
read2();  The scorching sun and the warm sunlight dispelled the coldness of early spring, while also shining on Zhenyu Gongfu, which is located in the middle of Shenjing City, in Willow Leaf Alley.

The huge Zhenyu Gong’s mansion has suddenly become very lively because of the addition of new people in the past few days. The entire mansion is hung with fiery red silks and satin. The maids of the house are holding gifts and going back and forth. Even the house generals who had been following Lin Lang in the early years were smiling everywhere.

  The birth of a new life will dilute the sorrow of the passing away of the predecessors, and in this bright spring day, the family of Zhenyu Gonglin welcomes his own eldest lady.

In the middle of noon, Lin Xiao and Tie Zhu went to the Taiping Ruins to greet the crowds in Qingsong Town, Ganzhou. They slowly stopped at the gate of Zhenyu Gong's Mansion. Then a bunch of people poured out from the mansion to welcome Tie Zhu and others in. The residence suddenly became more lively.

In fact, Mr. Wu and others are not unfamiliar with Yugong Mansion in Liuye Lane Town. During the Chinese New Year last year, a group of people lived here for seven days and browsed the city of Shenjing to their heart's content. They are all very familiar with each other and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

The Zhenyu Gongfu at this time actually has some similarities with the Baidi Palace, that is, the direct bloodline is quite scarce. At that time, Zhenyuhou Linlang and his wife rose at the end of the Wei Dynasty, even without brothers and sisters, so he came to Lin Xiao. Apart from the newly born daughter, there is only one younger brother like Lin Xiao in the whole generation.

   As the saying goes, the eldest brother is like a husband, and Lin Xiao's importance to Lin Xiao is self-evident, so after hearing that the former can speak, it can be seen how agitated Lin Xiao, the little grandfather, is.

In the inner courtyard of Zhenyu Gongfu, Lin Xiao, who was striding forward, took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to push the door of the house in front of him. After stepping into it, he turned his head and looked at Qing who was leaning on the bed to rest. Niantong.

At this moment, leaning on the bedside cushion, Qing Niantong, who closed her eyes and rested her mind, placed a sleeping little baby girl in her infant, while the mother and daughter were resting together, which made Lin Xiao who slowly stepped in slow down unconsciously. After stepping, I was afraid of making the slightest noise, and at the same time there was satisfaction in his eyes.

   This is the picture that any man will be emotional.

Then Lin Xiao walked slowly to the bedside, looking down at the white face below, Qing Niantong who still had a weak color, and his eyes were gentle, saying that childbirth is a catastrophe in a woman's life, even her own cultivation. The extraordinary Qing Niantong also suffered a crime.

Lin Xiao looked at Qing Niantong whose face was thinner, the color of guilt in her eyes became more and more intense, and then perhaps she felt something. The young woman with her eyes closed on the bed opened her eyes lightly, and then smiled slightly. Open the mouth:

   "How long have you been here, husband? I should wake up my concubine."

   "You sleep lightly, you woke up as soon as I came."

   Lin Xiao also showed a smile, and then reached out to hold Qing Niantong’s right hand, and continued to speak gently:

   "It's really hard for you. I have never been a qualified husband. I have been wronged, and even you have not been able to accompany you when you give birth."

   "When fighting abroad, the country is the first priority. The concubine naturally understands this principle, so the husband does not need to feel guilty.

After    Qing Niantong finished speaking, he raised his left hand, gently touched Lin Xiao's angular face, and continued with a smile:

   "Moreover, this time the husband and the father have gotten revenge. You don't have to live in the shadow of hatred every day. This is the greatest blessing for the concubines and the entire Lin family."

Qing Niantong pressed her lips tightly, and tears filled her eyes. She was crying with joy. In fact, this period of time is quite comparable to Qing Niantong, one of the Sun Moon Sect's double arrogances. Hard work.

   In the days when Lin Xiao was away, Qing Niantong was struggling to support the huge Zhenyu Gong's mansion, and he was also big, and the pressure could be imagined.

   "I'm back this time, leave the burden of this town Yu Gongfu to me."

   Lin Xiao raised his hand to wipe the teardrops off Qing Niantong’s face, then smiled and continued to speak:

"There is still another good thing today. Just now the Tie Zhu family came to Shenjing City from Ganzhou, and Lin Xiao could actually call his brother a sentence. Although he can only say that, it is undoubtedly a good direction compared to the past. A big step forward."

   "That's a blessing!"

After    Qing Niantong heard the words, she cried and laughed, and then Lin Xiao wiped away the tears of the former again, and said:

   "Thanks to that little girl, it is Lin Xiao's blessing to be able to meet that little girl named Tielan. We, the Lin family, really want to be grateful to them."

   Lin Xiao fell with a grateful voice. After Qing Niantong thought for a few breaths, he continued to speak:

   "Husband, since the Tiezhu family came from Ganzhou a long way, you will take your daughter out to see them. Our daughter is very good, and when she is full, she will go to bed without crying or making trouble."

After Lin Xiao heard the words, he showed a big smile, then got up, carefully picked up the baby on the side, the hands of the devil who tore their chests and crushed the heart in the usual days, but at this time they were holding them carefully, as if they were holding the world. The most precious and fragile treasure.

Half a quarter of an hour later, in the middle hall of Lord Zhenyu's mansion, Mr. Wu took the little girl Tie Lan and hugged the baby Tie Zhu's wife. Then Tie Lan looked curious and moved her head close to the baby with her eyes closed. The little girl, after watching for a long time, followed by a curious voice:

   "Is this the baby just born, closed eyes, little one."

   The little girl blinked her eyes, and the voice she said hadn't fallen yet, and she remembered the old voice of Mr. Wu:

"Tie Lan, don't look at your five big and three thick now, it's a lot bigger than the average female doll, but I remember very clearly, father, when you were born, you were even thinner than Lin Xiao's daughter. At that time, your parents were terrified, for fear that they would die early if they could not support them."

After the words of the old man Wu fell, Tielan pouted and looked displeased. At this time, the little girl was growing up, and since Tie Zhu’s wife was cured for a long time, and Tie Zhu joined the Night Dire Division, The food of this family has improved a lot, making Tielan look a little fat at this time.

   Then the little girl stood upright and glanced at the ruddy old man beside her, pouting her mouth, pretending to be vicious, and said:

   "Master, you can't beat me with this body now, so be careful when I get angry, I will hit you on the ground with a punch!"

When    Tie Lan said this, everyone in the middle hall raised their mouths and let out a burst of laughter, a scene of happiness.

Lin Xiao and Tie Zhu looked at each other, and both saw the look of cherish in each other's eyes. For these two iron-blooded men who had experienced despair and pain, they knew better than anyone what a reunion at this time was. Hard-won.

While    was laughing and laughing, outside the middle hall, a family walked quickly from outside, and then solemnly spoke directly in Lin Xiao's ear:

   "Little Duke, someone from the White Emperor Palace informed that your majesty is coming!"


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