The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 929: Run in the opposite direction


read2();  In a long life, most people are like pedestrians passing by on the street. They eventually become passers-by in their lives, and the next time they meet It’s hard to remember at all.

But some people, even if the years have changed her appearance, body shape, and even dyed her full head of blue silk into white like snowflakes, no matter how long it has passed, Guangguang can interact with her with a silhouette and a voice. The lingering figures in his mind directly overlapped in one place.

   And when reality really shines into dreams, people subconsciously shrink back, afraid to look and face it.

   Sun Qian, a middle-aged soldier, has never flinched under the torrent of alien charges for more than a decade, but at this time, he plunged into the shadows like a coward.

   Peng Mu and Sun Cockroach both have cultivation bases, so they faintly heard some conversations at the back door of the mansion not far away, and then they held their breath and tried to hear the words of the middle-aged woman and the old housekeeper.

"Miss Long, you have passed the news of your return from treatment of Linglong Sect in Canglan City to the young master. He must be on the way back from his own horse without stopping, but I dare to ask the old slave, the monk of the Linglong Sect. Is there a cure for the stubborn illness on the young lady?"

After the old butler’s old question fell, standing in the sun, although her face was bloodless, she could vaguely see the good-looking middle-aged woman when she was young, pulling up the hood behind her, covering the top of her head. With white hair, a soft response came out:

"Older Zhou, you also know that my illness is a heart disease. It is not healed by heaven and earth spiritual things alone. The female bodhisattva of the Linglong sect just grabbed me some medicines for strengthening the foundation and strengthening the vitality, replenishing qi and curing deficiency. , The key is to rely on myself."

   After the middle-aged woman finished speaking, she sighed quietly and continued to speak:

   "In fact, in these years, if it weren't for Mr. Dong Guo from the Great Summer Academy who would often come over and use the cultivation base to continue my life, I would have died a few years ago, and it was the eldest brother and Haoer who made me persist."

"Miss eldest, please don't have the idea of ​​committing suicide again. Although our Song Mansion is not as brilliant in recent years as before, there are still many people who care about you, especially the Patriarch. No matter where you lead the conquest, after a while I must send a letter back to ask about your situation."

   The old butler said here, paused for a few breaths, took a deep breath, and continued to speak:

"There is also the eldest master, although because of the academic palace, he cannot serve you all year round, but the wife of the patron passed away early, and the eldest master is at odds with the second room, so in fact, you almost treat you as a mother, you can’t leave it behind. he."

   After the earnest voice of persuasion from the old housekeeper fell, the middle-aged woman under the hood gave a faint smile, and then coughed and responded:

   "I was anxious to come back from Canglan City this time, mainly because I heard that Haoer was going to take part in this dynasty test. I thought this kid was going to stay in that place in Bingzhou for a lifetime?"

"The young master has great talent in mind. He went to Bingzhou because his Majesty wanted three thousand scholars to be born in Shenjing and founded the Great Summer Academy. Now that the academy is on the right track, whether it is Mr. Dong Guo or the master , It is impossible to bury the talents of the young master."

After the old butler finished speaking, he looked proud, because the hope of returning the mansion behind him to glory lies with the young master. At the same time, the latter has never disappointed. It has always been the pride of everyone. The butler turned his head, looked at the end of Liuye Alley, and continued with a happy voice:

"Miss Long, everything is changing for the better. Yesterday, Shenjing City held a grand celebration to celebrate this hard-won victory. This great victory on the battlefield in Xijiang also means that the master will gain extremely rich military exploits this time. In order to glorify the lintel and return to the glory of the old man, he has not returned for almost five years, but this time, it is time to return to his hometown!"

   There was a strong sigh in the voice of the old housekeeper, and then the middle-aged woman beside him nodded slightly and said:

   "In fact, I haven't seen my eldest brother and Hao'er for a long time, and I don't know how they have become. In fact, I know that in this world, someone cares about me."

After the woman finished speaking, she also looked towards the end of the street, and then stopped talking. Her weak posture standing outside the vermilion gate seemed to have really become a group of catkins struggling to survive in the spring breeze. What the housekeeper and the middle-aged woman didn't know was that in the shadow of the forest behind them, there were also two silent endless mountain jade dragon guards.

  Sun Cockroach still hides his figure in the shadows, while Peng Mu is watching everything in front of him with his eyes open, then the latter frowned slightly, and a soft voice came out:

   "School Lieutenant Sun, you just carry your back like this, like a coward, dare not even look at it?"

   After Pengmu's voice fell, the middle-aged soldier squatting in the shadows did not speak for a long time, and finally opened his mouth and responded:

   "I have already seen it, and I am satisfied. This time the goal of returning to the capital has been achieved. Let's go back!"

"Just leave like this, are you willing? Just now, although most of the voices are not very real because of the long distance, I can clearly hear the words stubborn illness. Do you really want to leave like this and not see you? "

   Peng Mu's two consecutive inquiries fell, Sun Cockroach clenched his right fist, slowly turned his head, looked at Peng Mu's extremely serious eyes, and spoke word by word:

   "Not reconciled, what can you do? You heard the niang character just now. If you want me to stay and watch the mother and son get together, it's fun?

"It’s been more than ten years. It’s already a mere fact, and if you look at me, the teeth are missing half, and the skin is dark and scarred. Even if you stand in front of others, no one else can recognize it. What's the point of being speechless and increasing troubles?"

   "Don't make a conclusion about everything without authorization, maybe things are not what you think."

   As soon as Pengmu's voice fell, Sun Cockroach slowly stood up, shook his head, and then slowly raised his foot to step forward, but his walking direction was toward the depths of the jungle, running contrary to the Willow Lane Mansion behind him.

   At this moment, perhaps it was a feeling in my heart that the white-haired woman outside the scarlet gate subconsciously turned to look at the forest not far away.

   But what caught her eye was the gradual lush forest and mottled shade. However, what the middle-aged woman did not hear was that in the depths of the jungle, a sound of leaking wind faintly sounded:

  "The long white rabbits are running around, the clothes are not as good as new, and the people are not as good as the old.

   "However, the old man wears new clothes and marries as another wife."


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