
read2();  The place where the Shenxiancheng Dockyard is located, the intertwined black and red and emerald rays of light flashed back and forth, occupying the entire half of the sky, and at the same time, the aftermath of violent waves of energy scattered outwards, The outer wall of the originally extremely strong dock was torn one after another.

A large number of foreign monks who were in the dock, ignored the big ships that they had spent a lot of money to buy, directly roared and fleeed desperately, trying to stay away from this dangerous place where they can fight. Important thing.

In the original shipyard where the people of Qingzhi Kingdom were located, except for the large cyan ship that still exuded rich green light, the large buildings on the surrounding ground were all flattened. If you take a bird’s eye view of the sky, you will find the green color of Qingzhi Kingdom. With the big ship as the center, a huge vacuum zone appeared.

In the center of this vacuum zone, the sound of the void cracking, the collision of supernatural powers, and the sound of anger are intertwined in one place. The dazzling light and the aftermath of vigor raging outside non-stop, all heralding the Qingzhi Kingdom and the Tianchi Sect. Fierce fighting has officially entered a white-hot stage.

The many rituals of the Qingzhi Kingdom after the formation are completed, based on the large ship underneath which is called the perfect artwork by the young Qinglin, to build a line of defense. Layers of rune-enclosed jungle walls are placed to block the front, while controlling With the jungle whips protruding from the ship, the red robe monks of the Tianchizong who were constantly attacking flew away again and again.

With these numerous and thorny jungle whips, every stroke can create a very harsh whistle in the void. It is the violent sound of the entire surrounding air being blasted, but those falling from the sky continue to hit The red robe cultivators of the Tianchi Sect, each turned into weird and terrifying, unconsciously, indefatigable two-headed monsters, frantically attacking the defense of Qingzhi Kingdom.

   These cultivators of the Tianchi Sect, who merged with Yan Jueguo's underground creatures, are covered with lava rock walls. Not only are they extremely defensive, they also possess the most fascinating ability to regenerate themselves quickly.

Although the jungle whip that comes from every stroke can tear a huge wound on the body of the Tianchi sect monk, at the same time, the vitality of the jungle whip and the vitality of the underground lava are mutually restrained, so It will magnify the pain of the tearing wound tens of thousands of times, causing the Tianchizong monk who was pumped to make a scream, but as long as the latter is not directly split into two parts, it will be in a very short time. It will return to its original state under the condition of spreading lava, while releasing a large amount of scarlet mist outward.

   In these scarlet mists, there is a special hallucinogenic atmosphere that is extremely manic in the underground magma, which is extremely insidious, and it spreads extremely fast. After a while, it completely fills the entire large space.

   "Die all to me, die, die!"

On the deck of the big ship, those young priests of the Qingzhi Kingdom, under such circumstances, are dominated by the killing intent in the red mist, and they have almost completely fallen into a state of madness, roaring the vitality of their bodies. , Madly injected into the big ship below, and then controlled the powerful jungle whip, smashing at the Tianchi Sect monster in front of him.

However, under the influence of the hallucinogenic red mist, most of the jungle whips were drawn into the empty space, causing the monks of the Tianchi Sect who hit the big ship to leap forward directly, screaming and smashing the jungle wall in front of them. , I was about to pounce on the big blue boat, threw the young Qingzhi Kingdom worshipers down and shredded them.

   "Wake up, wake up!"

On the ground below the big ship, Master Young Miao, who was fighting the Master of Tianchi, saw this, his complexion changed suddenly, and he opened his mouth and let out an angry shout, trying to wake up the priests who were in the hallucinations, but the sound of the shouts was red. The young priests who fell into madness in the fog did not respond.

"It's useless, Young Miao, this time you brought out small saplings that have never been on the battlefield. They are weak in mind and can think of killing enemies under the fog of the Yan Jue battle, but it has made me extremely What an accident!"

In front of the green-robed old woman, the Heavenly Pond Master, who was completely transformed into a terrifying monster, opened his mouth above both heads and grinned at the same time, and his hoarse roar rolled outwards. At this time, his body was half covered with snow-white long hair. , Half is densely covered with lava armor, the three laws of ice, blazing heat, and the earth are lingering around the body, and the aura that far exceeds the general master state is billowing into the sky.

The position where the master of Tianchi stood was just between the green-robed old woman and the big blue ship, completely blocking the latter’s route to rescue, and then the madness on the two completely different heads of the master of Tianchi became even worse. Roared word by word:

"You wait for Qingzhi Nation to grow a few saplings like this one year, and there is no one who can be selected into the sacrificial courtyard. Therefore, if these plants are folded here, you will definitely feel sorry for Qingzhi Nation. Well, on the contrary, the adults of Yan Jueguo will give me very rich rewards.

   "I originally wanted to catch a big fish, but in this way, I also made this trip worthwhile!"

Before the roar of the Master of Tianchi, the Master Young Miao, who was wearing a green robe, directly angered and shot with all his strength. Now that he was completely integrated with the racial Taoist statue, he no longer waved his hands. , But two sturdy branches covered with silver runes, and then centered around them, a huge jungle world phantom suddenly appeared.

  In this jungle domain, countless silver rune branches that are the same as Master Young Miao's arm waved their teeth and claws left and right, and then simultaneously entangled towards the Master Tianchi who was blocking the road ahead.

   "It's useless, young crops, the strength of the underground is beyond your imagination. I am no longer what I used to be. The seat under the superposition of the three-fold rule, I even feel that under the land fairyland, I am enough to be half saint!"

The master of Tianchi, who was entangled by ten thousand branches, laughed wildly, and then he stepped forward and stepped forward fiercely. The whole ground seemed to tremble fiercely. The endless icy storm rushed straight into the sky again, and the storm’s At the very center, there is a volcano that continues to gather momentum.

   "You should be familiar with this Tianchi volcano, right? When the son of this seat kills the young saplings on the deck, it is your turn, the old tree spirit!"

   The maddening roar of the Master of Tianchi resounded once again between the whole world and the earth, but the next breath, a clear and sweet sound, but with an extremely angry voice directly overwhelmed the former, and it rang in everyone's ears:

   "Auntie, I'm so angry now, I'm going to explode!"

   A green robe danced around the sky, and a petite figure descended directly, hitting the red mist-shrouded green ship, facing the rushing monk of Tianchi Sect.

   Then the vast and endless green light radiated from the inside of this body, and even formed an emerald green storm that swept outward!

This storm blew away the red mist that had originally shrouded the sky in an instant, and then in the eyes of all the Tianchi Sect monks, the visitor directly threw a seed out with his hand. This seed was not emitting green light, but It's Jinguang.

   At the next breath, Qing Tian gripped his right hand forward, drew the seed that turned into a great sword from the golden light, and then slashed it forward.

   A line of green light across the sky pierced the void, and then swept across the front with the momentum of opening the sky and the earth, and instantly cut the five Tianchi Sect cultivators who were at the forefront into two!


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