The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 243 The beloved becomes a sister again, Murong Fu is taking action

Mr. Murong, we have no grudges or grudges. You...


In the Zhuangzi that Mrs. Wang had purchased specifically to capture Duan Zhengchun, Murong Fu dragged Duan Yu to another room. Seeing the kid nagging non-stop, he couldn't help but slap him again, hitting Duan Yu. There are gold stars in your head.

Duan Yu really wanted to resist, but both Duan Yanqing and Murong Fu knew that this guy was very powerful and had the most methods against him. His hands and feet were tied with tendons and shackles, giving him no chance to escape. .

In the room next to him, Duan Zhengchun heard his son's groan and smiled bitterly: Aluo, why did you hold my Yu'er? He didn't offend you.

Mrs. Wang snorted and didn't answer. She didn't want to reveal her attachment to Duan Zhengchun in front of others, but she couldn't bear to retaliate with harsh words.

Murong Fu on the other side could also hear the commotion on the other side. He was afraid that Mrs. Wang's old love would rekindle and ruin his affairs, so he said: Why didn't you offend my aunt? He...he has been pestering my cousin Yu Yan with the intention of tainting her. His innocence. Auntie, this boy deserves to die...

Duan Zhengchun was shocked when he heard what he said: What? He...he and...

His face turned pale, he turned to Mrs. Wang and asked in a low voice: Is it a girl called Yu Yan?

Mrs. Wang had a bad temper. She had endured it for so long, which was unprecedented in her life. At this time, she couldn't bear it any longer. She burst into tears and shouted, It's all this unlucky man with no conscience who has caused this harm. Not counting me, I almost killed your biological daughter.

Yuyan, Yuyan...she...she is your flesh and blood. The little beast you gave birth to has been pestering her for more than a year. Wherever she goes, the little beast follows her...

The little beast you gave birth to is no better than a beast. He has no conscience and will not spare even his own sister. I can't wait to cut him into pieces and turn him into a piece of meat.

When Mrs. Wang vented her anger to Duan Zhengchun, Murong Fu deliberately punched and kicked Duan Yu, but at this moment, Duan Yu could no longer hum, and felt that everything in his heart was despairing.

Wang, Miss Wang is also my sister...

Duan Yu was tormented in his heart, and the pain was unbearable. He heard Mrs. Wang say: It's all because of you, a heartless and unlucky man. Not only did you harm me, but you almost harmed your biological daughter. Yu Yan... Yu Yan... she... she... is your biological daughter. flesh and blood.

He felt a tightness of breath in his chest and almost fainted. When he learned that his father and Mrs. Wang were having an affair, Duan Yu felt uneasy in his heart. When Mrs. Wang personally revealed it in public, Wang Yuyan was actually his sister.

In an instant, Duan Yu felt like the world was spinning. In the past few years, he had met three sisters who were very happy for him. Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing and Wang Yuyan were all his biological sisters.

Although Wang Yuyan has never shown any affection to him, he has long been in love with the living fairy sister Wang Yuyan because of his obsession with the jade statue of the fairy sister. At this time, there is a plot where the beloved is his sister, and many times in succession. Duan Yu really couldn't accept the blow.

He felt miserable in his heart. He felt a lump of breath stuck in his chest, unable to move. His hands and feet were cold and stiff, and his inner demons suddenly emerged.

Duan Yu, do you want to die or live?

At this time, Murong Fu picked up Duan Yu's collar and whispered in his ear: If you want to live, you must explain clearly the secret formula of your transformation skills. If you don't explain, don't blame me for being disrespectful to your mother. polite.

Although your mother is much older, her charm is still there, and Murong Fu is not a womanizer. Or, let your mother have a taste of the separation of yin and yang, and let you mother and son...reunite...

Murong Fu learned a secret from someone. Duan Yu possesses a miraculous skill that can make people greatly improve their martial arts in a short period of time. Naturally, he had evil intentions and wanted to get it. beast...


If you continue to scold me, I will call your mother over now. Do you want to explain it to me?

I, I said...

Duan Yu had lost all thoughts at this moment. In addition, he had personally experienced the separation of Yin and Yang. He almost did something unethical with Mu Wanqing that time, so naturally he didn't want such a thing to happen again.

Although it was against his oath to explain the technique, he remembered that it was mentioned in the beginning of Beiming Shengong that to start practicing this technique, one must have no martial arts foundation, or no other internal strength skills.

The reason for this requirement is because the path of Beiming's magical power is different from that of most magical books. If one has other internal skills, if his luck goes wrong, he will go crazy and die.

This is why, in the original work, Wu Yazi first completely transformed Xu Zhu Beiming's Shaolin internal energy before passing it on to him. When Duan Yu was learning Beiming Divine Kung Fu, he had no martial arts skills at all, so he could master it.

You're a smart kid!

Murong Fu gently patted Duan Yu's cheek, and slapped him so many times in succession that he began to like the feeling of slapping this pretty face, and the evil spirit in his heart was relieved.

On one side, Murong Fu coerced Duan Yu to question Beiming's magical skills, while on the other side, Duan Yanqing also forced Duan Zhengchun to give up the throne.

Mrs. Wang, when my big deal comes to an end, I will leave this honest period in your hands and do whatever you want. Now, please get out of the way...

Duan Yanqing disliked that Mrs. Wang was an eyesore, so he asked Mrs. Wang to get out of the way first. Mrs. Wang didn't say much, walked to the side and sat down to drink tea, looking coldly at Duan Zhengchun and the unconscious woman on the bed. .

Duan Zhengchun, we are considered related. The throne of Dali Kingdom should be mine. Your Zen position is mine as it should be...

Duan Yanqing raised a cane and pointed it at Duan Zhengchun's throat. With just a tap, Duan Zhengchun could be stabbed to death.

Duan Yanqing, look at how you look like a human and a ghost now, and how you act like this, there is no trace of a human being at all! Just do it, I will not be coerced by you.

Duan Zhengchun acted very tough, which made Duan Yanqing very unhappy.

Duan Zhengchun, you are not afraid of death, are you? What about your woman?

Duan Yanqing's cane moved away from Duan Zhengchun's throat and fell towards the unconscious Princess Dao Baifeng of Zhennan next to her. But when he turned his eyes, he was slightly startled. He suddenly found that Dao Baifeng gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.


Before Duan Yanqing could think about it, he suddenly felt dizzy. His left hand dropped weakly, and his cane dropped to the ground with a crisp sound.

Suddenly, there was a rumble, and a person fell beside the door. It was Mrs. Wang's maid.

not good!

Duan Yanqing was secretly frightened, and he grabbed the steel rod with his left palm in the air, trying to use his strength to take the steel rod back into his hand. Unexpectedly, the real energy could not be released, and the steel rod on the ground did not move at all. He tried to raise his breath again, but he could no longer raise his inner breath. Only then did he realize that he had unknowingly caught the attention of others.

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