The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 224: Moving mountains and filling seas, the four wonders of heaven and dragon

Boom boom boom...

The flying rocks that covered the area were moved by Xu Xin's energy absorption and smashed towards the position where Qiao Feng was. The rocks penetrated the air and made a muffled sound like thunder. At this critical moment, a black light flew over and stopped him. In front of Qiao Feng.

This man suddenly fell from the sky, very suddenly, swooped down like a big eagle, and landed right in front of Qiao Feng. There was a long rope in his hand, and the other end of the long rope was tied to the top of a big tree more than ten feet away.

I saw this man whose face was covered with black cloth. He was burly, as tall and powerful as Qiao Feng. His face was covered with black cloth, and only a pair of cold eyes were exposed.

The sound of bang bang bang continued, and the man grabbed Qiao Feng's arm and lifted him up. Then he shook the long rope in his hand, and a black light swept through the air. Flying rocks the size of a human head were blocked one after another. He led Qiao Feng around and managed to find a way out.

Rumble, rumble, rumble...

A large amount of it poured down, smashing the place where Qiao Feng was before to pieces. If he hadn't been rescued, the dignified Bei Qiao Feng might have turned into a puddle of rotten flesh and blood.


The big man in black led Qiao Feng to retreat to the other side. He had just used his strong zhenqi and the soft whip skill of 'Tiannu Scattering Flowers' to neutralize part of Xu Xin's flying stone bombardment, but he also spent some effort. The price was a huge loss of energy, and it also affected injuries.

Well, benefactor, thank you again...

Beside the big man in black, Qiao Feng managed to stand still. Before he could finish his words of thanks, he saw the big man in black suddenly waved his right hand and slapped him in the face.

This strike was so quick. Qiao Feng didn't expect that when he met again, he would give him a hard fight again. Secondly, this strike was really skillful. Qiao Feng was in a bad state at the moment and couldn't avoid it for a moment. open.

The big man in black hated that iron could not become steel. After he slapped Qiao Feng, he slapped him a second time. There was only a flash of lightning between the two palms, but Qiao Feng also reacted.

He is a tough man who cannot be killed or humiliated. Last time in the battle at Juxianzhuang, the big man in black slapped him in the face after saving him. But he did the same thing this time. How unbearable!

Qiao Feng instantly stretched out his left index finger, placed it on his cheek, and pointed at his palm. The index finger pointed right at the Laogong point on the big man's palm. He slapped it with his palm, but his palm did not reach Qiao Feng's cheek. To get the point on his palm, he had to touch his finger first.

You are really stupid. Don't you know how to hide when you can't beat me? If you are too strong, you have to confront people head-on. Are there any fools like you in the world?

Seeing that Qiao Feng had come to his senses, the big man in black stopped slapping him and slapped Qiao Feng on the shoulder with his backhand, followed by a scolding.

Benefactor, Qiao Feng and him...

Qiao Feng heard what the big man in black said and was about to explain. At this time, Xu Xin took action again.

I said, it's not good for you guys to chat like this in front of me! There's another one who hides his head and shows his tail. They are all top masters, so they all come out to play with me and have fun!

Xu Xin let out a sharp roar, and then the purple light in his left hand reappeared. This time, it covered another rock not far from where the man in black had previously been hiding. He heard bursts of clicking sounds, and the ground was shaking, as if something was about to happen. Something bad happens.

call out!

Before everyone could understand the meaning of Xu Xin's words, they heard the sound of breaking wind, and a gray light quickly jumped out of the air and landed quickly in a few breaths, stopping right next to Qiao Feng and the big man in black. In the distance, this is a monk in gray clothes, his face covered with gray cloth.

Join forces!

The big man in black obviously knew the monk in gray. After shouting to him, he gathered his energy, and a ball of black light quickly surrounded the big man in black, setting off a storm of black light.


The gray-clothed monk didn't say much, and his body was filled with a strange gray light. He was also a top master who had gathered the three flowers at the top to cultivate his true energy. He also used his palm power to prepare for Xu Xin's next move.


Qiao Feng's fighting spirit returned, and the red gold energy on his body danced wildly. A terrifying and furious dragon circled above his head, roaring towards Xu Xin's position.


There was a constant clicking sound, and a whole mountain of rocks covered in purple light actually flew up. It was a hill that was enough to crush many people, and it was pulled out by Xu Xin's true energy.

The ancient myth of moving mountains and reclaiming seas is probably this scene! this really a person?

To move mountains and fill seas, this is the trick of the gods, isn't it?

Is the Shaolin Yi Jin Jing so powerful? Then why Abbot Xuanci and the others?

The most powerful thing is not the magical power, but that Gang Leader Xu!

Gang Leader Xu is invincible in the world, and Qiao Feng was beaten into a Khitan dog!

Who are these two masters who suddenly appeared? Are they the hidden masters of Shaolin?

I don't think so. The people in the Shaolin Temple looked very surprised and confused.

No one can stop this huge mountain from pressing down!

Masters from all walks of life and everyone who saw this shocking scene were stunned. They moved mountains and filled seas. Are you sure this is not a myth?


Xu Xin just turned and pushed with his left hand, and a whole hill pressed towards Qiao Feng, the big man in black, and the monk in gray.


The big man in black shouted loudly and pushed forward with both hands. The surging black light formed a terrifying storm and hit the hill directly.


The golden and red angry dragon hovering above Qiao Feng also rushed out and slammed into the hill.


The gray brilliance that filled the body of the monk in gray condensed the power of his true energy palms, and he also blasted up to fight against the falling hill.

The three top masters in the world simultaneously burst out their true energy, and faced off against the hill that Xu Xin grabbed with one palm. All kinds of true energy burst out violently, and the hill hung in mid-air, wandering uncertainly, and for a moment it was heading towards Qiao Feng and the others. It fell, but for a moment it rose and swayed slightly.

Countless people stared with bated breath, extremely nervous, all paying attention to the scene in front of them, not wanting to miss the final result.

At this moment, a figure leaped out from the side of the Shaolin monks.

Tubo's national preceptor, Maha Lun Ming Wang Jiumozhi. The last one of the Four Heavenly Dragons. He was wearing a green monk's robe, he was less than fifty years old, clothed in cloth and wearing sandals, and his face seemed to have a faint glow of precious light, like a bright jewel, shining naturally.


Jiumozhi moved his hands quickly, and actually blew out an extremely strong wind in the direction of Xu Xin. The strong wind quickly spread in mid-air to form a blazing flame. The flame contained a sharp knife, which was for The secret skill of the Nyingma sect of Tantric Buddhism, the Flaming Knife!


Xu Xin saw Jiumozhi getting involved in the battle uninvited. He didn't even look at his Flame Knife. He just raised his left hand slightly, and the terrifying rockery instantly shattered into thousands of flying rocks, all of which had heads. Big and small, it turned into a storm of flying rocks and blasted towards all four heavenly dragons.

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