The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 222 Purple-level pagoda, extraordinary merit

Qiao Feng, your talent really amazes me!

Xu Xin repeated this sentence, but he said it sincerely. Over the decades in his previous life, he had witnessed countless geniuses. In a sense, this Qiao Feng even surpassed the great master Zhang Sanfeng. At least, the Zhang Sanfeng he knew was not as good at fighting as the Qiao Feng in front of him.

Two lifetimes of experience have made Xu Xin's martial arts realm and vision extremely high, and his understanding of the Dragon Subduing Palm Technique is far beyond that of ordinary people.

The difference between Qiao Feng's move Exalt the Dragon without Regrets and the Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms he used previously was very obvious. It is obviously the same move, but it is already the true meaning of another set of palm techniques, or this can be regarded as the forbidden move of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms created by Qiao Feng.

The essence of the Dragon Subduing Palm is the four words there is more than enough but not enough. When a palm comes out, there must be enough left. No matter how powerful and thunderous the opponent's fist is, I should still be able to do it with one move.

When using the Dragon Subduing Palm technique, you must have the thought of subduing the evil dragons. Let the opponent have eighty or a hundred evil dragons. After subduing one and another, ten will be gone, and there will still be twenty. However, my If your palm power is always inexhaustible, you will always be invincible.

A strong dragon has regrets, which is the basic outline of the Dragon Subduing Palm. If the palm has more than enough power, it should be retained. When the palm is released, it must strike three and leave seven. When using it, pay attention to predicting the enemy's aircraft first and attacking the enemy's weaknesses. Palm power cannot be blindly forceful and rigid. It should be strong when it should be strong, soft when it should be soft, and the strength and softness should be as heavy as you want.

However, the Dragon Subduing Palm requires a powerful attack but still has some remaining power. This is the most difficult part, and it is also the most subtle part of this set of palm techniques. It is a combination of hardness and softness, and you can send and receive it with your heart, so you can control your palm power well.

However, Qiao Feng's previous set of palm techniques, to be precise, the Crazy Dragon Palm, was an explosion under special circumstances.

Xu Xin can be said to have pushed Qiao Feng into a desperate situation, and Qiao Feng has also pushed himself into a desperate situation. Every palm is very successful. Others would have been able to send it out but not take it back, but he could still control it, and in the end he surpassed him. The ultimate palm powerful dragon without regrets.

Using all one's strength to break the cauldron and sink the boat in the face of a desperate situation is contrary to the essence of the Dragon Subduing Palm, but in a sense, its exalted dragon has regrets is a sublimation of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

The power to break through the three-point return to vitality came from Qiao Feng's continuous accumulation of compressed and collapsed palm energy. Theoretically, that has exceeded Qiao Feng's power limit. But it has never escaped Qiao Feng's control from beginning to end. In a sense, this is also a kind of retention.

As for Xu Xin's saying that it has the shadow of One Clap and Two Scattering Palms, it is because the domineering palm power seems to be giving everything. This will is very similar to the true meaning of One Clap and Two Scattering Palms. It is absolutely life-threatening. With one blow, the will of the wild dragon danced wildly, creating A strong dragon without regrets.

You should have had enough rest! Then how are you going to block these next attacks...

As soon as Xu Xin's voice fell, his figure appeared in front of Qiao Feng in an erratic and uncertain manner, and he struck out with a palm, which seemed to have a mighty power.


A bright light burst out between the two of them again. Qiao Feng reluctantly took Xu Xin's palm and took three steps back. Although his expression remained unchanged, his steps were staggering. The cool aura on his body became deeper and thicker, and he was fighting. The intention is high and everlasting.

Xu Xin was in mid-air but he struck out quickly, using strange moves one after another, like a violent storm, covering Qiao Feng.

