
read2();  Ice Field Girl Saint Han Yingri, since the disappearance of His Majesty Taizu, Daxia, the only land wonderland known to the world, is also the final belief of countless snowmen in the entire northern snowfield.

In the past thirty years, it has represented the realm of the sage that the monk of the vast land of China dreamed of, a living land god, but at this time, just as her face was hidden, the dazzling light of maintaining the majesty of the saint was broken by Zhao Yu waved In that way, all of her glory faded away.

In fact, a year ago, at the Phoenix Terrace of the Baidi Palace, this female saint once pulled down the light in front of Princess Wu Zhao Xiu to show her respect. Apart from the white skin of ice and snow, her appearance can only be described as ordinary, thin. The lips, the too narrow eyes, especially between the eyes, are extraordinarily wide.

  If you observe carefully, you will find that the appearance of the female saint of ice is quite different from the rough-faced snowmen or the exquisite human race, full of a sense of disharmony.

   Then the ice-field female sage, who was a bit taller than the average adult Daxia man, looked at Zhao Yu who stood quietly in front of him, and slowly said:

   "More than a year has passed, your majesty has become stronger and stronger, and he has become more and more domineering and majestic."

   "That's because I don't like what I did. As an emperor, I can understand it, but understanding does not mean that I can agree."

A calm and majestic response came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor with slightly frowned brows swept across the icefield female saint's body with black eyes like ebony, close to the few people in the far north boundary city. , First stayed on Li Dingshan, Yunxuan Tuoba for a moment, then stared at the unconscious mountain and the ice coffin with Han Wenyue lying on it, and continued to speak:

"You and Guan Zhengqing. To put it bluntly, you are paving the way for people. Guan Zhengqing can understand it, but you, the female saint, are willing to pay such a high price for this little girl, and you have to send her back to the place behind the door. It makes me a little surprised."

   "Her identity is not ordinary, more important than me!"

After    the solemn voice of the female sage of the ice field came out, she stared at Zhao Yu's eyes not far in front, and continued to speak very seriously:

"The young Lord of Great Xia, the little princess in the ice coffin can't return to the Supreme Profound Land in a day, and the people there will not stop searching for a day. Now the existence of this world city has been affected by the Supreme Profound Land. Everyone knows that sooner or later it will be opened, maybe ten years, or tomorrow."

   The words of the female saint of ice fell, and the temperature of the entire North Pole suddenly dropped by a few points, but Zhao Yu's complexion remained unchanged, and he just shook his head slightly and responded:

   "Since this world city was born, no matter whether the person in this ice coffin returns to the Taixuan land behind the door, this door will be opened sooner or later. This, my door is clear."

   Although Zhao Yu's remarks were plain and unwavering, the representation behind it was a heaviness far beyond anyone's imagination.

   It was a violent collision between two completely different worlds, different civilizations, and perhaps different races!

The alien races of the human race and the solar empire only have intersections in the endless mountain region, but they have caused a deep hatred engraved in the bones that has been conquered for countless years, and once the world city is completely opened in front of them, the bones of death, Stacked together, it is absolutely necessary to surpass this extremely northern boundary city, which has already reached the sky.

   Regardless of the vast land of Shenzhou, or the Great Xia Dynasty, the Taixuan land behind the gate, this is a catastrophe!

For the creatures under the great road, destruction and death are far easier than peaceful mutual assistance. The female saint of Icefield, who originally came from the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, clearly understood this truth deeply, so after Zhao Yu finished speaking, she She fell into a short silence, and then she raised her right hand, and slightly touched her eyebrows, and then a cold voice came out:

   "Emperor Fuyao, the deity is also a person in the land of the profound mystery, naturally it is impossible to tell you the whole situation behind the door, because this represents the first move, which is the same as if you don't let me leave."

Before the words of the female sage of the ice field, her whole body started from the center of her eyebrows, and released a wisp of white light. This white light was not dazzling, but like a light flowing along the dense and complex runes, in a blink of an eye The entire body of the ice maiden was covered, and immediately after the female sage's skin under the white light, ice crystals began to fall outward, like an egg peeled off, the most authentic appearance of the ice maiden suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

It was a tall woman with a silvery white body and a piece of crystal-clear ice and snow carved all over her body. On the forehead of the female saint of ice, there was a dark blue third eye, making the whole person extremely holy and possessed A sense of lofty luxury, and at the same time a colder voice came out:

   "The land of Taixuan, Xuemei Shangguo, the fifth statue is on Han Yingri, I have seen Emperor Daxia Fuyao!"

The female saint of ice, who is completely exposed, is strange in appearance, but it gives people a very strange beauty, because it is like an exquisite work of art carved out of ice by the whole world. This beauty does not lie in it. The beauty and ugliness of appearance, but an infinite approach to the law of the Dao.

   In other words, the race that the ice female saint belongs to is naturally the darling of the law of ice and snow.

   "Are you Xuemei?"

Suddenly, a hoarse and thick voice sounded from behind Zhao Yu, and then the burly body was like a hill of lava boasting. The dark red eyes were filled with deep doubts and thoughts at first, but then, that distant and incomparable memory was like a blowout. A brain came out in his mind, and the tyrannical color in the lava boasting eyes grew stronger.

Then the huge body that the lava boasted was like a hot erupting volcano, and a series of extremely hot orange-red lava began to burst out of her body, encircling her whole body, and it happened to be opposite to the ice holy female sage with frosty light flowing across her body. Echoing each other.

The next breath, the lava stared at the front, raised his leg and took a sudden step forward. With it as the center, the entire Arctic land and the void began to squeak and evaporate, and then the former opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar. The hoarse and harsh voice rolled out:

   "Unexpectedly, tens of thousands of years have passed, I can still see Er Deng Xuemei such a lowly traitor!"

When the roaring sound was rising into the sky with infinite heat like a volcano, the body covered with lava instantly soared outwards, and the surface of the whole body began to be covered with reddish-brown magma stone armor, directly turning into an ancient statue standing on top of the earth. giant.

   At the same time, the vast and endless aura directly poured down towards the ice sage below. The extreme high temperature even vaporized the ice that had been condensed for countless years in the entire Arctic City ahead, forming a column of white smoke like a tornado.

   Then, under the smoky smoky sage, she looked at the lava giant that appeared at that moment, her complexion changed drastically, and she blurted out:

   "How is it possible that the Long Bo Kingdom has been destroyed, and all the ancient giants in the Supreme Profound Land have been slaughtered, how can there be lava giants!"


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