The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 904: Break the city


read2();  In the fourth month of the Great Summer Calendar, the Sun Empire is in the endless mountains and has been operating for countless years. The gate of the Sun Empire’s fortress, which has never been breached, was smashed by the Great Emperor with a punch.

   Outside the entire Shenwei Fortress, the roar that resounded through the sky came to an abrupt end. After the second breath, the roar of several times violently rose into the sky again, shaking [笔趣阁] the sky!

   "Your Majesty is invincible, invincible, invincible, invincible!"

Compared with the wide gates of the Shenwei Fortress, the young emperor’s not burly and tall body seemed so insignificant, but within the enthusiastic eyes of the thousands of human soldiers in Xijiang, the fragments of the gate were flying, and the imperial robe swayed Zhao Yu. , But it is taller and vast than any divine residence in this world.

   Zhao Yu, this time is the sacredness of Daxia walking!

The wind and rain changed color, the four directions surged, Zhao Yu under the gate of the Divine Mighty Fortress, turned slightly, still looking calmly like Pinghu, watching the countless men and soldiers who were ready to take off behind him, and the momentum condensed to the peak, and then resounded across the sky. Di Yin, rolling out again:

   "Today, I, together with Er and others, stepped down on this kind of city and created a new history for the human race!"

After the emperor's voice, the entire fortress gate behind the young emperor was completely shattered, revealing a large area of ​​bloody, extremely empty fortress ground behind him. Just now, Zhao Yu's punch of the entire kingdom and the world not only smashed the fortress gate, At the same time, the countless foreign races of the empire lined up behind the door were turned into dust.

   In other words, under the punch of the young emperor, the strongest defense of the entire Shenwei fortress was shattered and completely turned into a lamb to be slaughtered!

   "Your Majesty, he is so strong that we can't imagine it!"

On the stage, a black armored old Ximan king couldn’t help taking a step forward. On the entire dark face, the horror did not disappear, he blurted out, and then the old sea king beside him, with a smile on his face, responded. Road:

   "This is an unimaginable realm that is beyond the original system. In short, it does not need to be recognized by the avenue, it is directly unsanctified and stronger than the sage!"

   Then, between the two people’s words, they clicked on Wei Guogong Xu Sheng at the front of the platform, raised his fist to the sky with his right hand, swung forward, and a roar followed:

"Army attack!"

   "Kill, kill, kill!"

   The smoke was everywhere, the horns rolled, and the deafening sound of offensive drums rushed into the eardrums like a heartbeat throbbing between the whole world.

If the heaven and the earth are a creature, then its heartbeat is thunder, so under the roaring roar, this drum sound gradually merges with the heartbeat sound in the chest of countless soldiers, and at the same time they are united together. There are all murderous opportunities for all soldiers to ascend to the limit.

   Qi machine is one, the general trend has been achieved!

  The counter-weather trend condensed by Zhao Yu's invincible posture, the Great Xia Bingfeng leaning completely towards the enemy, can be described as unstoppable!

In the next breath, the Thunder Army, which had spread its wings and soared above the sky, took the lead to rush forward. Countless purple thunders shone and condensed in the sky. Immediately afterwards, the shield soldiers arrayed in front of the siege formation roared and lifted their heavy shields. In front of him, the heavy light of magical powers soared into the sky and then quickly gathered, directly forming a barrier of heaven and earth magical powers, and then began to charge forward quickly.

   Outside the divine power fortress, in a short while, it turned from static, the earth trembled violently, and the front wave was directly like a tsunami, raging forward.

   This is the final battle of the Battle of Endless Mountain.

   As Zhao Yu said, when this battle is over, the history of the entire human race will completely write a new chapter.

The battle armor is full of cold light, and between the icy front waves rolling forward, the divine power fortress that has been shattered by the city gates is trembling more and more violently. Perhaps this has a long history and contains endless filth, blood and tears. , In the face of the impending ruin, also trembling and fearing.

   "The king's blood is boiling!"

On the high platform, the old Western Man King, who was thin, but contained infinite power of the earth, twisted and stretched his neck, making a muffled sound, and then the skin on his armor began to appear. A layer of gray-brown stone armor appeared, and the vast and domineering aura began to be released, and the old and thick voice continued to be heard:

   "Sister Qin, are you ready? Let me wait for the two to rush into the fortress of the Shenwei Fortress and become the first person recorded in the entire history book. It is really happy, happy!"

Since the first battle of the annihilation of the Shenwei Fortress, the Ximan King and Zhenhai King, who are known for their defenses, have been directly in the forefront of all the soldiers, and they have used their old but still extremely strong bodies to carry the foreigners. Bobo counterattacked, so at the time of the final battle, King Ximan would say this.

   But the words of King Ximan fell, King Zhenhai beside him smiled and shook his head, raised his right finger to the front gate, and responded:

   "Your wishful thinking may be lost, because someone is faster than you!"

As soon as Fei Lianqin's voice fell, he saw an extremely burly figure appearing in everyone’s sight directly from the rear. Before the shield army’s barrier charged, then at extremely violent speed, it rushed straight towards the fortress of Shenwei. The gate gap.

   This person, flying in a black celestial robe, bald, with a young face, but said nothing.

  His name is Liang Po.

   One year ago, he was just an unknown young man who loved cooking. One year later, his name, along with the name of Emperor Fuyao, spread throughout the 36 states of Daxia.

   Fuyao the Great Emperor's personal guard, the name of the invincible Liangpo of the same rank, is like thunder.

A year ago, outside Daxia Guizhou Fengcheng, Liang Po stood in front of the torrent of Ten Thousand Beasts, like an indestructible dam. A year later, Liang Po carried the infinite momentum to crush everything and turned into a charging tsunami. .

  In just one year, he has grown up.

   The growth of a person does not grow slowly over time, but at this moment.

   "That person is your majesty's guard, the final counterattack of the alien race in the fortress of the divine might not be underestimated, am I going to help?"

   Across the high platform, looking at the figure who was charging in front alone, Zhenhai Wang Zhi Lianqin's somewhat worried voice sounded, and a young and calm response came from the last few people's ears:

   "Let him go. At this time, he needs to fight and vent."

  As soon as this statement came out, all the generals on the high platform directly knelt on one knee, their heads lowered, and respectfully greeted each other, and then Zhao Yu stepped out of the void and stood firmly on the platform.

   Zhao Yu's ebony eyes stared at Liang Po below, with a deep worry.

   At the next breath, a tyrannical and blasted beast roar sounded between the heaven and the earth, almost as high as the gate of the mighty fortress, and the Roshan Devil, who covered the sky and covered the sun, crashed into the mighty fortress.

   The entire Shenwei Fortress shook violently, as if it uttered a scream.

  Liang Po became the first Daxia Sergeant to break into the fortress of the Sun Empire!


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