Everyone has their own unique style and rhythm. The meaning of Qiao Feng's domineering decisive battle is to constantly collide with the enemy head-on. Those who are weaker than him will be directly defeated, and those who are slightly stronger than him will be defeated in one go. He will also find opportunities to counterattack and defeat.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, is a more stubborn person. When fighting, he pays attention to planning before taking action. If he is not more than 98% sure, he will basically not fight. For example, when he encountered Qiao Feng for the first time, he ran away decisively.

Even in a decisive battle with someone, he would first defend and wait for an attack. After all, with his strong Zhenqi coupled with Bei Ming and Sui Gong Dafa, he was not afraid of dragging down his opponents at all. And once he starts a thorough counterattack, it basically represents the final word.

Bang bang bang...

Xu Xinqi made moves one after another, attacking Qiao Feng's vital points with his fists, palms and fingers. Although he was defeated one by one by his opponent, his changes of moves were faster, and each move was never repeated, such as finger snapping magic, air splitting palm power, Tai Chi. , heart-piercing hand... the changes of moves are so fast that even Qiao Feng, who has experienced a lot and is very experienced in combat, feels overwhelmed.


Xu Xin punched out again, falling from the sky, majestic and domineering, like an emperor dropping his seal, with its own sacred and irresistible majesty.

Qiao Feng felt as if an emperor appeared in his sight. It was Xu Xin's appearance. He looked at him, a rebellious foreigner, with cold eyes, and was about to completely destroy everything about him with a single punch.

Qiao Feng immediately pushed his palms forward, and with the true meaning of Exalt the dragon without regrets, he used the most powerful move in the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Shock Baili.

Men should be in power and lie drunk in the beauty's world!

A fist means power, a clenched fist means holding power, and a strong punch means power. A man cannot be without power for a day. With the power of an emperor, he can punch a fist that sweeps the world. This is Xu Xin's punch, which is purely overwhelming with force. people.

After this punch fell, Qiao Feng's figure became half an inch shorter, and his steps sank half an inch due to Xu Xin's hard punch.

Qiao Feng's breath began to become scattered, and his hands and feet seemed not as strong as before. He fell into Xu Xin's rhythm and inevitably fell into a disadvantage. Even the god of war who was born with martial arts was still a human being, not an invincible god.

He was as strong as the overlord of Western Chu and claimed to be invincible. In the end, he was surrounded by enemies and fell into the Wu River and committed suicide.

Although Qiao Feng is strong, he will still... be defeated!

Xu Xin's fist was slowly pressed down, and Qiao Feng's figure was slowly sinking, but the fierce aura in his body that was getting stronger with each battle was still erupting without limit.

Dragon fights in the wild!

Qiao Feng carried out that crazy dragon's madness to the end without even thinking about it. The intense golden light was filled with red fireworks, as if his endless fighting spirit was burning.

Dragons fight in the wild, their blood is black and yellow!

At this moment, Qiao Feng was crazy. He insisted on competing with Xu Xin, but Xu Xin also complied with his request and gave him a defeat!

Qiao Feng, you are worthy of me using more strength at this time! In fact, I could have tried to break through the barrier a long time ago, but I always felt that it was not necessary. I thought it would be a matter of course. Now that I think about it, there is no need to just let everything take its course in life. It’s been full of ups and downs…”

Yi Jin Jing, Purple Level Pagoda!

As Xu Xin let out a long roar, purple light bloomed between his brows, and the blue Qi turned into sharp purple light. The terrifying innate Qi set off a purple storm, and a purple light shot straight into the sky.

The Purple Level Pagoda of the Yijin Meridian, the unity of mind and Qi, is invincible, and it is no longer a matter of trivial matters to break through mountains and tops. There is only one person among ten thousand who can master it.

And Xu Xin, an even more extraordinary warrior, took advantage of the opportunity to break through the Yi Jin Jing. He completed the gathering of three flowers at the top, penetrated the entrance, and surpassed his innate skills. He surpassed the extreme of his previous life and reached a new realm.

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