The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 254: The wedding night, when the prince is sad

Dali City has been very lively recently. Emperor Duan Zhengming of Baoding, who has been in power for many years, decided to evade his throne and become a monk in Tianlong Temple, passing the throne to his younger brother Duan Zhengchun, King of Zhennan.

Duan Zhengchun returned to Dali, and the four daughters Azi, Mu Wanqing, Wang Yuyan and Zhong Ling recognized their ancestors and returned to the clan, and they were all promised to Xu Xin.

Duan Zhengchun's succession ceremony was still being prepared, and he was planning to choose an auspicious day, but on this day, there was another mighty guard heading towards Tianlong Temple.

Far away from Tianlong Temple, you can see three tall towers. They were all built in the early Tang Dynasty. The largest one is more than 200 feet high and has sixteen levels. There is an iron cast on the top of the tower that reads: Yuchi Jingde, Emperor Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty make.

According to legend, there are five treasures in Tianlong Temple, and the three pagodas are the first of the five treasures.

Many emperors in Tianlong Temple in Dali took refuge as monks. After each emperor became a monk, his descendants would pay homage to the temple on his birthday. Every time they paid homage, they would make sacrifices and decorate the temple.

The temple has three pavilions, seven floors, nine halls, and one hundred buildings. It is large in scale and exquisitely constructed. Even the famous mountain temples in Buddhist resorts in the Central Plains such as Wutai, Kaiyuan, Jiuhua, and Emei are rarely comparable. It is located in the southern border, so its name is not obvious.

This is the second time Xu Xin came to Tianlong Temple. The last time he was chasing Duan Yanqing and only stayed for a moment in the Bodhi Forest outside the temple. But when he came today, he invited Duan Zhengchun and wanted to visit the temple. The martial arts experience of the ancestors of the Duan family is sought for the true scriptures.

Duan Zhengchun led the crowd to Tianlong Temple, and the master Benyin came out to greet him. Master Benyin was the uncle of Duan Zhengchun and Baoding Emperor Duan Zhengming, and the biological uncle of Duan Yanqing.

However, monks do not adhere to the etiquette of monarchs and ministers, nor do they talk about family members. Duan Zhengchun is about to become the king, so the two meet with equal etiquette.

It is a trivial matter for King Zhennan to visit Junior Brother Ben Chen, but Prince Consort Xu wants to see Junior Brother Kurong? Borrow the scriptures of my Duan family ancestors. I can only go and report this matter. You go to Muni Hall first.

Master Benyin nodded after knowing the purpose of Duan Zhengchun and Xu Xin's visit, and asked the young novice to lead the way for Xu Xin and the others. He went first to report to Master Kurong of Shuangshuyuan Qingxiu.

It is a big sin to disturb the great virtues in their purification.

Duan Zhengchun said politely, and then the group moved forward under the guidance of two young novice monks. They entered from Ruihe Gate on the left and passed through Zhuotianmen, Qingdu Yaotai, Wuwujie, Doumu Palace, Sanyuan Palace, Tusita Scholar's Courtyard, Yuhua Courtyard, Prajna Terrace, came to the side of a long corridor.

Two young novice monks stood on both sides with their bodies bowed, unable to stop. Duan Zhengchun took Xu Xin further west along the corridor and came to several large houses.

I saw that those large houses were all made of pine wood, with wooden doors and wooden pillars, and the wood was not peeled. They were natural and simple, completely different from the splendid palaces along the way.

Brother Emperor, please come in!

A voice came from the Muni Hall, and Duan Zhengchun's face suddenly showed excitement.


He called out emotionally, then stretched out his hand and slowly opened the door and entered. Although this Muni Hall is a hall, it is as wide and straight as a large hall.

There are four monks sitting on four futons in the hall. Two of the monks looked haggard, the other was tall and burly, and the third one looked very young, only a few years older than Duan Zhengchun. It was Duan Zhengming, the Baoding Emperor who had avoided becoming a monk, and was now known as Benchen.

Duan Zhengchun recognized that the two withered and lean monks, Faming Benguan and Zhenxiang, were both senior brothers of Abbot Benyin. The burly monk, Faming Benshen, was Benyin's junior brother, and both were his uncles.

