
read2();  In the Arctic, outside the boundary city, the hundred officials of cultural relics under the **** of the soldiers of the Northern Army, headed by soldiers, officials, criminals, households, and Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry The position of Xia Libu Shangshu is currently lacking, so there is no one for the six heads.

   Wushangshu stood at the forefront, and after the five, the officials of the various ministries were arranged in order according to their positions, and they filed towards the boundary city where Zhao Yu was located.

Among these officials, there are many elders who are as old as the old book of the Ministry of Industry, even if they are already old, they still do not say a word at this time, letting the cold air emitted by the ten thousand years of ice under their feet enter their bodies. Drilling, then raised his head to stare at the huge shadow faintly creeping in the darkness ahead, with complete amazement in his eyes.

Just now he started to ridicule the veteran scholar of the Ministry of Industry. He was in front of the middle-aged Xingbu Shangshufang. However, the closer you get to the northern boundary city that is grounded to the sky, the more you can feel the vastness of the latter. Therefore, officials such as Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry who were still communicating with each other fell into silence one after another.

Suddenly, the entire team of hundred officials that was slowly moving forward came to a halt, because looking forward from then on, just through the light of the faintly flowing mountains and seas above the city, you can see the two iron and silver hooks on the door. Poems and large characters, and the infinitely wide gates occupying the entire north.

   For the civil and military officials who saw the edge of the entire world for the first time, this is undoubtedly shocking. Therefore, after a long time, Shang Shufang of the Criminal Ministry slowly exhaled that breath and said:

   "Although the Sitianjian had already greeted me on the way when I came here, but seeing it with my own eyes, the officer still feels extremely unreal, just like in a dream."

   "Send a mayfly in the sky and the earth, a drop in the sea. For the vast world, I am waiting too small, but I don't know how huge the world will be after this city gate."

Among the officials of Daxia, several old bachelors from the cabinet felt particularly profound about this. These scholars were originally studying the nature of the rotation of the universe, but when the truth hidden in the vast land of China was placed before them, they actually Instead, it became unbelievable.

   "Although I can accept it, I don't know how the countless people of Daxia should accept this fact!"

   Some officials sighed one after another, but this was a problem that was also placed in front of the Great Xia Temple. Then, when the opinions were divergent, a very familiar figure appeared directly in front of the hundred officials.

   Zhao Yu's posture is tall and tall, and the emperor's robe is added, and in an instant he directly controls all the void of the entire Arctic. After that, all the officials are stern, kneeling together, and the mountain whispers and tsunami-like greetings, straight up into the sky.

   "See your majesty for ministers, long live your majesty!"

With uniform greetings under the night sky at the northernmost end of this vast land of China, Zhao Yu watched the line in front directly kneeling on the ice, and the hundred officials who had not seen for many days did not speak, but were quiet. Watching quietly.

   A person’s gaze is actually heavy, especially when the gaze of a supreme emperor comes from top to bottom, the infinite emperor’s prestige contained in it is even heavier than a mountain.

   Feeling the increasingly majestic and heavy gaze of the young emperor above, Baiguan lowered his head, and then listened to Zhao Yu’s plain emperor’s voice, which sounded directly in his ears:

"As the saying goes, seeing is better than hearing, hearing is always false, but seeing with your own eyes can be believed, so I call you here, let you see with your own eyes, what we will face next in Daxia , What is the situation."

   The Emperor Huang Huang's voice continued to linger, and the hundreds of officials underneath that had their heads down, raised their heads one after another, looking at the young figure in front of them, and the black city gate that covered the sky behind the figure.

"As you have seen, the vast land of China where we are located is actually a corner trapped by the city wall. It is one of the two immortal islands that sank into the Guixu in the Taixuan Land tens of thousands of years ago. As far as the Supreme Profound Land is concerned, I'm just waiting for an inconspicuous island."

   The voice of Zhao Yu constantly resounding in the void, like a deep-sea whale roar, was as thrilling as the roar of a deep-sea whale. It spread to the ears of hundreds of officials, and even the entire sea of ​​consciousness was trembling back and forth. Then the young emperor continued to speak:

  "The history of our human race, since it was recorded, will not exceed 20,000 years, but the time for the development of the Taixuan Land behind the door is hard to measure by time.

   "Furthermore, according to the news that I have learned, the human races like me are in a bad situation in the Taixuan land. Perhaps it is the blood food raised by those ferocious races, no different from livestock."

Everything that Zhao Yu said from Zhao Yu's mouth was like a heavy hammer, which struck the hearts of all officials, making the latter's complexion more and more serious, and the coldness in his eyes thickened, but the young emperor's The voice did not stop, but became louder and louder:

"Just now, I was here, and I stabbed the head of the female saint of ice with the knife, but this person from the Supreme Profound Land with the third eye is only the fifth master of Xuemei Kingdom. What does this mean? You should be very clear in his mind."

After Zhao Yuyu finished, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the back. His entire face became less angry and arrogant. The entire four avenues of cinnabar pattern on the center of his eyebrows burned directly, becoming a dazzling avenue flame that absorbed all the rays of light between heaven and earth. Di Yin continued to roll out:

"This means that there are at least five sages in the land of the Great Profound Realm in a kingdom in the Great Profound Land of Light, and the whole Great Profound Realm, it is not even known how many such kingdoms there are. The saints who are rare in the times are not rare in the Taixuan Land, and also represent the luck of the Taixuan Land, which is countless times larger!

"The enemy we have to face is no longer the uncivilized barbarians in the southwestern forests, the grumpy and limited snowmen on the northern snowfields, nor the solar empire with deformed social forms restricted by the innate environment. It is an ancient civilization with a profound heritage and a saint.

   "This is the true life and death catastrophe faced by the whole China for tens of thousands of years!"

The voice of Zhao Yu that was higher than the other contained the fact that there was a huge gap between the enemy and ourselves, just like waves of crazily flapping down a huge wave between heaven and earth, trying to kneel down below the spirit of a hundred officials, civil and military officials, All of them were shot directly into the dust, causing the main officials of the Great Xia Temple to clenched their fists tighter and harder.

Finally, when the young emperor stopped speaking and continued to stare in front of him with plain and majestic gazes, the evil spirits emitted from the body of the civil and military officials kneeling below were like a volcano about to erupt, condensed to the extreme .

   Under the glory of the Great Summer, Human Race is fearless!

   "The land of the Profound Profound Land may be stronger than imagined."

Zhao Yu's voice then sounded again, but in his tone, the original solemn color disappeared, and it turned into an extremely stable and indifferent. Then, the young emperor raised the corner of his mouth slightly under the gaze of all the officials, and made a faint voice. Resounded through the sky again:

   "But so what?"


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