
read2();   Someone once said that the whole vast world may be a city. People in the city want to get out of the city, and people outside the city want to enter the city, but this is a gate that separates it Two worlds have been created, and there has been a completely different development trajectory between the two.

   Above the gate of the vast Arctic land of China, an unknown being uttered a word like a dragon.

   "No one asks if I want to be too Xuan, I hope there is a fairy palace behind the door."

Behind the word   , it represents deep helplessness, because the person who mentioned the poem cannot open this door, and naturally cannot enter the city behind that door.

   But this person still has the idea of ​​a beautiful vision, thinking that the Taixuan land behind this gate is the supreme fairy palace where the fairy sage walks everywhere in the legend, with unimaginable opportunities.

   However, this world is far more cruel than the world imagined. Behind this door is the legendary Taixuan Land, but it is a more cruel and more realistic quagmire of flesh and blood.

  The sea of ​​anger is rolling, and the wind is cold. The squally wind above the North Sea in the land of the profound mystery is like a knife, whistling above the void.

Under the howling of the cold wind, a large wooden ship undulates up and down with the waves. The hull of this ship is covered with mottled scratches, which looks extremely miserable, and after the cold wind blows like a blade, it is rich. The **** smell spread directly from the ship.

On the big wooden ship, hundreds of figures covered in black robes stood on the deck. The cold wind from all directions blew the overcoats on these figures backwards, revealing the underside of the black robes. A body covered with dense black scales.

At the forefront of the deck, an exceptionally burly figure, with one hand holding a young man who is struggling, and the other hand slowly drawn out from the chest of the latter, suddenly blood splashed, and the young man’s body was covered with The shaking became more intense, and the vitality in his eyes dissipated completely.

   "I didn't expect that above the North Sea in the land of the profound mystery, there should be human races. I originally thought this human race had disappeared from the world."

   A faint hoarse voice sounded from behind the head of the person, and then the particularly burly figure on the deck raised his hand, staring at the still hot red heart in his right hand, and slowly responded:

"The land of Tai Xuan is vast and vast, and it is not surprising that the human race survived, and I have faintly heard that in the corner of the land near the North Sea, there was a secret gathering place of human races before, but we went out of the North Sea a few days ago. For the big event, a large number of races and countries in the Taixuan Land have sent people to come, and this human gathering place has naturally become a sweet pastry.

   "There are no bones left after being swallowed within a few days, so I guessed that the human race on the broken ship was the survivor who fled from the gathering place and sought refuge in the North Sea."

After the voice of this figure fell, he swallowed the scarlet heart in his hand directly into his mouth. During chewing, a large amount of heart blood flowed out from between the sharp teeth, and then continued to spread out with a fascinating voice. Out:

   "The heart of this human race is really as delicious as a legend, and it is infinitely memorable. I never thought that I and the North Sea Liupi would have such a blessing to share. It is necessary to know that the nobles of those big countries may have the opportunity to try it once in this life."

After the hoarse voice fell, he looked around and saw that on the deck of the wooden ship, the corpses lying on the ground were all cruelly dug out of the heart, and the cold and freezing on the deck The blood is like a **** amber with a strange and tragic beauty.

   "Beihai has not been peaceful recently. I have to hide when I finish this ticket today, otherwise, once the heavyweights come, one hand can pinch me to death."

   The voice fell, and the atmosphere above the entire deck suddenly condensed, and a trace of tyrannical murder came from under the silhouettes covered by these robes, and then behind the headed person, another figure continued to speak:

"Although the Wuxian Mountain in the North Sea was under pressure ten thousand years ago, and there were even a large number of masterminds, since the battle with Longbo Kingdom, it has begun to decline rapidly, and now, except for me, The sea robbers that are unable to gain a foothold on the mainland are even extremely rare, but recently, for some unknown reason, the whole thing has suddenly become the center of the entire Profound Sky, which is really weird!"

"It is said to be related to the two sunken islands tens of thousands of years ago. There are rumors that some great practitioners have discovered clues to the ancient immortal mountains Daiyu and Yuanqiao. Therefore, all the ambitious forces in the entire Taixuan land are moving openly and secretly by listening to the wind. ."

   "The gods fight, the mortals suffer, and this time they finally caught the ship, but I didn't expect it to be a wooden boat of the human race without any oil and water. It's really bad luck for the mother!"

The curse sounded from behind the leader, and then the North Sea drifting thief leader turned his head directly, his tyrannical aura flashed away, and hundreds of people behind Na Moyo directly closed their mouths, holding their breaths, and then everyone's ears , The stern voice of the leader of the thief:

   "Before these big forces left the North Sea, you and others were hiding in the nest under the sea. Who would dare to slip out and cause trouble, don't blame me for wanting to chop off your head first!"

After he finished speaking, the leader swam to the edge of the deck and jumped directly into the rolling icy water. Then one after another pirates jumped into the water and disappeared, and through these robes. At the bottom, you can even see the tails of snakes that are shaking. These snake tails are covered with scales, leaving wet marks on the devastated deck.

For a long time afterwards, this uncontrolled, dilapidated wooden ship was drifting with the waves in the huge waves of the North Sea, up and down, and the turbulent wave slapped on the deck full of corpses. The blood rushed down with the corpse, and the pungent smell of blood attracted a large number of strange animals in the sea to follow the ship.

   Suddenly, the deck of the big ship near the edge was bounced outwards by a force, revealing a dark hole below, and a stench of rotting fish rose into the sky.

After a while, a head slowly emerged from the hole under the deck. The owner of the head had a short hair and a face covered with dirt, which made people unable to distinguish between men and women, but his dark eyes could see it. He was so young that he glanced around the deck vigilantly. After seeing no one staying, he let out a sigh of relief, and then said:

   "Those who have been stolen away, hurry out and get some fresh air."

   His voice fell, and two more heads emerged from the entrance of the cave, both of them were covered with dirt and were very young. They opened their mouths and breathed, and suddenly one of them uttered an immature exclamation:


After that, the three heads turned their heads directly and looked behind them. At the end of the rolling waves, a huge shadow suddenly appeared, like a continent slowly rising from below the sea surface, completely occupying the entire sea level. , And as the shadow approached, the entire wave rolled even more, and the appearance of the shadow gradually became clear.

   That is a big ao that is guarded by countless ships, swimming slowly!


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