The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 959: Above the North Sea


read2();   The ten-day passage of time is a tremendous change with each passing day for the vast expanse of China that is advancing by leaps and bounds, but for the vast and vast land with a long history and vast area. In other words, it is like a drop of water falling into the sea, and it is difficult to make any waves.

  The Beihai, the land of the profound mystery, is always under the gray sky. The cold wind roars and the waves are undulating. Although the raging waves are still turbulent, it is undoubtedly more gentle than the North Sea hurricane ten days ago.

The cycle of the North Sea hurricane generally erupts, ranging from several decades to as short as one year. Therefore, when it is expected that there will be no squally stormy waves in a short period of time, the countless ships that originally gathered on the banks of the North Sea dispersed one after another. .

Some of these ships sailed far away, looking for a North Sea island for replenishment, while the other part retreated directly and returned to the land. After all, for those land races whose cultivation is not strong, they only have their feet on the ground. The land can bring a sense of security.

   Although the ship dispersed and no longer gathered along the coast, all the monks who gathered from all over the land of the Supreme Profound Land had one thing in common, that is, they did not leave the North Sea directly, but chose to wander around nearby.

Although the North Sea has fallen into calm at this time, many people have been frightened by the nine-day phoenix waving the golden flames of the sun in the center of the North Sea some time ago, but everyone knows that the birth of the sunken island is far from coming. When it was over, it was just beginning.

The great powers of the Supreme Profound Land and those great forces with long heritage will never let go of this huge opportunity, and there will certainly be follow-up actions, and once they leave at this time, the etheric profound The geographical area is so wide that it is not easy to catch up again.

The sea of ​​the North Sea in the Taixuan Land is colorless when seen up close, but it is strangely dark green from afar. In a certain part of the sea, the big blue ship from the country on the green branches floats on it, cutting the waves, and the surface of the big ship, On the deck, which was also planted with a lot of lush vegetation, there were several figures sitting casually.

"There is a fish in the North Ming, and its name is Kun. Kun is a bird whose name is Peng, and Peng’s back is known as Peng. It flies in anger, and its wings are like flying in the sky. The cloud is a bird."

   A young voice faintly sounded over the deck of the big blue ship, and then Qinglin, the young man from Qingzhi Country with a tree backed on his back, held a book, raised his handsome face, and continued to speak loudly:

"In the Great Profound Land, this Beiming is the North Sea. Therefore, according to this book of Beihai Chronicles, we are on the seabed of the North Sea, with a vast area of ​​Kunpeng. Entering the sea is a Kunpeng, and the sky is a Peng, which is enough to shake the entire sky. Behemoth of heaven and earth."

After the young boy Qinglin fell with a hint of complacency, he turned his gaze to the girl who was hanging upside down on a large branch not far away. The corners of his mouth continued to raise his iconic confident smile, and the faint voice once again lingered. Around:

   "With a wave of Kunpeng's wings, it is 90,000 miles, and the speed has reached the world's extreme. Therefore, Miss Qingtian, if you are so depressed, once the Kunpeng beast really breaks through the North Sea, you will never see it."

As soon as Qing Lin said this, the young girl Qing Tian did not turn her head back, she continued to tilt her smooth feet, staring at the gray sky above the North Sea, and the girl’s long green hair like a waterfall fell from the branches. , Just like the emerald green vines spreading down one by one, and then Qing Tian's faint response came out:

"Qinglin, I'm not a three-year-old kid. A behemoth like Kunpeng is shaking the world with every move, and at the same time countless qi luck will roll with it. Even if it really exists under the North Sea, how can it be? Easily born, the previous arrival of the nine-day phoenix in the center of the North Sea is enough to shock people's eyes, but this phoenix is ​​only a manifestation of the law from the bottom of the sea, not a creature."

As soon as the girl Qingtian said this, the two figures sitting on one corner of the deck did not move their dark heads slightly lifted, and at the same time the body under the robe moved slightly, and then Ye Yi and Xue Dao moved their eyes up and down. The thought disappeared, and the silence was restored again, and then the girl Qing Tian's somewhat dissatisfied voice sounded in the ears of the two:

   "This North Sea is really boring, much more boring than our Qingzhi country. Except for the sea water, this is the gray sky that has been gray, there is not even a little sun, and there are those few human races."

   Qingtian said this, the whole body turned, turned his eyes to Ye Yi and Xue Dao, who were sitting motionless aside, and continued to speak in a crisp voice:

"I thought it would be more interesting if there were a few more people on the boat. I didn't expect one to be unconscious, and the other two were dull gourds. These are all ten days later, and I have spoken a few words. Q3 I don’t know, I can’t even nod and shake my head."

   After the girl’s voice fell, Qinglin, the young man holding the book below, reached out and touched his green hair, and after a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he responded:

"Miss Qing Tian, ​​although we believe that the Kingdom of Qingzhi Shangguo has always been uncontested, we have also faintly heard that the human race has suffered over the past tens of thousands of years. The world once believed that the human race only exists in the books of each race. Among them, it is already extinct, but I didn't expect to be able to wait for me to arrive above the North Sea. In fact, in terms of probability, it is actually similar to encountering Kunpeng in the North Sea. In this way, do you think it is not interesting enough?"

As soon as he said this, Qing Tian, ​​who was lying on the branch, stopped shaking his feet, and then the whole petite body sat up directly, with emerald green eyes watching Ye Yi and Xue Dao closely below. , Her delicate face continued, her red lips lightly opened, and she said:

   "No, this lady doesn't believe that Er and the other two human races kept silent!"

   The voice fell, and the young girl Qing Tian put her right hand on the tree trunk under her body. She was like a jungle kingfisher for an instant. After tracing a green track over the deck, she fell directly in front of the two in the corner of the deck.

  Then the girl squatted down, staring at the black eyes in front of the night, and spoke word by word:

   "Hey, two dull gourds, what are your names? If you don't speak, this lady will throw you two into the North Sea to feed the sea beasts."

After Qing Tian finished speaking, there was still a fierce look on his face, but Ye Yi and Xue Dao in front of him were still like wood without responding. This made the girl even more irritated, and then her eyes rolled. He pursed his small mouth, revealing a very pitiful appearance, trying to melt the hearts of the two stones in front of him, but naturally he got nothing.

After    hit the wall one after another, Qing Tian was a little discouraged, tilted his head, and sighed heavily, but at the next breath, the girl suddenly raised her head because there was a very young voice in her ears:

   "My name is Ye Yi, and his name is Xue Dao."


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