The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 916: Everything is yours


read2();   "There are always many miracles in the world. Liang Po, my palace and your majesty feel that you can create miracles and let that seed germinate."

In the pavilion of the Baidi Palace, a small group of catkins floated away in the soft moonlight, and then after the gentle voice of rouge came out, Liang Po raised his right hand and took out a cloth from his arms The wooden box full of runes was gently placed on the desk in front of him.

  Liang Po did not open it, because the one in the box belonged to the seed of snow smoke, and could no longer withstand any intrusion, even the light breeze in the spring would ruthlessly destroy the latter.

But Liang Po looked at the wooden box in front of his eyes, and there was a surge of emotions. He was not a person with strong emotional ups and downs. Therefore, even if his heart was stormy, his youth and even some immature faces were still pressed tightly. There is not much expression on her lips.

The wooden box specially made by the Ministry of Industry of Daxia and possessing the power of the lock element coffin was placed on the table. The runes on it began to emit a faint light of twinkling light, and then Rouge looked at the wood. Above the box, he said gently:

   "Your Majesty has specifically explained to this palace that the seeds of faith in this wooden box can be placed in the fountain of life in the imperial garden to slowly absorb the breath of life."

   As soon as he said this, Liang Po stretched out his big hand and held down the wooden box in front of him, then his head dropped, and he spoke gently:

   "Liang Po, thank you Majesty and Empress Longen."

   "For Your Majesty, you are your own family, so why bother to say thank you."

   Rouge waved his hand gently, then turned his head and motioned the court lady to come forward, and continued to speak:

"Today, the entire Shenjing City is extremely lively. If this palace were not pregnant, I would definitely take your Majesty out to take a good look. However, now that I have more than my heart, I don’t have enough energy. After sitting in this pavilion for a while, I feel a little tired. .

   "But if you are interested in Liang Po, you can go out and have a look at the palace, it will be an unforgettable scene."

   "Liang Po, I am grateful to the empress for her words, and I hope the empress will take care of her body."

After    finished speaking, Liang Po got up and bowed to Rouge. His whole burly body was unwilling to get up for a long time. Then Rouge slowly walked towards the parked carriage not far away with the help of the court lady.

  The moonlight is like water, and the spring is pleasant. On the road of the Baidi Palace, the large carriage that Rouge rides in drove towards the summer palace of the harem at a steady and slow speed.

Inside the carriage, Rouge leaned back on the cushions, quietly gazing at the moonlight outside the window, with a calm expression, with a little thought, then beside him, he wore white clothes with a beautiful white complexion and slightly lips. Moved, he looked like he wanted to talk but stopped.

   Yanzhi recovered, staring at Bai Zhining who was aside, and asked gently:

   "Zhi Ning, you want to talk but you want to ask this palace question?"

   "I have been stunned for a long time, is there something on my mind?"

   After Bai Zhining's faint inquiries fell, Rouge chuckled lightly, and then said somewhat jokingly:

"The old mothers of the Department of Internal Affairs are really comprehensive in their considerations. Even my house’s thoughts must be carefully considered. I’m fine. I’m just thinking about it. Although I’ve just persuaded Liang Po to believe in the existence of miracles, Even this palace wants to know, is there really a miracle in this world, including the so-called Taixuan land behind that northern boundary city?"

   In fact, there is one thing left in Rouge's heart, that is, she actually needs this miracle more than anyone else.

   "The miracle exists."

As soon as    Rouge's voice fell, Bai Zhining's extremely firm voice sounded. Then the maid Zhao Yu, who has recently become more intimate with Rouge, her red lips lightened, and her calm voice continued:

"Everyone in the world says that the Great Dao is fifty, and Tianyan is forty-nine, and the glimmer of life left behind is a miracle. Therefore, in a sense, behind every conclusive thing in this world, in fact, There are miracles, and the key lies in people."

  Bai Zhining's black eyes were filled with affirmation. Then she looked at the rouge in front of her, and continued to speak word by word:

   "Manny, I who returned from death is a miracle in itself!"

   "My Majesty has always been a man who is good at creating miracles."

   Rouge smiled slightly, and then his big eyes brighter than the full moon in the sky gradually narrowed, and a sweet voice continued:

"The people of Daxia are actually curious about the story between me and your majesty. Therefore, there are many storytellers in the market, and they have come up with many interesting ideas. Some say that this palace grew up with your majesty’s childhood sweetheart. Some people say that this palace gave up to save one another when His Majesty was still weak, and that's why it became a bond."

After    Rouge finished speaking, the smile on her face became thicker, and then she looked at Bai Zhining's curious eyes in front of her, and continued to speak lightly:

   "Actually, the story between my Majesty and I is very simple."

   At this point, Rouge paused for a while, and then the voice continued:

  "Your Majesty is a **** who is destined to own mountains, rivers, seas and rivers, and I am a bleak girl chasing this god. Your Majesty has his mountains and seas, mountains and shadows, thousands of miles of waves, and trillions of people.

"For a long time, I faced forests, lakes and mountains, and watched the back figure walking in the dark. I felt the strong wind, which stirred my dress robe and dispersed the mist around me. When everything rushes and casts darkness from me, I just want to pick up the lights, take off the stars, and illuminate the front for him.

   "The world believes in gods, and I stand alone as the boy before becoming a god!"

After the words of    Rouge fell, there was no speech in the entire carriage, as long as the gentle spring breeze blew through Rouge's temples, with a whirr like singing in the ear.

Wordless all the way, the wide carriage slowly drove into the Summer Palace and stopped by the lake in the Summer Palace, then Rouge stepped off the carriage, the smile on her face became brighter, and she walked all the way to the stone bridge on the lake. Above, the tall and straight figure standing holding hands under the moonlight.

   Then Zhao Yu slowly turned around, rouge plunged directly into his arms, Zhao Yu hugged him tightly, and then a calm voice came out:

   "This period of time is really hard for you, and I have to help me enlighten Liang Po."

   "The concubine wants to ask your majesty a question, your majesty must answer it truthfully."

   Then Rouge raised his head, staring at Zhao Yu's angular face, and then asked:

   "Did your Majesty come to the small teahouse where the concubines outside the city were located before returning to Beijing from Jiangling City on that day?"

   As soon as this question came out, Zhao Yu smiled lightly and tightened the rouge in his arms, then a faint response sounded:

   "A whole year has passed, did you think of this, Rouge?"

   "So I have been behind your Majesty for ten years, in fact, your Majesty has always known?"

   "Master's cultivation level is Tongtian. If you can't find it, you can't justify it. Many times, I will come to watch you secretly, but you didn't find it."

   "Your Majesty!"

   Rouge's eyes widened, his red lips slightly opened, and he looked surprised, and then Zhao Yu's ebony black eyes stared at the faintly misty lake under the moonlight ahead, and his faint voice continued:

  "My master once said to me that my family is very big, with thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. Therefore, it takes a long, long time to go to and manage the family well.

"Along the way, I met many people, most of whom praised my family, but there are also many people who don’t want me to walk around the house well, and I don’t want me to sit in that position, but I ignore them all. Until one day, you came and followed me. This is ten years.

"Later, when I grow up, I want to go back to inherit this family, but you are still behind, so I personally turned around to look for you, and then you asked me with my talking eyes, with a serious face:'Your home Where? I can find you.'

   "At that moment, I knew that all these tens of thousands of miles, including me, belong to you."


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