His elder brother Duan Zhengming, Emperor Baoding, became a monk. Master Kurong, who was the most senior, took the decision and became an eminent monk of his generation.

Amitabha, Chundi, how are you lately...

Master Benchen greeted Duan Zhengchun kindly. The two brothers met again and reminisced about old times. Duan Zhengming told Duan Zhengchun many things and asked him to manage state affairs well.

Speaking of which, Emperor Baoding was also a very popular emperor, but unfortunately, he had no heirs for many years. Finally, he wanted to become a monk and avoid the throne, and passed the throne to his younger brother Duan Zhengchun, who had heirs.

Amitabha, good, good...

Duan Zhengchun and Duan Zhengming were reminiscing about old times, and the three eminent monks of their generation expressed concern from time to time. Xu Xin, an outsider, stood beside him, feeling a little embarrassed. Fortunately, he didn't wait long, and soon he heard a Buddha's name. Two breaths followed.

Meet Abbot Benyin! Meet Master Kurong!

Abbot Benyin and Master Kurong are here, and Master Kurong's face is... very strange. The left half has a rosy face and smooth skin, like a baby, while the right half is like a dry bone, with no muscles except for a burnt yellow face, and the bones protrude out, like half a skull.

Half withered and half prosperous, Master is good at cultivation!

Xu Xin chuckled and complimented Master Kurong.

I don't think I should cultivate well in front of my husband-in-law. I heard that my husband-in-law wants to see the classics of my ancestors of the Duan family?

Master Kurong clasped his hands together and bowed. Although he was very old and had a higher seniority, the master of martial arts came first.

The great king Jiumozhi almost defeated Tianlong Temple alone, but Jiumozhi was just a scumbag when facing Xu Xin. Xu Xin's martial arts skills were so great that there were too many of them, so his attitude had to be respectful.

I also have some opinions on Kurong Zen, but I would like to communicate with the master...

Xu Xin silently recited a verse, and Master Kurong Gujing Wubo's face suddenly showed a look of shock, and his posture immediately lowered.

Although Xu Xin has not specialized in Kurong Zen, the strongest opponent he faced in his previous life, Living Buddha Phasipa, almost reached the state of neither withering nor glory, but unfortunately he still failed to become a Buddha in the physical body, and finally became a dead soul under Xu Xin. Absorb the nourishment of Dafa.

With Tianlong Temple and his party, Xu Xin naturally got what he wanted in the end. The monks in Tianlong Temple cherish Jiumozhi's broom because what Jiumozhi wants is the secret book of the Six Meridians Divine Sword. Not many of the Duan family are qualified to access this inheritance, so how can it be passed on to others.

What Xu Xin wanted was the Kun Rong Chan Kung Fu and the experience of some predecessors' spiritual practice books. Moreover, he was Duan's son-in-law, so he was not considered an outsider, so things naturally went smoothly.

Xu Xin gained a lot from this trip to Dali. Not only did he make progress in martial arts, but he was also able to marry four beauties at once.

Although it is not that I have never tried four sisters, it is a different feeling to have four sisters who are different from the quadruplets like Mei Lan, Zhu Ju.

After a few more days of this, Duan Zhengchun officially succeeded to the throne as Emperor of Dali. On the same day, he gave Xu Xin a Prince Consort's Palace, which was the original Zhennan Palace, and replaced it with a plaque.

And on this day, under the farewell of Prince Duan Yu, the four princesses happily left the palace and moved into the Prince Consort's Mansion.

Xu Xin was very busy that night. He met many dignitaries in Dali and many people came up to propose a toast. Fortunately, Duan Yu, who was stimulated, came out to block the drinks, which allowed him to escape the disaster.

This night, Duan Yu transformed into the God of Bacchus and refused to accept anyone who came. He never got drunk after a thousand cups. It was rare for him to completely indulge himself, and he was completely different from before.

Seeing that Duan Yu was holding back the wine, Xu Xin ran to the back hall. He had a very heavy task tonight. He had to take good care of Prince Duan's good sisters. Which one should he start with first... Xu Xin thought about it for a while and pushed away. In the east room, a shy little girl is holding white silk in her hand...

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