The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 218 The man with his own stereo finally appears again

Don't hurt Abbot Xuanci!

Xuanci was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Xu Xin put his hands behind his back and was about to step forward to finish the attack. Suddenly, a majestic voice was heard from far away, it seemed that... the man with his own stereo finally appeared again.

The sound didn't sound very loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone present. As soon as the voice fell, a golden light was seen on the horizon. A figure as strong as a dragon stepped on a golden dragon and came towards Xu Xin with a palm in the air.


The sky was surging with golden light, and a golden dragon descended from the sky and blasted towards Xu Xin. He palmed Flying Dragon in the Sky with his backhand. Two colors of blue and golden dragons collided in mid-air, and the sky suddenly exploded with infinite splendor.

Da da da……

Before the explosion here dissipated, the thunderous sound of hoofbeats was heard, and more than ten fast horses rolled up the mountain like the wind. The passengers on the horseback were all wearing black thin felt cloaks and black cloth clothes on the outside. However, they looked like tigers and horses like dragons. The people were agile and the horses were majestic.

Each horse has a tall head, long legs, and black hair all over its body. As they ran closer, the heroes' eyes lit up with golden light, and they saw that the edges of each horse's hoofs were actually inlaid with gold.

There were nineteen horses and eighteen knights in total. Although they were not many in number, they were as powerful as an army of thousands of horses. The eighteen knights in front ran close and pulled their horses to the sides. The last fast horse galloped out and rushed straight into the battlefield.

At this moment, the brilliance of the collision of zhenqi was almost dissipated, and a vigorous figure was seen falling from the sky, landing steadily on the back of the galloping horse, and then the man stretched out his hand, and a golden light of zhenqi was wrapped around him. Xuanci's body instantly pulled him up from the ground.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Dragon Capturing Skill. Qiao Feng actually saved Xuan Ci, it's really interesting...

Xu Xin revealed the identity of the visitor with one word. He was recognized as the number one in the contemporary martial arts world in the Central Plains, Beiqiao Feng.

The real protagonists in the Dragon period were never Duan Yu or Xu Zhu. They were just lucky guys who got a lot of skills by chance. In terms of martial arts talent and fighting ability, they couldn't compare with Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng can be said to be a man born like a god of war. He is not only strong in actual combat but also talented in martial arts. In his hands, the Beggar Clan's ancestral Dragon Subduing Palm technique was simplified, deleting and repeating, and concentrating on its meaning, creating the best in the world. Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Thank you, Donor Qiao!

Herod's horse neighed and stopped. Qiao Feng, who was on the horse, lifted Xuanci to the ground with one hand. Although he was lifting a person, his movements were light and had no impact. He carefully helped Xuanci fall down and transferred his energy to help him heal his injuries. . After Xuanci calmed down with Qiao Feng's help, he thanked him.

Gang Leader Qiao, Gang Leader Qiao!

Among the members of the Beggar Clan, a large group of people suddenly rushed out and shouted loudly. They came to Qiao Feng and bowed to see him. Most of these disciples who came to see him were Sanbao and Sibao disciples in the gang, young and hot-tempered men, die-hard fans of Qiao Feng, who would rush out when his brain got hot.

The Beggar Clan currently has one or two disciples, most of whom are junior newcomers, and their worship of Qiao Feng has not reached a fanatical level. The disciples who are above five or six are all adults, and Yi Xia has some scruples. And the current gang leader's surname is Xu, so naturally they won't rush out in a hurry.

As for the higher-ranking disciples of the Beggar Clan, they all know the principle of one emperor and one minister. Xu Xin, the leader of the gang, has done a good job. Why do they want to flatter the former gang leader Qiao Feng? What's more, he is a Khitan. They don't It's not bad to draw a knife and chop it.

The evil thief Qiao Feng is actually here.

He killed my brother in Juxian Village, and I want him to pay with his blood.

Yes, blood debt must be paid with blood!

This guy is bringing trouble to the martial arts world. Let's stand together and kill him!

In the battle of Juxianzhuang, Qiao Feng killed countless martial arts figures, and most of them were heroes from the Heshuo area of ​​Henan. At that moment, a master called everyone to join forces, wanting to kill Qiao Feng quickly and take revenge.

Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang...

When the Eighteen Horsemen behind Qiao Feng saw the heroes of Heshuo swarming up, they immediately galloped out, drew their scimitars and prepared to fight.

The Central Plains Wulin, how can we allow you people to be so presumptuous!

Xu Xin felt very uncomfortable when he saw these Khitan warriors drawing swords and riding horses. The incident of releasing the kite was still fresh in his mind. Although it was You Tanzhi's experience, it did not affect him. I hated the Khitans, so I slapped them with one palm.

You Tanzhi, how dare you...

Qiao Feng had already recognized Xu Xin, and when he saw him taking action against his men, he swatted them away without thinking.


I saw two palms colliding in mid-air, and the scimitars of the eighteen Khitan warriors were caught in the aftermath. The blades directly collapsed into pieces. They fell off their horses one by one, in a state of embarrassment.

On the other side, the heroes of Heshuo were also knocked off their backs by the man who wielded the wind. Qiao Feng's palm shocked everyone. The heroes were captured by his majestic momentum and no longer dared to move.

Xiao Feng, a Khitan man, has been expelled by the Beggar Clan and has nothing to do with it. Why do you still use the old names? Brothers, are you all well?

Qiao Feng cupped his fists and returned the salute to the many disciples of the Beggar Clan who came to him, with tears in his eyes, and he couldn't control himself because of the old feelings of fisting.

He only said that after he was expelled from the Beggar Gang, everyone in the gang regarded him as a bandit. He never expected that even though we were divided between the enemy and ourselves, there were still so many old brothers who came to see him so enthusiastically. Naturally, his blood surged, and his heart was filled with enthusiasm. Feeling very emotional.

After hearing what he said, the three or four disciples of the Beggar Clan stopped acting too impulsively. This Master Qiao was from the Khitan, their archenemy. Everyone in the gang knew about it, so why did they suddenly appear when they saw him? The love and admiration arose spontaneously, but he actually forgot this important matter?

If you don't go back, even if this gang leader doesn't care, some people will gossip!

Xu Xin spoke at this time, and these people in Hot Blood also understood what stupid thing he had done. Many people bowed their heads and stepped back, but there were still some people who looked at Qiao Feng with such reluctance.

Xu Xin naturally had no objections to these lower-level disciples of the Beggar Clan. Having once been in charge of the Beggar Clan, he naturally knew that such disciples were young and enthusiastic, and it was normal for them to worship idols. It's just that, based on their behavior today, their future in the Beggar Clan is basically gone.

Qiao Feng's eyes moved to Xu Xin and he strode away. The heroes of Heshuo unconsciously gave way to a path, and he walked past them as if there was no one around.

One person attacked Qiao Feng from behind, but his backhand hit him with broken bones and tendons, causing him to fall out. When the remaining people saw this, they were all frightened, and no one dared to attack him.

Brother, big brother, you are doing so well these days!

Xu Xin stared at Qiao Feng intently, and the latter kept raising his fighting spirit while walking. Just when the two were about to start fighting again, he saw a young boy with a pretty face rushing in front of Qiao Feng at an inappropriate time to say hello. It was Duan Yu, Qiao Feng's sworn brother.

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