all neatly arranged.

A clear stream flows through the small courtyard, and a thatched house is built along the clear spring. The small bridge, flowing water, and people are just like the exquisite and elegant Jiangnan villages, and the air is filled with fresh fragrance.

When Xu Xin came to this place, it was already noon the next day. He came to this small courtyard and saw clearly the layout of the hut in front at a glance.

This is an ordinary thatched house with simple furnishings. On a futon in the hall, a figure is sitting cross-legged. Unlike ordinary people practicing internal energy, the index finger of her right hand is pointing to the sky, and the index finger of her left hand is pointing to the ground. She was shrouded in a white mist, and her face could not be seen clearly, but judging from her figure, she looked graceful and graceful.

Xu Xin stood outside the thatched house and watched for a long time. When the person gradually gained strength, the mist covering her face gradually dissipated. When it was thin and visible, she could see clearly that all the mist was inhaled into her nose.

When the white mist dissipated, she slowly opened her eyes and stood up. She was wearing a plain white dress, her face was gentle and soft, her eyes were deep and far away, and her skin was like cream... She stood here quietly, her whole body was like There is mist lingering, fluttering and not like ordinary people.

Such a graceful and graceful beauty who looks like a picture scroll is unlike anything else in the world. She is even more delicate and charming than the jade statue in the Jade Cave of Wuliang Mountain in Dali.

Are you Wuyazi's disciple?

The gentle beauty who walked out of the scroll walked out of the room after seeing Xu Xin. Feeling the special Xiaoyao qi revealed by Xu Xin, she asked directly.

You are Li Canghai?

Xu Xin took just one glance and roughly determined her identity. She looked so much like Li Qiushui.

You were sent to find me by the master. What orders did he have?

The gentle beauty nodded.

It turns out... Xiaoyaozi arranged for his last apprentice to come to the Song Dynasty Palace. That's right. Such an arrangement is considered normal...

There was a hint of realization in Xu Xin's eyes, something could be connected. Xiaoyaozi assigned his three apprentices to different places to wait for the right time, and also made arrangements in the Northern Song Dynasty palace. Perhaps he wanted Li Canghai to enter the palace and compete for favor, but it seems that this plan also failed?

Who are you?

When Li Canghai heard Xu Xin talking to himself, something strange flashed across his eyes, and then he asked another question. Before he could finish his words, he hit Xu Xin hard with his palm.


Amidst the loud noise, a huge stone pit immediately appeared where Xu Xin was. Judging from the size of this stone pit, it is estimated that one or two people could stand in it without any problem.

Is there something wrong with all the women in the Li family?

Xu Xin dodged Li Canghai's palm and looked at the charming smile on that gentle beauty's face, feeling that the image of the goddess collapsed.

He originally thought that Li Qiu Shui was crazy enough and liked to play with handsome men before killing Shen Hu.

Unexpectedly, when they met for the first time, Li Canghai, who seemed gentle and charming, seemed to be abnormal. He started to attack without saying a few words, and he was very cruel.

Is everything okay, young man? I'm just happy to see you, and I want to have a fight with you!

Li Canghai said with a smile, but Xu Xin's eyes were a little more solemn. Because he discovered that Li Canghai's cultivation level was very high. He was the second best master he had ever seen in his life, second only to the sweeping monk. He also had... innate skills.

Whoa! Whoa!

The two figures shuttled back and forth in the inner garden of the palace, like two ghosts, or like two immortals who were banished to the mortal world, carefree and misty, and shocking the world.

Xiaoyaozi taught his disciples very well. All four disciples were extremely talented, and the techniques taught to them were all top-notch in the world. They were each in line with their mind and could practice to the point of breaking through the innate realm.

However, the three elders of Xiaoyao were each doing their own mischief. They were either disabled or disfigured, and even suffered from hemiplegia. In the end, none of them had any breakthroughs in their innate abilities. On the contrary, this young apprentice who had never been heard from had broken through the innate realm after hiding in the Song Dynasty Palace for many years.


The two figures suddenly separated. Li Canghai was knocked back more than ten feet by Xu Xin's palm force and then landed again, his face still full of excitement.

What is your relationship with Jintai?

Li Canghai's voice was light and he seemed to recognize some of Xu Xin's martial arts techniques.

You mean, Jin Tai... knows this kind of kung fu? So he is actually Jin Tai?

Xu Xin frowned slightly, and a vague black energy appeared in his palm. The black-level pagoda qi can also be used by the sweeping monk, so... the sweeping monk is a golden platform? The legendary golden platform that is as famous as Overlord?

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