
read2();  Central Avenue, at the gate of the Southern Chamber of Commerce, under the curious eyes of the surrounding Orion and merchants, the face is full of excitement, and the corners of the clothes are pinched by both hands. Madam Fang, with a look of bewilderment, respectfully sent several young figures onto a very large carriage.

After Zhao Yu and others boarded the carriage, the ordinary-faced Madam Fang still looked in a trance, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly pulled her daughter Pearl who was walking by her side, and whispered in the ear of the latter. Road:

   "Pearl, this is the first time your Majesty has come to visit Nancheng, Tianmenguan, for a private visit. You have to lead the way, and don't talk non-stop if you don't ask you."

   The little girl Pearl is wearing a brand new snow-white jacket today, with a little freckles on her white face, which not only does not affect her appearance, but also looks more playful. Then Pearl smiled, she raised her chest and responded:

   "Don't worry, mother, it's not the first time that my Majesty and I have met, this time I promise to complete the mission!"

   The voice fell, and under the worried gaze of her mother, Pearl jumped into the carriage, and then the carriage moved slowly, and soon disappeared in the heavy snow.

   "My master, Pearl is always rash. I'm afraid she will appear disrespectful before your majesty."

Madam Fang stared closely at the direction where the carriage disappeared, with a little worried words coming out of her mouth. Then the middle-aged woman turned around, just about to continue speaking, to find that the treasurer Fang’s burly body had slipped back to the big At the door, suddenly stopped beating, he said loudly:

   "Fang Youcai, what are you going to do?"

   "I will go back to sleep."

   The shopkeeper Fang not far away yawned, and a lazy voice came, which made Madam Fang directly raise her brows, strode to catch up with the former, and continued to speak angrily:

   "As the saying goes, a companion is like a tiger, if you still have the heart to sleep, you know to sleep every day."

   "Your Majesty is not a horrible thing. There is nothing to worry about. Besides, our pearls are much more mature and tough than you think. I, a father, don't worry at all."

After    shopkeeper Fang finished speaking, he opened his mouth wide and yawned, and some round voices continued to sound:

"After returning from a trip to the northern snowfields, the old man, I discovered that compared to life, everything else in the world can be put aside, especially money and other foreign objects. Although my name carries wealth, but Today, I just want to enjoy my life. During this time, I still have to work hard, madam."

   After the voice of Fang's shopkeeper fell, Mrs. Fang came to the former's huge body and directly stretched out her hand to greet him, slapped the latter's arm with a slap, and then an angry voice came out:

   "This day, you really can't sleep, since you get up, let's go to eat first. Oh, I almost forgot. Our daughter hasn't eaten for almost a day, so she must be starving."

   The exclamation of Mrs. Fang just came down, and in the wide carriage driving in the snow in the southern city of Tianmenguan, a roar of hungry sounded directly, which was particularly abrupt in the extremely silent carriage.

Then the pretty face of the girl Pearl became extremely flushed with a brush, and she hurriedly reached out to cover her belly, only to find that the groaning sound could not be stopped at all, and it continued to sound, which made Pearl lower her head very embarrassedly. Shame.

   "It seems that Xiao Zhenzhu is hungry, Liang Po, talk to the people outside, and say to find a restaurant to eat something first."

   "Your Majesty, I, I'm fine, don't care about me."

   After the pearl stammering voice fell, Zhao Yu, who was sitting in the carriage looking through a stack of files, did not raise his head, and made a faint voice:

   "It's okay. Anyway, I'm just taking a stroll in this South City. There are many people in this restaurant, and I just have a lot of knowledge, so I can go to the largest restaurant in South City."

   "No, Your Majesty."

   Liangpo's burly body was sitting at the door of the carriage. After accepting his promise, he opened the curtain and gestured lightly to the outside of the carriage. Then the carriage that everyone was in turned at a very smooth angle to the south side of the Tianmenguan Nancheng restaurant with the largest number of restaurants.

   At this time, the driver in front of the carriage was the commander-in-chief of Si Tianjian at Tianmen Pass. He knew everything about Tianmen Pass very well, so he went straight to the largest restaurant in the entire South City.

   The outside of the carriage is snowy and the wind is bitter, while inside the carriage, under the influence of Xuantian Tan, it is warm like spring.

   Zhao Yu, who was more youthful with a thick felt hat, lowered his head slightly, raised his hand and turned the page of the interrogation file on the case table, then slowly asked:

   "Jiang Yue, who streamlined the trial dossier of Xue Bancheng?"

   The young emperor asked this question, and the complexions of Jiang Yue and Xue Bancheng who were beside him changed slightly at the same time. Then Jiang Yue, who had a cold face, said respectfully after saluting:

"His Majesty, the original trial of Xuebancheng, Bei'an Royal Mansion, Ministry of War, Ministry of Criminal Justice, Sitianjian, Night Dire Division, etc. all have one trial file. The total number is 15 volumes, which is too complicated, so it is too complicated. After the cabinet has unified the reduction, it will be handed over to His Majesty to decide."

After    Jiang Yue finished speaking, he paused and continued to report:

   "As for this simplistic person, it is written by the academician Xiaosu, and we are assisted by the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division who participated in specific battles."

"It turned out to be written by Xiao Su. It is no wonder that it has an extremely serious taste. When I saw it, I thought I was trying to judge a heinous criminal. But when I look at the content, this snowy half city is far from my great summer. No fault, but merit."

  Zhao Yu continued to raise his hand to turn over a page of the dossier, then raised his head, staring at Jiang Yue on the side, and continued to ask:

   "The authenticity of what Xue Bancheng said in the interrogation dossier is true or not, is it exquisite?"

The young emperor's question fell, Jiang Yue's face instantly became extremely solemn, and Xue Bancheng's hands on his legs clenched subconsciously, because he was extremely intelligent, he naturally understood that Zhao Yu's faint voice at this time Inquiry is the basis for the young emperor to decide this matter.

Whether accepting that Xuebancheng lives in Daxia, or continuing to exile it back to the northern snowfield tribe, it is all based on the fact that Xuebancheng tells the truth. Otherwise, once he is convicted of deceiving the emperor, for this The ending of Xuemin Youth is a dead letter properly.

   As Zhao Yu’s divine voice lingered in the carriage, Jiang Yue, the fourth character of the King of Bei’an, then stood upright, and after paying respect to Zhao Yu in front of him, his face was solemn, and he responded word by word:

"His Majesty, the reason why the various ministries of justice of the imperial court have been discussing for more than ten days is to distinguish the authenticity of Xuebancheng's statement. There is no logical problem with the statement."

After    finished speaking, Jiang Yue bowed again, and then continued to sound in a decisive voice:

   "Therefore, Wang Jiang from Bei'an is willing to guarantee Xuebancheng, and I implore your majesty to allow him to become a part of Daxia!"


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