The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 245 Bai Level Pagoda’s Plan

Yu Yan, how could you...

Murong Fu panicked when he saw Wang Yuyan. Seeing that Xu Xin was there, he came to Duan Yanqing in a few steps and put the antidote of Sad Breeze under the tip of his nose. The stench entered his nose, but Duan Yanqing was surprised. On the contrary, I felt a little more relaxed and my strength was recovering.

Cousin, we have been here a long time ago, but we just didn't expect you...

Wang Yuyan hesitated to speak, but Murong Fu, who knew her well, knew that his cousin and others might have seen everything he did. At this moment, he felt a little desperate.

My son, if we work together, we can break out and leave even if we are no match!

After Duan Yanqing regained his strength, he used ventriloquism to communicate with Murong Fu. He had seen Xu Xin's martial arts before. Only two people working together could hope to break out. This is why Murong Fu immediately rushed out after finding out that someone was coming. The reason for detoxifying Duan Yanqing.

You evil man, die!

Mu Wanqing was deeply impressed by Duan Yanqing, the evil man who had given her the Yin Yang He Huan San, and immediately shot Duan Yanqing with a sleeve arrow. When she took the shot, the two top masters Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing reacted quickly.

Whoosh whoosh...

The steel staff in Duan Yanqing's hand connected, and Yang Finger's true energy covered the direction of Xu Xin and others. The long sword in Murong Fu's hand was also dancing with bright blue light. His target was Mu Wanqing, and he was preparing to capture a hostage. Used to force Xu Xin.

However, what Duan Yanqing and Murong Fu didn't expect was that they saw a flash of purple light in front of their eyes. Xu Xin just stood there. Duan Yanqing's Yiyangzhi Zhenqi and Murong Fu's Qinggang Sword Qi seemed to collide with each other. Invisible Qi wall, the true Qi disappeared instantly without a trace. Within three feet of Xu Xin, all offensives seemed to have lost their effect.


Murong Fu looked at Xu Xin in surprise. He had attacked the sweeping monk in Shaoshi Mountain, and the situation was the same at that time. But the last time in the Sutra Pavilion, Xu Xin was clearly no match for the sweeping monk, and there was no such thing. The method of blocking the air wall.

Could it be that in a short period of time, this person's skill has improved to a higher level, and he has developed this Qi wall-like martial arts?

My son, my father will be grateful for your help!

Suddenly, Murong Fu felt a burst of true energy coming from behind. By the time he reacted, it was already too late, and his body couldn't help but smash towards Xu Xin. At this time, Yanqing's voice had just sounded.


The window of the room was instantly broken. Duan Yanqing acted decisively. When he noticed that Murong Fu was stunned, he decisively betrayed his adopted son and broke out alone.


Murong Fu was bounced away by the force three feet in front of Xu Xin. He fell to the ground in a panic, and the sword in his hand also fell to the floor.

After Murong Fu regained consciousness, he knelt down decisively and begged Wang Yuyan: Cousin, cousin, cousin is just confused for a moment, and I am following my aunt's orders, please help me...

Murong Fu, you little beast, do you obey my orders? Did I ask you to plot against me?

When Mrs. Wang heard Murong Fu's shameless words, she became so aggressive that she cursed loudly.

Yuyan, please help me...

Murong Fu knew that the only one who would be soft-hearted towards him at this time was Wang Yuyan.

My lord, Feng Bao evil never imagined that you would become such a person!

Feng BoE was beside him and was heartbroken. Although he was hostile and hostile to Murong Fu because of Murong Fu's attack on Bao BuTong, after all, they had been in a relationship for decades and he really couldn't see Murong Fu being like this.

Young Master, get up! You are Nan Murong, an upright man. How can you be such a hero when you kneel down to beg for mercy?

The other two retainers of the Murong family were also very sad. The master they wanted to serve loyally should not be like this!

Yuyan, me...

When Murong Fu heard them talking like this, he felt betrayed by the whole world, and everyone betrayed and left Murong Fu... He stepped forward and grabbed the hem of Wang Yuyan's skirt to plead. With Xu Xin's martial arts, he is absolutely unbeatable. At this moment, only my cousin can save me.

Cousin, you...ah...

Wang Yuyan looked at such a strange Murong Fu and felt that the world was falling apart. But in the end she relented. Just when she was about to speak, she was suddenly pulled over by Murong Fu. Her cousin actually grabbed her by the neck, which frightened her. cried.

Don't move, don't force me... let me go...

Murong Fu was also a little dizzy. He had just kidnapped Wang Yuyan in a flash of his mind. Now that he was awake, he still felt that something was wrong. But now that the matter was at this point, he could only make one mistake to the end.

You can leave!

There was a faint purple light in Xu Xin's eyes. Murong Fu's impulse just now was naturally pushed by him secretly in order to make Wang Yuyan completely give up on Murong Fu.

As for why he let Murong Fu go, it was because he wanted to do an experiment. According to some information he knew, the final villain of this Hong Kong comic version of the world was Murong Fu in front of him.

At the end of the normal plot development, Murong Fu will explode, forcibly practice Beiming Magic without losing his skills, and then go to Shaoshi Mountain after absorbing the skills of countless people, pretending to be possessed and asking for help from the sweeping monk, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity to absorb them. The skills of the sweeping monk.

In the Hong Kong comic version, Murong Fu finally succeeded in acquiring the Black-Level Pagoda Skill of the Sweeping Monk, but it was the Sweeping Monk who gave it to him on his own initiative. After giving all his skills to Murong Fu, the Sweeping Monk achieved great enlightenment and made another breakthrough in the Yi Jin Jing magical power. After reaching the White Level Pagoda, he attained Nirvana and became a Buddha.

Xu Xin let Murong Fu go now because he wanted to see if he could lend his hand to continue the development of this main plot. He wanted to know what the level of the Yi Jin Jing magical power of Bai Level Pagoda was.

You really let me go!

Murong Fu still couldn't believe it. As he spoke, he dragged Wang Yuyan to the window sill that Duan Yanqing had knocked open.

Since I said it, I will naturally let you go!

Xu Xin turned his back and reassured Murong Fu that as for Wang Yuyan's safety, with his martial arts, it was only a matter of thought to save her.

Cousin, I'm sorry!

Murong Fu threw Wang Yuyan to Xu Xin, jumped out of the window and left.

Is it okay!

Xu Xin held the frightened Wang Yuyan in his arms. At this moment, the fragrant soft jade was warm, but he didn't think much about it. Instead, he marked Murong Fu's breath. This tool man was of great use to him. Naturally, Be on top of things.

I'm fine!

Wang Yuyan felt Xu Xin's arms were very tight, and the man seemed unwilling to let go of her. But at this time, the warm embrace brought her an unprecedented sense of security.

Brother Xu, my mother, Aunt Qin, and Aunt Ruan have been unconscious. Come and take a look...

When Zhong Ling's voice came, he turned around and saw Mu Wanqing supporting Qin Hongmian, Zhong Ling supporting Gan Baobao, and Ah Zi supporting Ruan Xingzhu. The most pitiful Princess Zhennan was abandoned alone on the bed.

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