The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 982: Master Tianchi (Happy Chinese New Year!)


read2();  Shen Xiancheng's more and more lively southern square, there is a crowd of people, accompanied by the full yells of the Arctic wild birds, and the sleds of people such as Qingzhiguo and Yeyi Rising quickly into the sky.

The male city under the feet gradually became smaller and smaller, and perhaps the violent storm caused by the fighting between the two land gods and the great powers of the fairyland last night has blown away a lot of the gray fog in the North Sea. Therefore, this North Sea today The sky by the side of the sky, there is a trace of extremely rare Qingming.

   Arctic wild birds spread their wings soaring in the sky, and then the young girl Qing Tian on the hoop, retracted her gaze from above Shen Xiancheng below, raised her head and said loudly:

   "Uncle Huangniao, you will take me to wait for a low-altitude rotation in the sea around Shenxian City. Don't worry, the reward will not be less for you."

   After the eldest Miss Qing Tian finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something, turned her head to the side of Qing Lin and said:

   "By the way, Qinglin, I heard you say that the storm was not small last night, will I have problems waiting for that ship?"

   "Miss, don't worry, the sacrificials who stayed on the ship have already made arrangements to sail our big ship into the dock below Aojia in Shenxian City. There will be no accidents."

   The young man Qinglin’s response sounded with the same confidence as before, but behind this confidence, there was a trace of dignity. Then the former hesitated for a few breaths and slowly asked:

"Miss, it's been a long time since we came out of China this time. Last night, I received news from the Sacrifice that the shore of the North Sea is not peaceful. The birth of Erxian Mountain has more impact than everyone thought. It must be serious, so the elders in the country do not want the people of Qingzhi country to take this trip to the muddy waters, and they want me to get out of the country in time and return to the interior.

As soon as the solemn words of the young man Qinglin came out, the atmosphere above the whole sash suddenly changed, and then the petite girl in the Wizard of Oz robe, Qing Tian, ​​fell into thinking. Although she was careless and simple in her mind, she did not It does not mean that she is an ignorant person who knows nothing, on the contrary, this young lady has her own judgment on the situation.

  After thinking for a long time, on the hoop, the very serious voice of the girl Qing Tian faintly sounded:

   "This lady knows that Qinglin, you are not an unreasonable person, so the situation on the shore of the North Sea must be severe and abnormal. For me, leaving as soon as possible will be the best choice."

  As soon as the girl said this, the eyes of the two sacrificial guards from Qingzhi Kingdom suddenly lit up. Just when they wanted to speak in agreement, they heard Miss Qing Tian's crisp voice continue to sound:

"But my mother once told me that when I wait for the Qingzhi Country Shumei Clan, what I pay attention to is a beginning and an end. What this lady has promised must be done no matter what, so even if I want to leave, I have to follow it. After the Japanese human race is over."

   Although the volume of the young girl Qing Tian's words is not heavy, it has a firmness that can not be rejected. After that, Qing Lin hesitated for a moment, nodded and slowly spoke:

"Then, according to what the eldest lady said, I will leave Beihai after the execution of the human race is over, but I want to contact the sacrificial house and mobilize all the people from the Qingzhi Kingdom nearby. This time, Yan Jue Guo's forces intervened. I have to guard against it."

   Time passed. About half an hour later, as the large North Sea bird spread its wings and flew above the North Sea, the group looked down at the undulating North Sea, scanning back and forth.

But the entire North Sea is boundless, and there are all kinds of sea beasts living in it. Wanting to search for the carcass of a North Sea bird is like finding a needle in a haystack. Seeing the hope of searching, he wanders around the world with a sad face on the hoop. Kneeled directly at the girl Qing Tian, ​​and then came out with a very grateful voice:

   "You Tianya thank you for your kindness, the old man once said that the best destination for the creatures on the shore of the North Sea is to return to the sea after death, so maybe all this is the best arrangement. I am too obsessed."

After   you Tianya finished speaking, he once again kowtowed to the young girl Qing Tian, ​​and continued his solemn voice:

   "After the old man passed away, I wandered all over the world. I only had a small life. If the lady is of use to my place, please tell me as much as I can and go through fire and water."

   "That lady will wait for you to become the greatest traveling poet in the whole Taixuan Land in the future, and send me a book."

   Above the basket, Miss Qing Tian's crisp voice, with the boldness of ordinary men far beyond!

   At the same time, in the lobby on the first floor of the Shenji Pavilion, a large number of monks swarmed in from outside, surrounded by a middle-aged monk wearing a red robe.

   Then the group of people came to a corner of the lobby, and the middle-aged monk headed by him slapped the desk in front of him with a very rough palm, suddenly a strong and hot breath of supernatural power, accompanied by his rough hoarse voice, spewed out:

   "The Tianchi Sect is here to do business, and the rest of us quickly get out of here!"

After this roar, the other monks who had gathered around this corner suddenly turned furious, but after hearing the name of the Tianchi sect, they immediately looked at each other, and then quickly dispersed without saying a word. In a short while, a large area of ​​desks around here became empty.

   Then the middle-aged man in the red robe sat down and opened his hood, revealing a hideous and ugly face and red-brown hair, and continued to ask:

   "Why didn't the Kaishan Sect and other other cases come? Since I have made an appointment with this seat to talk about things, but I came late, is it a pastime for this seat?"

   "How dare we dare, no matter how brave our ancestors are, we dare not entertain you, the old man of Tianchi, that is too long!"

Before the question of the middle-aged man in the red robe fell, an extremely flattering voice sounded directly from a short distance, followed by a large number of monks walking quickly, bowing their bodies, and the robes on these monks were all Different, at first glance they are from different sects.

After that, the one who was walking in the front of the mountain sect was very old, and quickly walked to the side of the upper person in Tianchi. He smiled flatly and just wanted to sit down. Before his buttocks were close, he felt an extremely hot gaze next to him , He was so scared that he immediately stood upright, stretched out his hand to take out a letter from his arms and handed it out respectfully, and said:

   "Master Tianchi, this time I am so brave to ask you here because of important information!"

   "Important information?"

  The ugly face, as if a layer of scabs had formed after the burn, the Master of Tianchi continued to glance at the elder of the Open Mountain Sect who had begun to sweat a little before him, and reached out his hand to take the envelope handed by the latter, and at the same time a cold voice sounded:

   "If you let this seat know that you are entertaining this seat, you must screw off your head!"

When the voice fell, the Master Tianchi opened the envelope in his hand and lifted his eyes to sweep it away. After a few breaths, the temperature in the lobby of the Shenji Pavilion rose suddenly, and countless scorching air filled the void, as if an imminent one suddenly appeared. Erupting volcano.

   Then the Tianchi Master in a red robe stood up directly and strode out.

   "Go, take all the staff of Tianchi Sect in Shen Xiancheng, and come with me!"


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