The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 963: Five Immortals


read2();   Over the banks of the North Sea, the cold screamed, and the swift wind was blowing from the center of the North Sea, accompanied by the waves blowing, blowing into the sky and hunting in the robe of the first class people, but This cold wind could not weaken young girl Qing Tian's fiery interest.

   She came to Shen Xiancheng for the first time. She was standing on the periphery of the hoop. Not only did she not feel scared, but she also looked at the rune-covered back and the ships on the sea that were gradually smaller, and let out a cry.

   Although the robe of the Wizard of Oz concealed Qing Tian’s face, it could not conceal the girl’s scream of excitement:

"Wow, every time I fly into the air, this young lady hopes that if she has double wings, she can travel the sky all day long, with white clouds as her company. Although there are only dark clouds in Beihai County, the southern inland is beautiful. picturesque."

   After the girl’s shout fell, Qing Lin, a young man from Qingzhi Country who had to maintain the perfect standing position all the time, responded with a faint response from the debut under the hood:

   "If Ms. Qingtian cultivates assiduously, with your talents, you will be able to break through to the Grand Master of Palm-Edge Birth and Death. By then, you can stand proudly in the void and go to the world without your wings."

   Qinglin’s words came out, the girl’s cheers stopped abruptly as if she was pinched, then she slowly turned her head, two cold eyes shot from under the hood, and then a cold voice sounded:

"Qinglin, you really don’t open which pot or pick which pot. The domestic high priests have said that in the matter of cultivation, haste is not achieved, especially when you break through the realm, you have to go slowly, so you don’t need you all the time. Remind me in my ear, this lady knows it herself."

   "Well, Miss Qing Tian is naturally intelligent. The Great Master will naturally not be difficult for you."

After    finished speaking, the young man Qing Lin who knew he had stabbed the hornet's nest hurriedly broke the topic, and continued to speak to Ye Yi and Xue Dao beside him:

"The existence of the Tianyun Temple in the Taixuan Land is very important, because it is the guarantee for the communication between the counties in the entire area. For example, the Xuemei of Shangguo, which is the closest to Qingzhi Kingdom, is separated by 18 County, if ordinary people rely on the strength of their feet, they can't get out of a county for a lifetime, so they need to take the sky race in the Tianyun Temple to reach it.

"Although the Tianyun Palace is a huge force that cannot be ignored in the entire Supreme Profound Realm, it is different from ordinary forces. It is more like an alliance of sky races, so its members are complicated, just like ours. At this time, the Northern Wild Birds, who are responsible for short-distance transportation in the North, also have extremely large and fast-flying races such as Youtian Weng who specialize in long-distance flights between the major forces. There is even a room built on their backs. The houses for the guests to live in, it takes months to go back and forth, sometimes even years."

After Qinglin's words fell, the power named Tianyun Temple in this super profound land was extremely intuitively displayed in the minds of Ye Yi and Xue Dao, but before they could digest them, the black giant bird where everyone was. With a flutter of wings, he leaped directly over the giant Ao Ao armor, rushing into the air, and at the same time, the entire Shen Xian City above the ancient giant Ao Ao armor was instantly unobstructed.

This is a huge city on the shores of the North Sea and even the entire Taixuan Land. The thick and sturdy houses are spread out in a gossip shape and arranged in a close and orderly manner. The center of these houses is Surrounded by five man-made peaks in a regular infinite arrangement, from above, the layout of the entire Shenxian City is neat and heavy, and contains a strong sense of indomitability and tenacity.

  In the eyes of Ye Yi and the others, the city below seems to be roaring silently, telling the world that in Beihai County, abandoned by the world, there are still people who live tenaciously and build their own big city.

"The five towering peaks in the center of the city are the strongest forces in Beihai County at present. Listening to the name of the Five Immortals Sect, you can actually know that the inheritance of this sect comes from Yingzhou, which is above the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago. Penglai, abbot, Daiyu and Yuanqiao are five fairy islands.

"But at this time, the strength of the Five Immortals Sect is comparable to that of the Wuxian Mountain that was once the world's best. However, since the establishment of the Wuxian Sect, it has been active only on the shores of the North Sea, which is inaccessible to the people. No one knows how strong the inland forces are."

   On the black giant bird's sack, after Qinglin's young voice fell, beside him, she saw the whole scene of Shen Xiancheng and was deeply shocked by the young girl Qing Tian, ​​exclaimed, and then excitedly said:

"At the moment of seeing this Shenxian City, this young lady felt that everyone in the inland of Taixuan Land despised Beihai County and Wuxianzong. This is such a shocking city, even if it is inland, so A large-scale city can only be owned by the top forces."

After finishing the words, the green eyes under Qingtian's hood stared straight at the five most central peaks in front of him. The height of the entire ancient giant's Ao armor was already extremely high, making the back of the armor even higher. These five mountain peaks straight into the sky, and the top of the mountain peak is completely hidden in the dark gray sky of the North Sea. Between the clouds and mist, there are three peaks on which a large number of buildings have been built, and the other two are bare and empty.

   Then the young man Qinglin took out a book again from nowhere, raised his green-lighted hands, and began to look down at the book in his hands, and then a faint voice continued:

"In fact, this Five Immortal Sect should be called Sanxianzong appropriately, because tens of thousands of years ago, the two islands of Daiyu and Yuanqiao were sunk directly under the North Sea, and the inheritance was completely cut off. This is why we are among the five mountains in front of us. , Two of them are empty."

   After Qinglin's explanation fell, the people watching Shen Xiancheng who were getting bigger and bigger in their eyes because of the rapid descent, fell into a moment of silence.

   At the same time, with the landing of the black giant bird, over the entire Shenxian City, there appeared a large number of black giant birds that also spread their wings and descended towards a square platform below.

In fact, compared to the magnificence of Shen Xiancheng, which was shocked by the young girl Qing Tian and others, Ye Yi and Xue Dao are more concerned about the so-called Five Immortals Sect, because the source of this sect inheritance was once flourishing above the North Sea. Wuxian Mountain, and Shenzhou Haotu is one of the two sunken islands. Therefore, in other words, the Five Immortal Sect and the current Daxia actually have the same origin, and their relationship can even be called the same branch.

   For the vast land of Shenzhou, for Daxia, the Shenxian City and the Five Immortals Sect, which Ye Yi and Xue Dao are about to arrive, can be said to be the forces with the deepest and closest relationship to themselves in the entire Taixuan Land.

Therefore, under the will of Zhao Yu, the two nightmare divisions who came to the land of the supreme profound, are eager to know what this so-called brother sect holds for the rebirth of the vast land of Shenzhou. attitude.

   Is it an enemy or a friend?


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