The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 908: Hard to return


read2();  The big summer merges with the state, the spring cold is still the same, the cold wind blowing from the western twisted waist state, and even with a lot of biting snow, shakes the endless state of the state, and grows continuously Pieces of cold pine forest.

   The Tongtian cliffs at the junction of Binzhou and Twiyaozhou, the early morning sun shines on it, as if it has been plated with a layer of gold leaf, and the winding cliff steps above the cliff can be vaguely seen from afar.

Once the road between the waist state and the outside world, there was only the first dangerous road in the summer, the only way to twist the waist, but now, from the waist state to the Shenjing city countless miles away, it is only a short time, so this There are even fewer people on the waist road.

Under the cliff of Tongtian, and Yaxia Town, under the cold of early spring, when the sun was just beginning, most of the households were still asleep. Then, in a house in Yaxia Town, a woman roared. The sound resounded across the sky:

   "You little bastard, during the celebration last night, you secretly drank while I wasn't paying attention. At a young age, I must take your skin off!"

The sound of this rebuke fell, and it was a sound of crackling skin and flesh slaps. Accompanied by the boy’s constant screaming, the woman’s anger can be seen, and the angry woman did not intend to stop. He pointed the finger at his unconscious husband who was also drunk yesterday, and continued to scold:

   "And you, let you look at your son, good fellow, just drank it directly, it's really useless!"

   "It wasn't the court victory yesterday. The big guys are all happy, and let me drink whatever you want, isn't that what you said too!"

   The woman’s husband, an extremely simple man just retorted gently, and after being stared with the woman’s eyes, he hesitated and swallowed the following excuses directly into his stomach.

   The quiet and peaceful town of Yaxia in the early morning, under the woman's scolding, he was completely awakened and began to glow with a trace of life.

Then in the yard of the only inn in the town, his face was billowing, and the treasurer, who was a little blessed recently, stood in front of the gate of the inn just after the reconstruction for a long time. Then he turned around and glanced at himself standing behind him. Wearing a pink cotton-padded jacket, she looks like a porcelain doll-like daughter.

   Under the gaze of her father, the little girl thought she had made some mistake, then she shook her head like a rattle, and hurriedly said:

   "Father, nanny and nun were very good last night, nun nun didn't drink secretly, dad, don't talk about nun nun!"

   As soon as he said this, the round face of Mo shopkeeper burst into laughter, stretched out his right hand to touch his daughter's head, and responded softly:

   "My daughter is so good, how can Dad say you?"

   After the shopkeeper finished speaking, as if he had made up his mind, he took his daughter's hand, opened the door, walked into the streets of Yaxia Town filled with faint mist, and slowly walked towards the outskirts of the town.

After a while, the figure of the father and daughter, the freshman, the young man, walked out of the fog, and then he saw a yard made of pine wood outside the town. At this time, there was a smoke rising in the yard. At first, there must be someone cooking breakfast, and a large vegetable plot was opened up outside the courtyard. At the same time, three people were working on the vegetable plot accompanied by the slowly rising sun.

One was a middle-aged man wearing a large black coarse cloth robe. Although he was plowing the ground with a hoe, his face was calm, and his every move revealed an extremely elegant aura. And beside the middle-aged man, the same There was a young man who was helping. He was wearing a simple white Confucian cedar. Although the mud from the ground was splashed on the corners of his clothes, the young man paid no attention to his ordinary but white face. Full of seriousness, meticulous in every action.

   Then the middle-aged man stood up slightly, facing the side slowly and said:

   "Ya, you picked a few dishes, are they enough for cooking today?"

   After the gentle voice of the man fell, a little girl who was squatting in the other field raised her head and responded loudly:

   "Sir, I have picked ten plants, and I don't know if it is enough?"

   "Enough is enough. If you pick too much in one go, you won’t be able to eat enough!"

   After speaking, the middle-aged man smiled, and then he bent and hoeed the ground again, and then listened to the young scholar beside him to speak:

   "Mr. You is a good drinker. At the celebration last night, I saw with my own eyes that Mr. You put almost all the adult men in the whole Yaxia Town. I didn't expect to work like nothing else this morning."

"This is a good drinker that I trained when I was an official in Shenjing City. You know, our human race has a strong wine culture. If you stay in the ceremonial department for more than 20 years, this drink can almost fall. The whole town."

   Shang Shuyouting, the former Ministry of Rites, did not raise his head, his voice came out faintly, then he seemed to think of something, and continued to speak:

   "I remember that a few days ago, a person came to the Daxia Academy. He should be asking you to go back and take part in the Daxue Examination for these days, right?"

   Yu Ting asked steadfastly. As one of the well-deserved scholars in the academy, Xinhao, the scholar, nodded after hesitating for a few breaths, and then responded:

   "I hesitated a bit, so I was still thinking."

   "Everyone has his own ambitions, the key is to work hard, but I am here in the academy in Yaxia Town, so you don't have to worry too much. If you have something, do it boldly while you are young."

   After Yu Tingjian said this, he turned around slightly and looked at the treasurer Mo who was walking by holding the hand of his daughter. After showing a smile, he asked:

   "This morning, no shopkeeper is here to look for something important?"

   "Mr. You is really amazing!"

   Mo shopkeeper's round face showed a kind smile, and he didn't want to sell it, and he said directly:

"I heard that Mr. You used to come from Shenjing City. It’s true that my wife and daughter underneath have always had a dream of going to Shenjing City. But we are too far away from the town of Yaxia, and it will be a while. I couldn't find the scroll used for teleportation, so I came to ask Mr. if there is a way."

   After the shopkeeper finished speaking, he fumbled for something tightly wrapped in cloth from his arms, opened it, and continued to speak:

   "Naturally, I won't let the husband spend his money in vain. I don't know if it is feasible to exchange this material?"

   Mo shopkeeper's voice fell, You Tingjian looked up, and saw a silver light greeted his eyes, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he raised his feet to speak:

   "This is Xuantian Tan, and it is a special tribute from the White Emperor Palace. No shopkeeper, this thing appears in your hands, it's unusual."

   "This, this, this is a gift from a nobleman the other day!"

Hearing You Tingjian’s solemn voice, the shopkeeper Mo was a little panicked. He stammered and explained, and then the scholar Xinhao on the side put away his hoe, walked in slowly, and patted the shopkeeper’s. On the shoulder, the voice came out slightly:

   "You have no problem with the origin of Xuantian Charcoal, so let's put it away. This thing is very valuable. If you want to sell it, no one will dare to take it for a while. If you want to go to Shenjing City, then follow me."

  As soon as he said this, You Tingjian stroked the beard on his chest and asked loudly:



   "Go here, maybe it's hard to return."

   "Then it will be hard to return, but ya ya this child, sir, please take good care of it."

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