
read2();  In the mouths of Daxia storytellers, in every bizarre and appalling story, there is a truth in the world, that is, the sky has eyes and the way of reincarnation.

   Justice always defeats evil.

   But in this more cruel and more complex real world, who can define what is justice and what is evil? Most of the time, it's just a different position.

   The stories in the storytelling population are all beautified, because only in this way can they be pure enough, pure good, pure evil, pure love, and pure hate.

   China’s vast Arctic land, heavy rain turned heavy snow, swayed down, perhaps even this snowflake is cherishing this extremely hard-won opportunity, and I want to stay longer at the northernmost point I have never reached.

   Under the heavy snow, the iron and blood army lined up, soaring into the sky, iron and blood gas filled the fields, but no one made any sound. Everyone silently stared at the front, the young figure standing in front of the northern boundary city of Tongtian Polar.

Zhao Yu, together with Sima Annan beside him, looked up and quietly stared at the huge gate that straddles the heavens and the earth in front of him, which isolates the entire northern boundary of the vast land of Shenzhou. In addition to the two large characters of dragon flying and phoenix dancing on both sides of this boundary city In addition, there are also extremely complicated rune outlines on the city gate, forming a huge and difficult to distinguish pattern between them.

   "Sima Annan, in the original records of the Shenji Pavilion, is there any record about this northern boundary city?"

   After a while, the faint voice of the young emperor rang out in front of the city, and then Sima Annan, who was flying in white, looked solemn, gently raised his right hand and held the city gate in front of him, and then responded:

"Your Majesty, I'm just an ordinary disciple of the Shenji Pavilion, Zhou Pavilion. Although the entire Zhou Pavilion has been passed down from generation to generation, there is still a master above me. This Arctic city is very important and has a heavenly way to cover it. This is not at my level, and Master won’t let me know about it, so this is the first time that my subordinates have come into contact with this northern border."

Sima Annan’s right palm lightly slid across the gate, but the touch feedback from the gate of the city was not as rough and cold as imagined, but extremely smooth, just like the same After soaking in the water for countless years, all the edges and corners have been washed away like a stone, which made Sima Annan's eyes flashed with a strange color, and then continued to speak:

"However, your Majesty, I have discovered one thing. My Shenji Pavilion has had two universe pavilions since ancient times, and the one that once occupied the entire Yu Pavilion is a non-human race called the Soul Race, the most obvious feature of the Soul Race. It's because there is a third eye in the middle of the eyebrows. I didn't know where these spirit races came from, and the real body of Xuemei revealed by the icefield female saint just now made my subordinates guess."

   As soon as Sima Annan’s voice fell, Zhao Yu’s response sounded directly beside him:

   "Your consciousness is these soul races in the endless mountain, do they come from the land of the Supreme Profound?

   "Eight or nine are inseparable from ten, and perhaps for the race of the Supreme Profound Land, the third eye between the eyebrows may have a vital role."

After he finished speaking, Sima Annan raised his hand and gently rubbed his smooth chin, his handsome face revealed a deep thoughtful color, and then turned his head slightly, looking at the faint light beside him, Zhao Yu made it hard to see anything. With an emotionally majestic face, he asked gently:

"Your Majesty, now the deeply hidden truth in this world is gradually emerging in front of you, and this Arctic gate that can lead to the Taixuan Land has officially entered everyone’s sight in this unexpected way. How to do it, the army stationed in the North is here?"

  As soon as this question came out, Zhao Yu did not answer immediately. Instead, he faintly looked at the Arctic City with a large number of runes in front of him, and asked a question gently:

   "Sima Annan, do you think that once this city is completely blasted away by the Taixuan Land behind, how long can the 200,000 soldiers of the Northern Army hold this northern boundary city under a massive invasion?"

The young emperor’s question fell, not only Sima Annan, but also the Radiant Nightmare Taboos standing behind fell into deep thought. Then Sima Annan’s face changed for a while, and after a while, he bowed his head and spoke. Responded:

   "Your Majesty, there is no way for your subordinates to judge this."

"Yeah, if it is true as the female saint of the ice plain said, the vast land of China that I am waiting for is just a fairy island that sank tens of thousands of years ago in the land of the supreme mysterious, then the only thing we can know is that the area of ​​the entire land of the supreme mysterious will be It is countless times larger than the world where I am waiting, and in many cases, a large area represents a crush on resources, whether it is spiritual cultivation or population."

After Zhao Yu finished speaking, he gently lifted his right hand, extended a slender finger, and pointed it on the rune pit in the Arctic City in front of him, and then gently moved along the rune trajectory, accompanied by the movement of the young emperor’s fingers. , A large amount of pure and incomparable silver light began to slowly light up along the runes on the entire door.

The rich silver light pierced the cold and darkness of the entire Arctic, and discarded a large number of other complicated runes, only circling quickly along the main branch, and then under the gaze of a pair of eyes, one occupies the entire northern sky. Huge rune patterns are slowly revealed in the world.

   It was a huge eye, and everyone present was no stranger to it, because they had seen it before.

   Cangtian Taoist eyes!

   "There is a heavenly Taoist eye carved on the northern boundary city!"

Sima Annan’s horrified voice then sounded, and the faces of the taboos behind Zhao Yu also suddenly changed. Then the young emperor looked up at the huge eye and lips that connected the heaven and the earth and represented the incarnation of the supreme will of heaven. Wei Zhang, the emperor Huang Huang's voice came out:

"The unknown will bring fear. The more mysterious and the more guessing, the deeper the fear will be. For the vast land of China, the greater Taixuan land is undoubtedly unknown. I don’t know what it is. How strong, or how many saints compete with Sun, so this is the source of fear."

   Speaking of this, Zhao Yu paused for a few breaths, then a rather mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the faint divine voice continued to sound in the sky:

   "In fact, it is interesting that not only I waited to be afraid, even it began to fear."

When    the emperor's voice fell, Zhao Yu raised his right hand and pointed to the sky. Then, under the incredible expressions of everyone, a slightly stern voice, directly resounding like thunder:

"On this world city, the eye of heaven is portrayed, so as long as the way of heaven does not allow, no one on the vast land of Shenzhou can see this city gate, so in other words, it appears in the land of the profound In the face of unstoppable variables, the vast land of Shenzhou is destined to be in line with the land of the Supreme Profound, so Heaven is afraid, fearful."

   Before the emperor's voice fell, the entire night sky of the far north that had finally calmed down, suddenly lightning flashed and thunderstorms, like a very angry voice roaring.

   Immediately after the thunderstorm raged wildly, like a doomsday scene, Zhao Yu's complexion became more and more cold, and then Yang Tian asked:

   "You are scared, and don't know what to do, just hit [笔趣阁] to count on me?"

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