The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 258 Yin and Yang complement each other, and life is endless. Jiumozhi is actually in Bianlia

Chapter 258 Yin and Yang complement each other, and life continues... Jiumozhi is actually in Bianliang (please subscribe and vote)


In the Valley of Everlasting Youth and the Fountain of Agelessness, men and women simultaneously made soul-stirring sounds. The women's coquettish murmurs and the men's low roars were like wind and sand, lingering at the end of the world.


After an unknown amount of time, Mu Wanqing woke up and exclaimed. She felt the familiar embrace, closed her eyes again, and twisted her body to gently cooperate with someone's movements.

With another happy ending, the yin and yang energy, one green and one red, circulated around Xu Xin's body. Xu Xin only felt that his body and limbs were filled with warmth, and he felt indescribable comfort and pleasure.

His eyes were extremely clear, and he also discovered some secrets of the Immortal Changchun Valley.

A spiritual place where yin and yang are reversed. It may have had magical effects many years ago, but then some changes occurred, or the outside spiritual energy became less, or something here was destroyed, which led to the effect of longevity here. Not as good as before.”

Xu Xin had a relatively clear understanding of the secrets of the Eternal Spring Valley, and he also had some guesses about the origin of the evil ancient tree. Maybe that tree was the source of the mutation, or it was possible that it became like that because of the mutation.

All things have a survival instinct. After the tree had this instinct, it longed for spiritual transformation and was extremely sensitive to spiritual things. Therefore, Xu Xin, who was in the innate realm, fell into an illusion as soon as he entered, provoking the roots of the tree and almost sucking him dry. Tree fertilizer.

On the other hand, Mu Wanqing, although she was also trapped in an illusion, was not attacked, perhaps because the tree... looked down upon her.

Xu Lang, what's wrong with us? I just felt like I was in a daze and came here.

The soft and weak Mu Wanqing fell into Xu Xin's arms and whispered softly. She leaned against him softly, as if her whole body had melted into him.

Xu Xin felt that the beauty in his arms was as soft as a bone, and the faint fragrance of her hair came from the tip of his nose, and he was a little crazy for a moment.

It was still in the Everlasting Valley of Eternal Spring, but this time Xu Xin was surrounded by Wang Yuyan, Azi and Zhong Ling. When Xu Xin found them, it was normal. It seemed that the most dangerous things had happened to him alone.


The gurgling sound of clear water sounded, and a scent of fragrance filled the air.

In the mist-like place, like a fairyland, an old stone table was moved out and placed at the Evergreen Spring. This was usable furniture they found from the wooden house in the valley.

I don’t know why, but there are no tombs or remains in the Everlasting Spring Valley. There are only some wooden houses and traces of previous lives. Many things are decayed. Only some special wooden and stone things can still be used.

They searched around and got a tea set to make tea here.

The most important thing among the Everlasting Spring Valley is the Everlasting Spring. Drinking the water from the Everlasting Spring all year round, combined with the Xiaoyao Sect’s secret knowledge of eternal youth, can make people stay youthful forever.

This was confirmed after Xu Xin used the water from the Fountain of Youth to practice the genuine Everlasting Eternal Spring Kung Fu, which is indeed very effective.

The genuine Eternal Eternal Life Eternal Spring Kung Fu uses the Eternal Spring Spring instead of the blood of living creatures. In other words, this technique originally requires the use of the eternal spring spring that contains spiritual energy to practice. The modified method practiced by Wu Xingyun was unable to obtain the eternal spring spring, so it could only be practiced with blood.

The tea was boiling, and Xu Xin held up a crystal clear jade pot. The jade pot was carved from a single piece of beautiful jade and was very beautiful.

The tea brewed from the spring water of Everlasting Spring pours out and falls into the teacup made of beautiful jade. Xu Xin elegantly raised a tea cup, brought it to his lips and took a sip, filling his mouth with fragrance.


Xu Xin held a teapot in one hand and a crystal clear teacup in the other. The tea in the jade pot poured out and quickly filled the teacup in his hand. Then, the tea that fell into the cup boiled again and poured into the jade pot along the spout of the teapot.

While Xu Xin was pouring the tea, he used his internal force to turn the tea in the cup into water vapor again and pour it into the teapot. It seemed like it would never end.

Yin pole generates yang, yang pole generates yin, yin and yang complement each other, and life is endless.

The tea in the tea cup was poured countless times, and poured into the tea cup countless times.

Xu Xin raised his cup to drink tea again. The same fragrant tea, with the same taste, was still so... fragrant on the lips and teeth.

This is really interesting. Does spiritual energy also have different properties? This Eternal Spring Valley seems to have many secrets! Unfortunately, the people who once lived there have long been lost, so we can only explore slowly...

Xu Xin sighed at the end and shook his head, and handed over cups of fragrant tea amid the murderous looks of Wang Yuyan, Azi and others.

He just felt it in his heart. He was having fun and had caused a few girls to not drink a sip of tea. Of course, he felt guilty.

Xu Lang, I feel extremely relaxed and happy here. We will live here from now on, okay?

Wang Yuyan made a rare request to Xu Xin, but Xu Xin chose to shake his head.

There is a problem with the Immortal Changchun Valley. According to the locals, some people are young and beautiful when they first come out of here, but they will age rapidly after a short time.

This is certainly due to age, but according to Xu Xin's guess, those people have lived here for a long time, and the balance of yin and yang in their bodies has become different from that of the outside world. When they go out again, the yin and yang will be reversed, so it becomes like this.

Of course, all this is just Xu Xin's speculation, but until he finds out the truth about this place, he still won't be willing to live here for a long time, as it may be dangerous.

Xu Xin told his thoughts to Wang Yuyan and Zhong Ling, and they all chose to believe it, especially Mu Wanqing. The previous good experience with Xu Xinhuan made her blush when she thought about it now. At that time, she was like It's like being possessed by an evil spirit.

After that day, Xu Xin and the others opened a wooden house to live near the Everlasting Valley. At the same time, they also sent people to contact Dali City and summoned some servants and maids to maintain contact with the outside world.

In the days that followed, Xu Xin explored various parts of the Everlasting Valley every day, feeling the specialness of that place and discovering a lot from it.

Such a peaceful day passed for a long time, and it was dusk one day again. When Xu Xin came out of Eternal Changchun Valley, Wang Yuyan brought a letter from Li Qiushui.

Xu Lang, my grandmother wrote to me that she has found traces of Jiumozhi. He actually hid in Bianliang. No wonder I haven't caught this person after searching for so long...

Li Qiushui brought news about Jiumozhi. This Great Wheel Ming King secretly learned Xiaoyao Sect's Xiaowuxiang Kung Fu, and this matter would never end.

Adhering to the principle that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, Xu Xin also set his sights on Jiumozhi, and prepared to ask Dalun Mingwang to see the true essence of martial arts of his Xiaoyao sect.

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