The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 943: Crow's mouth


read2();   Taixuan, above the North Sea, raging storms and stormy waves roar constantly.

On the northern land coast, along with waves of slamming tsunamis, countless ships are up and down, just like spheres thrown up and down in the hands of the creator, making a sound of overwhelmed and endless squeaking. .

These ships docked along the coast and faintly formed a huge formation. Almost every ship avoided a large number of monks. The undulating and shining lights spread out, reflecting their cursing while struggling towards the ship. Wen injects vitality and releases the enchantment to resist the storm.

There is an endless stretch, and somewhere in the big ship formation that can't see the end, a big ship radiating blue light is docked. The location of this ship happens to be far from the periphery of the coast, almost directly facing the disillusionment. The North Sea hurricane in China, so under the huge waves, the ups and downs are particularly violent.

It stands to reason that most of these countless ships on the coast of the North Sea escaped from the depths of the North Sea. The larger the ship, the stronger the sailing speed, and the faster it will reach the shore. Therefore, the entire coast The distribution of ships is from large to small, but this big blue ship is an exception. Among the large outer boats trembling in the rolling waves, it stands out from the crowd and is extremely abrupt.

The style and structure of this big ship are also very different from those of the surrounding ships. From a distance, it looks almost like a section of a tree lying upside down and floating on the surface of the sea, but it is a section, huge and perfect. Trees.

Every place on the surface of the blue boat’s hull is carved with exquisite and gorgeous rune murals. On the murals, a beautiful and unusual creature shuttles through the lush woods. Not only that, wherever ships are involved. Every detail that needs to be processed manually is carefully crafted to strive for perfection.

   It is more appropriate to describe it as a work of art rather than a big ship. The creatures in the entire Taixuan land know that only the existence of the Qingzhishang country on the land can pursue beauty in this way.

  Beautiful, beyond life!

   This is the Tao and philosophy believed by the people of Qingzhi Kingdom.

The big blue ship was raging in wind and waves outside, and the roaring tempest, like a roar from hell, made the whole blue ship constantly up and down, but inside the ship, there was still greenery, and all items were fixed in place by a blue light. , Let the ship float and stay still.

Inside the cabin, the wanton growth of verdant trees, together with the colorful flowers vying to bloom, not only makes people not feel any danger in the storm of the North Sea, but it is as comfortable as playing in the fragrance of birds and flowers. .

I saw a tree of fruit trees growing from the cabin, sitting a petite girl, wearing an exquisite and luxurious rune silk robe, showing the whole exquisite body vividly and exquisitely, with a waterfall-like green show. Hanging from the back, the exquisite and pretty face has an ingenious charm.

   There are two completely different temperaments, playful and charming and charming, but they are perfectly integrated in the girl.

Along with the ups and downs of the boat, the green-haired girl sitting on the branch raised her hand and picked a red fruit from the fruit tree next to her, opened her red lips, and took a bite in her mouth. After chewing it, the emerald green A look of boredom appeared in his eyes.

   Then he shook his smooth feet, raised his hand and threw the fruit in his hand directly at a young man of the same age below, and at the same time, some angry voices sounded throughout the cabin:

   "The whistling outside is so noisy, Qinglin, you can quiet the noisy waves."

Next to the tree below the girl, there is a young man who is looking down and reading a book. He also has green hair like green leaves. If you look closely, you will find that his ears are sharper than normal humans. The appearance is equally handsome, with aloof temperament.

   The young man named Qinglin didn't get angry even after being hit by the fruit directly on the back of the head. After reaching out and touching the back of his head, he turned his head, and replied with some helplessness:

"I said Miss Qingtian, who was roaring outside the ship at this time, but the North Sea hurricane that everyone in the north has changed. It's not the birds in Qingzhi country that will silence when you are scared. , I don’t have the ability to stop it from making noise."

   After the man’s voice fell, the girl above raised her left hand and supported her round and white chin, staring at the front. After thinking for a long time, she murmured a word:

   "This Beihai is really not fun at all."

   After the girl finished her concluding speech, she began to resemble a flood of gate opening, and her endless words began to linger in the entire cabin:

   "Some time ago, I heard that the two immortal mountains that sank ten thousand years ago on the North Sea are going to be reborn. It must be very interesting and lively. Therefore, it took this lady a great effort to slip out of Qingzhi Country, but who would have thought wow."

   At this point, the girl looked sad and angry, and the voice continued to sound:

"Who would have imagined that this immortal mountain was not seen, it was chased all the way by the terrifying phoenix flames, and almost burned to death. Not to mention, you guys can escape in the wrong direction and arrive at the shore late. What happened to the North Sea hurricane, and now I am trapped in this wind and waves, and I am in a dilemma. You say you can't bear it, and you are out of breath?"

   Facing the continuous scolding of the girl, the young man's face below showed a little embarrassment. It is true that now this big ship is facing the storm on the periphery, he has a great responsibility.

   Then, under the gaze of the man, the girl with green hair like a waterfall leaped directly from the branches, with her feet on the lawn, walked quickly to the edge of the cabin, and looked out through the window.

   I saw the sky overturned outside the ship, and a large number of small boats around were directly torn apart and turned into wooden shards floating around. It was a completely devastating scene, and then the girl’s somewhat worried question sounded:

   "Qinglin, I think the hurricane outside is so powerful, it shattered all the surrounding ships, your ship, is it okay?"

As soon as the girl asked this question, the young man’s eyes lit up. He put down the book in his hand, got up slowly, and coughed slightly. After the girl looked at it, the young man’s face suddenly showed a smug, but he did not. With an indifferent expression, he stretched out a finger and gently pointed downward, and then his proud voice faintly debuted:

"Ms. Qingtian, please understand that in order to help you realize your desire to explore the North Sea, I chose the strongest ship from my family. This ship is made of Wannian King Kong Nanmu. Grandmaster Realm's full blow is no longer a problem.

   "Not only that, but also on a large ship. It took five years for the sacrificial house of the middle school to carefully engrave countless defensive runes, which fully achieved the coexistence of beauty and power."

   After the young man finished speaking, he looked at the girl's nodding look on the side, and the complacency on his face became even stronger. Then he stretched out his other hand, held it inwardly, and continued to speak loudly:

"Of course, nothing can be perfect. In order not to make the rune junction two inches thicker than the rest and affect the beauty, a certain point on the ship has weaker defense, but the weak point of the finger width is relatively weak. It is so insignificant compared to the entire ship."

   The young man spoke, shaking his fingers, with extraordinary confidence.

   But at the next breath, his impassioned voice had not yet fallen, a huge roar, accompanied by a violent tremor, rolled directly from the side of the big ship.

   The entire big ship was bombarded without fancy with a heavy hammer. It was lifted up directly, then fell heavily, and continued to make a roar.

At the same time, a large number of trees and vegetation in the cabin trembled crazily. The young man named Qinglin was unstable and staggered back. Then he stabilized his figure, suddenly raised his head, looked at the side that was hit, and muttered. :

   "My crow's mouth should be closed firmly!"


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