The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 200 I like practicing in water the most

How could this old woman's martial arts be so terrifying? She is even stronger than before she released her martial arts!

Li Qiushui and Wu Xingyun faced each other, and were shocked by the changes in the opponent's skills.

In the years before Tong Lao lost his martial arts, he often sneaked into Xixia to trouble Li Qiu Shui. The two fought against each other several times, and they both knew each other's skills well. She can be sure that Tong Lao's normal recovery of Sanqigong will definitely not be as scary as it is now.

not good!

Li Qiu Shui's skills were not as good as those of Child Elder, but now she was at a disadvantage in the duel with Qi. She felt the domineering Duzun Gong Qi flowing and conflicting all over her body. She felt numbness and itching in all the acupuncture points all over her body. Knowing if he could continue, he quickly looked at Xu Xin on the bed.

Meng Lang, although I did something wrong, it was just to show my anger. Please help me quickly!

Li Qiushui called Xu Xin for help. In this situation, he really couldn't sit idly by.

Although he had been in bed, he was still awake. Naturally, he could tell that Li Qiu Shui couldn't hold on anymore. He stretched out his hand and a blue energy flew out, catching Wu Xingyun's petite body from the air.

Although Tong Lao no longer has the childish figure of the past, she is still very petite and exquisite compared to an adult woman. However, the place that should be big has also become bigger. Not to mention rough, but at least it is no longer something to be embarrassed about...

Why are you protecting her!

Wu Xingyun's continued offensive failed, and he was easily controlled by Xu Xin. He couldn't help but move around, and was very unhappy.

Xu Xin hid her little body under the quilt, pinched a certain vital part, and then said: If you hadn't been fooling around before, you wouldn't have caused such a thing now.

He grasped some of Tong Lao's vital points, so he had to be a little more honest, recalling the ridiculous things he had done, and sent Li Qiu Shui's granddaughter Li Qinglu to Xu Xin's bed. Now that I am the same again, this is considered the way of heaven to reincarnate?

Wu Xingyun was still a little dissatisfied and said angrily: But is it just like that? I was just bullied by her in vain?

Senior sister, why did I bully you? The one who bullied you was obviously the good brother you called me!

Li Qiushui was still fighting. If Xu Xin hadn't controlled Child Lao, the two could have continued fighting.

Don't talk!

Xu Xin glanced coldly at Li Qiu Shui. The latter was obedient and shut up, but his eyes were still looking at Xu Xin and Tong Lao, wondering if they were harboring any bad ideas.

Xu Xin grabbed Child Elder's hand and said comfortingly: Don't be the same as her. You have been fighting for Wu Yazi your whole life. Have you achieved anything?


Wu Xingyun was a little afraid to meet Xu Xin's eyes, but finally calmed down and the turmoil of this incident was temporarily calmed down.

But after such an incident, Xu Xin felt that living in the Xixia Palace was a bit uneasy. And now that Wu Xingyun has recovered all his strength, it is time to return to Tianshan Lingjiu Palace.

Another night, Xu Xin was soaking happily in the hot springs of the Xixia Palace. Ever since he created a mysterious skill that seemed to be able to extract the essence of water, he had liked the environment with water very much.

What's more, being able to soak in hot springs without restraint on a cold day is a beautiful thing!


Xu Xin was lying next to the hot spring pool, and familiar footsteps approached. He did not get up. Not long after, a pair of jade hands touched his forehead, followed by a sweet call from Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Menglang, please forgive Xiaolei and Grandma Huang for what happened last night.

Li Qinglu said softly, as if she also felt that this request was not good.

I'm not angry either. I just want to stop making trouble about this matter.

Xu Xin reached out and held Li Qinglu's little hand. The catkin was as gentle as jade and as soft as boneless.

He was silent for a while, beckoning the princess to come closer with his fingers. After the little head came over, he whispered: Besides, you have done something wrong, so you should compensate me for it!

Yeah! Otherwise, Xiaolei is asked to go tonight to accompany you...

Li Qinglu felt that Xu Xin's hands were restless, so she naturally understood what her lover meant by compensation. Xiaolei was her personal maid, and she should belong to Meng Lang sooner or later. It didn't matter if she did it sooner.

Don't bother me. Qinglu, just wipe my back.

Xu Xin whispered. Her Royal Highness the Princess had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem, so she nodded in confusion.


The water in the hot spring pool rose and fell, and the princess who had been deceived by words was bullied by someone again.

In the distant palace, Li Qiu Shui and Wu Xingyun, who were quietly using their skills to eavesdrop, heard the faint sound and the sound of gurgling water, and each reacted fiercely.

Wu Xingyun in the room couldn't help but spat: You are really shameless.

Li Qiushui on the other side chuckled: What a bad boy, compared to the... senior brother...

Ah... Meng Lang, I haven't taken off my clothes yet...

In the hot spring pool, Li Qinglu's red lips were slightly open, a little uncomfortable with such an open thing like washing together. Although Xixia is more open to the Central Plains, Menggu is a princess after all, so she naturally knows more etiquette and etiquette than the ladies of the Song Dynasty. , but her personality is soft and her body has some hidden attributes.

The water in the hot spring pool was hazy, and the shy Li Qinglu was stripped clean by Xu Xin piece by piece. She turned her back to him with a shy face, only revealing her round shoulders and black and shiny hair, matched with a slender and white neck like a swan. , which adds a bit of nobility and temptation.

Although most of the body is hidden in the water, the water in this hot spring pool is crystal clear and hazy, which makes people want to stop.

The shoulders are cut, the waist is plain, and the figure is graceful. With the fumigation of warm water, a layer of bright red appears on the back of the skin, which is as white as snow. There are water drops hanging on the jade-like skin, and the fairy who has been banished to the mortal world is not like it. Such is the case outside.

Qinglu, you are so beautiful!

Xu Xin hugged her and whispered love words in his arms. Even though he had been the emperor for decades in his previous life, he was used to seeing stunning beauties, and he was still amazed at this moment.

Princess Yinchuan bit her lips at this moment, tilted her head, and called softly: Menglang~

Her red lips were lightly opened, and her breath was like blue. Her voice at the moment was sweet and greasy. Especially when she looked back, there was a faint hint of charm in the pure brows, which made people feel moved.

Princess Yinchuan was also moved. Women from Li Qiushui's family seemed to be like this. She didn't know how seductive her charming calls were. Soon the movement here became more and more intense.

Child Elder, who was eavesdropping in the palace room not far away, blushed, spat and left the corner, returned to the bed and sat up cross-legged to practice, but only she knew whether she could concentrate. Anyway, her mind was filled with the scene with Xu Xin before.

Li Qiushui was not like the Tianshan child who seemed to have been burned. She continued to lean against the wall, listening to the young couple next door. Her thoughts couldn't help but go back to the days when they were like a couple of gods and goddesses at the foot of Wuliang Mountain in Dali. That should be her. The happiest time...

Early on the next morning, Xu Xin led his Meng Gu on the road feeling refreshed, accompanied by Wu Xingyun, Li Qiu Shui and some palace maids from Qingfeng Pavilion. There were hundreds of people in the mighty team.

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