
read2();   The northwestern city of Great Xia, the bell of the Meridian Gate of the White Emperor Palace rang across the sky, and then rang across the world's largest city.

   This thick and heavy bell, wrapped in the pure silver light belonging to the might of Zhao Yuwu God King, dispelled the lightning and thunder and black clouds that originally belonged to the wrath of the heavens in an instant.

   Scatter black with light!

After the imperial prestige enveloped the city, the dazzling spring sun in the sky filled the city once again, and the breeze with the fragrance of flowers continued to blow the world's most powerful city on the vast land of China, and everything was just like the beginning. , As if the world just turned upside down, lightning and thunder are just an illusion for a moment.

After the initial horror, the entire people of Shenjing City looked at each other. From each other’s eyes, they saw the panic and the deep doubts. Shenjing City was the heart of Daxia and Shenzhou Haotu, and the black clouds pressed The city, the thunder of anger in daylight, this kind of situation has almost never appeared in the sky above this city.

Compared with ordinary people, the monks in the city of God are undoubtedly more sensitive to the interaction between heaven and earth, so the power of heaven and the emperor that immediately broke out in that instant almost enveloped the city. The monk who came down directly pressed down on the ground, showing the vastness of majesty.

   In the imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace, a hundred civil and military officials sitting on the futon and knowing more about the inside story retracted his gaze from the sky, and then the look in his eyes became more complicated.

On the vast land of China, the saying that Tianwei is unpredictable has been circulating since ancient times, but seeing the unreachable Tiandao on weekdays with my own eyes, the extreme anger like ordinary people burst out in front of them, which undoubtedly makes all officials feel extremely incredible. .

"Before, our Heavenly Dao held tightly all the information about the Taixuan Land, and prevented it from spreading to the vast land of the Divine State. But now, the crisis of the Taixuan Land is before him. The old man just lost his temper and didn't inflict the punishment. It can be seen that the situation is not very good."

   After the solemn voice came from Sima Annan's mouth, he waved his white sleeves, stared at the girl Hongdou in front of him, and continued to speak:

   "Girl Red Bean, just now you said that the four great kingdoms in the Taixuan Land are Qingzhi, Xuemei, Yanjue and an unknown country, right?"

   After Sima Annan’s Qinglang question fell, Hong Dou looked at Sima Annan in white clothes next to him. Under the solemn gaze of the former, he nodded and responded with a cowardly opening:

   "Yes, grandpa told me this way."

   "Then can I understand that the entire Taixuan Land is divided into regions with the **** of each country?"

   Sima Annan asked this question, and all the civil and military officials in the Yuhuayuan once again looked at the girl Adzuki in front of him, and then after thinking about Adzuki, the color of memory appeared in his eyes, and he spoke softly:

"In addition to the Four Great Kingdoms, Grandpa also said a lot of the names of the powers, but there are too many, and it's a long time ago. I can't remember it anymore. I only remember what kind of sect, what school, what kind of clan, and the land of great mystery. It's really too big."

After speaking, Hongdou once again covered her forehead with her hand, and shook her head vigorously, trying to remember more about this type of information. She had indeed tried her best to recall what Grandpa had said, but the more Trying to think back, for some reason, Hongdou's memory is even more vague.

   This made the girl feel a splitting headache, and her face was painful.

   Sima Annan above saw the red bean look like this, and after looking at Zhao Yu, he continued to speak gently:

   "Girl Red Bean, it's hard for you to think of it, but you should know the strongest power on the shore of the North Sea. After all, the people waiting for you have lived there for so long."

   "On the banks of the North Sea, on the banks of the North Sea."

   Red bean covering her forehead murmured and repeated these four words, and then her eyes narrowed, and then a voice of pain came out:

   "I don't know, I really can't remember."

The girl’s voice fell, and Zhao Yu, who was behind the top royal table, raised his right hand, and just wanted to ask Xu Qing to take the red beans to rest first, but at the next breath, the expression of the young emperor suddenly became very strange, because there was a hoarse, But the extremely immature voice sounded directly from below.

   This voice was very soft, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone in the Yuhuayuan, and the content in it made everyone look horrified.

   "Sister, she can't remember, but I remember that my grandfather once mentioned to the tribe that the strongest force on the North Sea coast in the land of Taixuan was named Wuxianzong."

As soon as this statement came out, the girl Hongdou, who had bowed her head, turned her head abruptly and looked at Brother Gu, who had been sitting quietly on the ground since the beginning, and then stared at her brother who suddenly spoke. , Incredulously asked:

   "Gu, you, what are you talking about, you can speak?"

   "I can talk all the time, but I don't want to."

A childish response sounded once again from the little baby sitting on the ground, and after opening the mouth, the childish face of the little baby valley became stiff, like a little adult, with the completeness of his age. No calmness.

   Then Gu stood up from the lawn, looked at Zhao Yu with the same black eyes, pursed his lips, tried to hide the timidity in his eyes, and continued to speak:

   "When my grandfather communicated with his tribe, he often carried me and my sister in his arms, so I knew more than my sister, and I remember everything he said."

As soon as the immature voice of the child came out, there was a commotion in the entire Imperial Garden. Because the matter was extremely unthinkable, the hundreds of officials communicated softly with each other. Then Zhao Yu, who was above the Imperial Table, showed interest on his face, looking at it. The little baby who tried to stay calm, slowly said:

   "Maybe I know why the three of you came here under a series of almost impossible coincidences. Although this thing is vague, it is indescribable."

   Zhao Yu's emperor's voice fell, and Sima Annan's admiration immediately sounded directly below:

   "Perhaps this is the legendary son of luck that can achieve racial rejuvenation? The son of human luck in this super profound land, but strangely appeared in the vast land of Shenzhou, really interesting."

   Then Zhao Yu raised his finger and gently stroked the rim of the teacup in front of him, staring at the small Wagu below, Diyin said:

   "Since you take the initiative to speak, what do you want from me?"

   "Nothing is needed, because you saved my life."

After    Xiaowagu finished speaking, learning the appearance of the red bean before, kneeling on her knees with her hands folded and raised her head in front of her, kowtow to Zhao Yu, and then the tender voice continued:

   "After Grandpa was drunk, he said besides the names of Qingzhi, Xuemei, and Yanjue Shangguo, he also mentioned several other forces.

   "I remember there are Taiqing, Wujiang, Burial Soul, Dayan, and Suncheon!"


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