The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 889: Flower of Teleportation


read2();   Zhao Yu and Li Dingshan didn’t actually meet many times. Counting this encounter in the North Pole, it would not be more than one hand if you had a good deal, so the understanding between the two , Can be said to be very few.

   To tell the truth, Zhao Yu didn't see through Li Dingshan, this equally special young man, including his origins and abilities, but Zhao Yu believed in Rouge very much, and he also believed in the raunchy, mysterious father-in-law Lu Yu.

Li Dingshan’s eyes with two golden camellia blooming under the Arctic Realm city exuding a faint silver light are particularly conspicuous in the dark, and through this flower eye that seems to be slowly rotating, Zhao Yu in front of him can Feel an emotional ups and downs.

The young emperor’s brows frowned slightly, and every time he frowned, it meant he was thinking about it. Then Zhao Yu stood up, raised his hand and beckoned Sima Annan not far away. The latter saw it. Immediately walked forward, and asked:

   "Your Majesty, are there variables?"

  As soon as this statement came out, Zhao Yu nodded slightly, pointed at Li Dingshan beside him, and responded:

   "He is going to the Great Profound Land behind this door!"

   "You actually have a way to go to the place of Supreme Profound, which is really surprising."

   A look of surprise appeared on the handsome face of Sima Annan this time, and then Li Dingshan still knelt on his knees, but some hoarse rhetoric sounded:

   "If there is no other way, then hundreds of years ago, how did the Saintess of the Icefield come from the vast land of the Great Profound Land?"

"I have said before that the border between the vast land of China and the land of Taixuan is definitely not limited to the land of the North Pole, but every place is a dangerous place with a lifetime of nine deaths. Those who can pass through it have been almost tens of thousands of years. No, and in comparison, the Tongtian Realm City here is the least dangerous place, so the Heavenly Dao of the vast land of Shenzhou will make me wait here."

   A calm voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then Zhao Yu continued to turn his eyes to Li Dingshan's eyes below, and the emperor's voice sounded again:

   "How many people can pass your method?"

   "Three people!"

   As soon as Li Dingshan's response sounded, Sima Annan's complexion changed suddenly, turning his head abruptly, looking at Zhao Yu's unfurious face, stammered and said:

   "Your Majesty, you call me over, do you want me to go to the land of the Supreme Profound Profound Land?

  Sima Annan finished speaking. Before Zhao Yu and Zhao Yu could speak again, the young man in white clothes directly knelt down and let out a very sad cry:

   "No, your majesty, I am old, I am not even young, you have to be pitiful and pity me, once I go to the land of the profound mystery, then my family Ruier would be so sad."

   Sima Annan burst into tears. With such a miserable appearance, the taboos who were on the alert couldn't help but look sideways. Then Zhao Yu let out a cold snort, and said with a slightly cold voice:

"No matter how brazen you are, I really want to consider sending you to the land of the profound mystery first, in order to purify the roots of the ears. I call you because this method of crossing the city requires the help of your three-phase power. ."

When Zhao Yu's words fell, Sima Annan directly climbed up from the ground, stretched out his hand and patted the snow on the white clothes, Jun Lang's face suddenly became solemn and indifferent, and then he raised his right hand, and the three-phase power of ancient and modern times turned into one. A flaming golden lotus blazed up and spoke loudly and loudly:

   "Your Majesty has an order, and his subordinates will go through the fire and water, and they will do it!"

   At this time, Sima Annan's transformation speed was so fast, and the gap between the front and the back was so amazing that even Zhao Yu had to admire the former's thick skin.

   It was extremely violent. After the earth-shaking fighting subsided, the Arctic land was restored to calm. The cold and darkness once again enveloped the wilds. In contrast, it gave people an illusion of loneliness and barrenness.

   Below the extremely northern boundary city, headed by Zhao Yu, all the taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division gathered together at the same time, including the nine-tailed celestial fox dogwood, whose curiosity has not disappeared since the beginning.

For her, walking out from the depths of Hexu Mountain, and every day after stepping into the Great Summer, she will encounter more new things than she has been in the mountains for a hundred years, and now she is directly exposed to the truth of the entire world. A sense of cognition and acquisition can hardly be described in words.

   You can see farther only if you fight high enough!

Zhu Yu also knew that when she first saw the young man in front of her a year ago, Zhao Yu didn't even have a cultivation base, but now she is sitting at the top of the vast land of China, looking down. All living beings.

The eyes of Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox Cornus are extremely gorgeous burgundy, just like two perfect amber gems in the world. At this time, the reflection of the tall and straight back in her eyes, I don’t know why , But it was extremely tall, even surpassing the huge city gate in front of the horizontal fence heaven and earth.

   This slender body, which is not burly, can withstand the unknown and terrifying place behind the city gate?

Nine-tailed celestial fox couldn't help thinking like this in her mind, and then her brows gradually stretched, because a strong confidence rose directly in her heart for no reason, not just after coming to Daxia not long ago. She, including the Radiant Army and Night Dire Division who have been following Zhao Yu until now, is equally fearless.

   Since Zhao Yu appeared before the eyes of the world, the young and invincible Emperor Fuyao has never let anyone down!

   Although the unknown can bring fear, confidence comes from being strong. At this time, Daxia is stronger than ever before, and it will become stronger faster.

Before the Arctic City, under everyone’s gaze, Li Dingshan’s eyes saw two golden camellia flowing at an unprecedented speed. Then he stretched out his right hand and gently pressed the city wall in front of him, a hoarse voice came out. :

"In my eyes, there are more than 100,000 formations on the frontier city. These formations are all-encompassing and involve countless core laws. They can be roughly divided into partition, weight, space, etc., but in In the deepest part of these formations, I saw a law that shouldn't appear."

   Li Dingshan said here, after a slight pause, he gently spit out two words:


As the words fell, strands of golden light shot out from Li Dingshan’s eyes, extending to the city wall in front of him, and then following the incomparably complex rune patterns, it gradually outlined the shape of a large array, which was a huge bloom. flower.

   "The Flower of Space Teleportation!"

After Sima Annan's solemn voice sounded, everyone's eyes condensed, because this space transmission flower is familiar to everyone. Almost every day there are countless flowers competing on the territory of the 36 prefectures in Daxia. open.

   gazed at the flower of spatial teleportation outlined by the golden pattern in front of him. Among Zhao Yu's black eyes, the color of thinking became thicker, and then a faint emperor voice came out:

   "From the avenue to the simplicity, the essence of the law will tend to be between horizontal and vertical in the end, but now that we have this flower of teleportation, it means that in terms of advancement, we will far exceed the land of the profound!"


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